After another long week, I'm still here.
I should be in my dorm, at college, partying and doing whatever I want.
Hell I'd rather even be in a class right now, but no I'm here in a crib being tortured by my ex girlfriend.
I sigh and sit up feeling another wet diaper in between my legs.
"What is wrong with me? I've been able to hold it less and less everyday."
Alright another day of babying, today I'm going to crank it up a notch. Kaylee won't want a baby after today. I stretch and let out my signature whine.
Kaylee walks into the room and already starts baby talking me. Gross! It's okay Landon smile just smile.
"How's mommy's little boy huh? Who has a wet diaper? My little boy does yes he does."
I giggle and reach up for her. Alright here we go.
She lifts me up and lays me on the changing table.
"Aw mommy's boy is so cute yes he is."
She starts untaping my diaper, when I start kicking and screaming.
"Baby what's wrong!? Shh it's okay, mommys almost done."
I keep kicking and squirming, she still manages to change me and lifts me up, rubbing my back.
I cry louder.
"Shh is my baby feeling icky today? Mommy will take care of that."
I go limp in her arms and shut my mouth fast. Take care of that? I'm fine I just-
"Here you go baby."
She shoves a spoonful of red liquid in my mouth. I spit it out all over her and the floor.
"Landon I know it doesn't taste good but we don't spit it out and it'll make you all better."
She shoves another spoonful deep in my mouth and I swallow it without realizing.
"Good boy! Want some breakfast baby? Juice?"
Why is she being so nice lately, cause I'm actually being a baby? I shake my head no and just rest my head on her shoulder.
"Aw you're burning up baby, let's take a bath and get all this yucky medicine off us."
I squirm and try to get down.
Woah! she is not giving me a bath! Although it's been like 8 days..No Landon don't give into this.
Kaylee snaps me out of my thoughts and sticks me in a tub. How the hell did she do that so fast?
"Here baby, here's some bath toys, mommy will be right back."
I lean back and dunk my head under the hot water. This does feel good. I come back up and rub my eyes.
After a few blinks of getting water out, I open them up and see Kaylee naked in front of me. My jaw drops.
"I thought it be easier to get clean together, looks like my baby likes that idea too."
I smirk loving the view and the warmth of the water.
"Here baby let me wash you."
Kaylee smiles and I can hear her put some soap on her hands. She reaches over and starts to rub the soap all over my back and chest. I tense up but her light kisses on my neck relax me.
This actually feels ..nice. Someone washing me..taking care of me. I've never been treated like this before..
"Does the baby likes mommy's hands on him?"
She whispers in my ear, my body starting to tingle. I involuntary lean back against her.
"Let's get that hair clean hmm?"
I let out a relaxed sigh, her hands massaging my scalp.
"Oh wow this is good."
Kaylee giggles at my impulsive remark. Oh no don't slip Landon!
I close my eyes as the water falls over my head. This is amazing.
"What a good boy you are!"
She giggles and kisses my wet lips.
"C-can I wash you too?"
At least if I can touch her a would make this whole situation better.
Kaylee nodds, smiling as I begin to wash her body.
"Wow you're such a good helper little guy!"
I nodd and sit back down against her after her body is washed.
"Now why don't you play with some toys as mommy washes her hair!"
I nodd as I watch her. Maybe this isn't so bad...Maybe