Landon didn't expect his past to come back to haunt him, he thought he'd never have to see his ex girlfriend Kaylee agai...
Wake Up Little Boy
"Hello?!" I scream. "Is anyone there?! Where the am I?"
I wake up in a dark room, my arms tied above my head to what look like bars. My vision is blury and I feel so weak. I try to call out again, but nothing.
Let me start from the beginning, of how I got here and all. Oh yeah. I don't know either! Here's all I can tell you. My names Landon, I'm 19 and I should be packing for college right now. I'm suppose to be leaving in a month, but I passed out drunk at some party and now I'm stuck in a dark room.
"I swear to God if you guys are pulling some prank you're so dead!"
I usually wake up with a badly drawn penis on my head, or get waken up with an ice bucket of water. This is a new low. Tied to some bars?
"Let me out of here!"
I scream as loud as I can and stop when I hear a door creak and see a figure walk in.
"Mason! I swear to-"
My screams are muffled with some rubber thing. What the-.. I spit it out. I try to adjust my eyes from the pitch black to a new bright light.
"What was that?!"
"Somebody better tell me what's going on!"
The figure leans down to me and I try to blink my eyes fast to fix my vision. It looks like a girl. A girl? Was this a one night stand?! What happened last night?..
"Hello there, little boy" She whispers slowly. "Is someone awake? Need a change?"
Little boy? I'm no little boy lady.
"Who are you?! Where am I?!"
She laughs and slips the rubber thing back in my mouth. Placing a piece of tape over it.
"Hush now baby boy, mommy doesn't want a cranky baby now does she?" She coos and rubs her cold hand across my head.
"Mmmmph!" Is all I could get out, but what I really meant to say was what are you talking about! You're not my mom. Is this a joke? I tried to throw some rated R sentences in there but still nothing could be made out.
"Aw my baby's confused huh?" She laughs and presses her hand against my crotch.
This has to be some girl I hooked up with at the party and now things have gone too far. My instincts make me move up into her hand. I feel my body hit against something.. fluffy? It's not my boxers.
I shift my body as much as it can when it hits me ..is this a diaper?! a Diaper. I'm in a diaper.
She giggles and removes her hand. "Can't get you too excited now little boy, we have to keep that diaper clean." The vague image popped in my idea of what she was hinting at and I did NOT like it.
IA diaper. This woman put me in a diaper. I try to scream again but it comes out as muffled babbles.
"You don't remember me do you Landon? Or can you just not see still? Or maybe you're still just a self centered jerk?"
I feel a hard slap hit across my face. I can't help but tear up.
"Aw you are just a baby huh? Can't even take a slap?"
You bitch who are you? My eyes water up more. Mostly out of pain but also this girl knows me. This girl hates me. I don't like where this is going.
"You see Landon." She presses her cold hand against my red hand marked cheek. "You screwed me over so many times in high school, teased me non-stop, had every one of my boyfriends dump me, framed me for things I didn't do, let's not forget cheated on me and well the list goes on."
She punches me hard on my crotch and thats when the tears started falling.
"Come on Landon, you're such a big man aren't you? The jock? The popular kid? I told you I'd get you back one day sweetie, my sweet little Landy!"
Another punch to the groin. After the searing pain died down that's when it finally hit me. Landy? Only one person ever called me that. Kaylee. It's Kaylee. The tears benefited my eyes and my vision cleared. I looked up at my ex. Tears dripping down my face laying in nothing but a diaper. I realize now I'm tied in a crib. A crib. She untapes what I see to be a pacifier and looks down at me.
"Well little boy? Is everything making sense now?"
I'm flooded with so many emotions, so many things to say.
"Screw you, you bitch." Is all I could let out. Dammit Landon.
"Now now little boy, no need to be upset, mommys here." She chuckles and pushes the pacifier back in my mouth, taping it down again. "You're going to be my baby, you're going to stay here with me and be mommy's little bundle of joy." She laughs and starts to walk out.
"Sweet, sweet revenge." She shuts the lights out and closes the door.
What just happened?