Luke didn't stop insisting until she agrees with him. Luke drives her. He finally knows where she lives. Before she comes out in his car, he opened his mouth to speak to her.
"You don't have to hide with me, Nina. You should tell me where you live because sooner you'll be my wife, right? We'll exchange vows. You'll marry me, Nina," Luke said, reminding her that she shouldn't hide anything to him because she'll marry him. Everything she hides would be known by him, and there's no room for it.
She closed her eyes for a few seconds and opened it. She drew a very deep breath before she answers him.
"I'm not hiding anything from you, Luke. Don't accuse me with that false accusation about hiding anything. You don't know what's going on with me," she said sarcastically. "Thanks for driving me here, anyway."
As she said that, she quickly opened the door of his car and left him without saying goodbye. Luke breathes deeply and touches his forehead. He watched her entering the building of the condo unit where she lives. When she disappeared from his eyes, he slowly opened the engine of his car and leave the place to go back to their mansion.
Nina went to her best friend Mia. She reported to her best friend that their wedding will take place next month. She wasn't excited for that wedding, instead she was excited of the revenge she would have against them.
"Congratulations to you and good luck, Nina. Are you excited to that wedding, huh?" Mia asked, grinning at her best friend Nina who gave her a disgusting look.
"I'm not excited, Mia. Who would be excited to marry the man you don't love, huh? Who would be happy to marry the man I hated the most! His dad killed my beloved father and you know that! They're my enemies. I'm marrying the person I treated as my enemy!" Nina said sarcastically.
She's full of hatred and pain inside her heart because of what happened to her beloved father three years ago. She had in mind that she can no longer bring her beloved father in life, but this time she really wants the justice to be served completely. Three years have passed, but there's no justice for the death of her beloved father.
Mia nods quickly. "I know. I know that you hated them. I know that you treated them as your enemies. But I just want to—" she cut her off.
"I know what you want to say to me. You don't have to say it, please. Thanks for saying good luck to me, Mia. I know that you love me as your best friend. I love you too. Thanks for always being here with me. I want you to be with me on the wedding day next month," Nina told her best friend Mia.
Mia smiled widely. "You're always welcome. I'll always be there for you, Nina," she said. "I love you, my best friend."
Luke's parents announced the wedding to their relatives, friends, and other colleagues. They had a party for that. Nina didn't attend that party. She made an excuse to them. She doesn't want to attend that party because she thought that it's full of negativity. She hates the people there and it's painful to seeing them happy while she's dying inside—she's still in sorrow and pain of losing her beloved father. Luke's parents didn't complain as they heard her excuses that she had an important errand that night.
Luke bought a new wedding gown for her. They bought their wedding rings. Luke paid all the expenses. Nina didn't waste her money for that wedding preparation. Why would she waste her money for that wedding? She doesn't want that wedding, right? She's only doing it to avenge and have the justice for the death of her beloved father. She would never marry him if it's not about that.
"Where do you want to eat dinner?" Luke asked her. They're walking towards the parking area.
"I'll eat dinner in my condo," she said coldly and looked away.
Luke grimaced bitterly as he heard her answer. "Nina, I just want to eat dinner before I drive you to your condo unit. I'm starving. Aren't you starving too?" he asked her.
Nina sighed. "I'm starving, but I want to eat dinner in my condo unit. I don't want to eat at the restaurant," she said hardly.
Luke nodded. "Okay, fine. If you want to eat in your condo unit, I'll buy food for our dinner and we'll eat there. I'll eat with you, Nina."
Nina's eyes got bigger as she heard his answer to her. "W-what? What did you say? You want to eat dinner in my condo unit, huh?! Are you serious, Luke?!" Nina asked him.
Luke shook his head. "Oh, yeah. I want to eat dinner with you in your condo unit tonight. You don't need to complain, okay?" Luke said and gave her a smile.
Nina was surprised as she felt his hands grabbing her right hand and he quickly opened the door of his car and let her enters it. "Get inside my car. I'll buy food for our dinner." He winks at her.
Nina couldn't speak as she hears him saying that word. Her mouth left open.
She enters his car without saying anything, she sits in front beside him in the driver's seat. She didn't protest to him anymore. Luke quickly enters his car and drive away from that place. He bought food for their dinner and brought it to her condo unit. He'll eat dinner with her.
Nina doesn't want to bring him to her condo unit, but her only choice is to bring him without any complain. They're both silent as they entered the elevator going to the floor where her unit can be found. It's his first time to see the unit of the woman he'll marry soon.
"This is my condo unit," Nina said as they entered her unit. "I lived here for almost three years. I'm alone here."
Luke heard it, so he quickly shook his head and said, "I know that you're alone living in this condo unit, but it's okay with me."
She narrowed her eyes. "Huh? Do you mean it's okay with you to leave me here alone, huh? Is that what you mean, Luke?" Nina asked him.
"Of course not. What I mean is—"
"What?!" She exclaimed evilly.
Luke didn't answer her, but instead he brought his face closer to her and kisses her on the lips. Nina's eyes widened. She couldn't believe that he would kiss her lips very surprisingly. He only kisses her for a few seconds to shut her mouth. Nina darkened her face. She's about to slap his handsome face, but he grabbed it away from him. Luke is so strong, so she couldn't able to move her hands.
"How dare you to kiss me! What the fuck?! I'll kill you for kissing me, Luke!" Nina snorted angrily. "Get out of my sight! I don't want to see you here! You're maniac!"
"I'm not a maniac, Nina. I kissed you to stop you from talking nonsense. I want to shut up your mouth," Luke said smoothly. Nina could feel his warm breath. Her heart is pounding so fast as she remembers his lips.
"So what are you, huh?! What do you call that?! You're a maniac! Is it not like that, huh?! You can't change it. Fuck you!" Nina blurted out as she gritted her teeth. "I'll kill you for kissing me!"
Luke eyed her seriously. "Forget it, please, Nina. I've done it already. I kissed you and you can't change it. It'll be part of history," Luke said.
"W-what?! It'll be part of history, huh?! Asshole! I don't know what's going on your mind and you're saying that to me! You're weird. You're crazy. Are you taking drugs, huh?!" Nina snarled at him angrily.
"Of course not. I'm not taking drugs. It's not good you know. It's not good to our health, right? I'm not crazy. I'm not even weird. You have to accept it that I kissed your lips. You should accept that kiss, Nina. We're going to marry each other soon and we could kiss in front of the people, and you should practice how to kiss me as your soon to be husband. Do you understand me?" Luke told her, but she gave him a disgruntled look.
"Fuck you!" She hissed. Minutes had passed before she speaks to him again. "You should go back to the place where you belong, please. Get out of my sight! I don't want to see you tonight. Please! Leave me now! Can you understand what I'm trying to say?!" Nina shouted in his face.
Luke gasped. He looked at her eyes directly and said, "No, I can't go back to our mansion as of this moment. We haven't eaten yet our dinner, Nina. Let's eat dinner first before I go back to our mansion. I want to eat here. We should forget what happened moments ago. It happened already. We can't change it. My lips touched yours."
Nina would punch him, but she didn't continue it. She turned back and left him without saying anything. She went to the kitchen and prepare the food he bought for their dinner. She had no choice, but to let him eat with her. He won't go back to his mansion without eating dinner with her tonight. Luke followed her in the kitchen. He tried to help her, but she said no to him. She can do it without his help. Luke listened to her. He didn't help her out that. He waited for her to finish.
"Shall we eat now?" He asked her as she finished preparing it. He's grinning at her. But Nina narrowed her eyes.
She rolled her eyes and sighed deeply.
"If you're starving you can eat now. I don't want you to blame me if you get an ulcer. Blame no one, but yourself," Nina said sarcastically. "Do you understand me, huh?!"
"I wouldn't eat dinner if you won't eat with me tonight. I want us to eat dinner together. Let's eat dinner, Nina. You should join me please," he said. "Do you want me to kiss you again on your lips?" He chuckled.
"Kiss your face!" She snorted angrily.
Luke replied, "I'm kidding. We should eat now before the food gets cold."