The four of us walked into school together,Stephanie looked totally transformed. Her hair was curled and bouncy instead of the usual straight ponytail.She was rocking a baby pink cropped top with a flower print high waisted flared skit paired with pink high heeled platform sandals. She looked amazing.
She was already pretty,she just lacked confidence and her self esteem was practically nonexistent...I guess that's partially our fault but whatever.
As we walked into school,everyone stopped and stared. No one would have guessed that we would befriend Stephanie. As we walked in I saw Archer and he was smirking at us,making me roll my eyes.
"So we'll see you during break." We said to Stephanie since we didn't have classes with her before break
I had a free period before closing so I went to the football field,took out my phone and got busy doing nothing in particular.
"Are you always on your phone?" A voice behind me asked
"You know Archer,if you keep this up I'm going to start thinking you're stalking me." I said with a small smile
"Am I that obvious?" He asked with a smirk
'You are such a flirt."
"I've been told."
"What are you doing here?" I asked
"Skipping class,you?"
"Free period. I should have known you weren't the type of person to attend classes." I told him
"What do you mean by that?" He asked
"I mean you have a bad boy reputation to uphold,don't you?"
"Well I'm surprised you bother attending classes. Aren't you meant to be a bad girl?"
"I have grades to uphold,thank you very much. Some of us want to pass." I told him and he rolled his eyes.
"So...what's up with you and Stephanie? Rumor has it that she sat with you guys at lunch." He said
"Well, I took your advice and we decided to befriend her. Why?" I asked
"Nothing,I just didn't think I'll see you all walk into school together." He told me
"Well she's not that bad." I said searching my bag for my packet of chocolate chip cookies.
"Oh,you eat cookies?" He asked surprised
"Doesn't everyone?" I asked confused
"Well I thought you'd be one of those girls who enjoy eating leaves and all. You know cause it's 'good for the figure'"
"Please, I love junk food more than anything on earth but that doesn't mean I don't eat healthy...I'm not sharing my cookies with you." I told him and he smirked
"Didn't expect you to."
The next dat at school right before closing I got a detention for the dumbest reason ever. Apparently I was rude when Mrs. Baxter was talking to me. I'm sorry but I'm not responsible for what my face does when you talk!
So I was there sitting in the classroom,waiting for the stupid detention to be over. I swear it was like someone knew I was already upset and was making time go slower to piss me off. Finally it was over and I went outside. Gen and Liv had already gone and since we came with Liv's car and Stephanie had also gone so I had to call the chauffeur to come and pick me up. As it was ringing, a horn sounded in front of me.i looked up and saw (you guessed it) Archer in his Rolls Royce.
"You really shouldn't stand there. Come on,let me take you home." I thought about it then hung up and walked to the passenger's seat.
"Oh no thank you?" He asked me once I entered
"No, I don't think so." I said
"Bitch." He muttered under his breath
"Excuse me?"
"Why did you burp?" I asked. But he just smiled (that overly adorable/heart melting smile)and drove off.
"How do you know where I live?" I asked him in surprise as he went through the front gate.
"You don't want to know." Fair enough.
He dropped me at the front door and as I was walking towards the door I stopped and turned.
"You can come in if you want."
"Aren't the parents at home?" He asked
"Nope. They're in New York."
"Okay." He said after a while.
"If you could change one thing about yourself,what would it be?" We were in my bedroom and laying on the bed. I was with my head down the side so my hair was touching the floor
"Hmmm...I'm not really sure, I mean there is nothing that should be changed. Look at me,I'm gorgeous!" He said
"Please,there's only one good thing about your body,it's not as ugly as your face."
"Oh ha ha-"
"Well well well,what do we have here."