"I have to say, we look fantastic in black."
"Please, we look good in everything."
Liv was wearing a black spaghetti-strap cropped top,black high-waisted jeans ripped at the knees and black ankle boots. Her hair was down and straightened.
Gen was wearing a black off-the-shoulders play suit with black Nikes. Her hair was down and curled.
I was wearing a black top which it tied at the back,black short shorts and black Skechers . My hair was in a messy top bun(too lazy).
"Shall we?" I asked.
"We shall."
We got to Lily's mansion 9ish. When we got there the music was blaring.
"I'm going to find Micheal and get drunk. Yell if you need me!"Gen said walking away.
"Well she's gone,and I can't stay with you, you're boring." Liv said to me heartlessly.
"Gee thanks." I said sarcastically. At that moment a drunk guy shoved Liv who fell on me.
"Watch where you're going freak!" I said to the guy.
"And if I don't?"
"I can assure you that you will regret it." Liv said to him.
"Oh really? What you gonna do?" He said shoving Liv again.
She grabbed his arm and twisted it to the back.
"Listen, we're wearing all black to remind you not to mess with us cause we're already dresses for your funeral. So if you're not as dumb as you look walk away." I told him slowly.
"Whatever." He said then Liv released him and he walked away.
Liv had ditched me and Gen was somewhere probably eating some random guy's face and I was was all alone,not that I minded. I was out at the back sitting on a swing and going through my Instagram account.
"Mind if I join?" I looked up to see Archer White, the hottest guy in the whole school (because every high school should have one).
"Not stopping you." I said.
Archer was ridiculously tall(I'm talking 6 feet 2 inches), wavy brown hair,grayish-blue eyes,perfectly tanned skin and a just-the-right-amount-of-buff body and his jaw line was...damn! In other words, he was gorgeous.
"Thought you were going to to yell." He said.
'Why?" I asked him confused.
"Well,after everything with the new girl I figured you didn't like people sitting with you?"
"It's not like that. She interrupted our conversation,and...well,we just don't like it when people sit on our table. Plus,Olivia is a germophobe so..."I explained
"Why were you so mean to her, I mean she's new."
"It's not my fault she's a thick skulled moron with the IQ of a teacup."
"Damn girl thats mean!" He laughed.
"Well it's true. Bitch should have left when we told her to."
"Quick question, why are you and your friends so...bitchy?" He asked.
"No,we aren't." I defended.
"Yes you are!"
"No we aren't!"
"You told everyone in school how Danielle lost her virginity,you put red paint in Laura's swimsuit to make it look like she was on her period,you poured itching powder all over Sophie cause she wore the same shirt as Genesis,you told everyone about Ryan's relationship with Ms.Green and made her lose her job,you told the whole school that Jessica was a lesbian,you 'accidentally' let it slip that Luke was transgender,you put strawberries in Chelsea's pie even though you knew she was allergic,you threw Gretchen's clothes in the pool cause you thought it was a crime against fashion... do you need me to continue?"
"We sound horrible when you say it like that." I said.
At that moment Liv came supporting a drunk Genesis.
"Moni!!" Gen yelled and threw herself at me.
"Gosh she is so heavy. Hey Archer." Liv said and he greeted her.
"Ugh don't touch me,you're a people! Liv says to not touch people." Gen said as he tried lifting her from his leg where she had fallen after she had thrown herself at me (literally.)
"Come on Genny, lets get you home." Liv said pulling her off me.
"Hold up! I have a joke for you." She began giggling before continuing, "It's totally hilarious! Okay deep breath...hahahahahahahaha...okay,what do you call a girl with one leg and no crutches?"
"I don't know,what?"
"It's...Eileen! Get it? Eileen as in I lean?" But she saw our confused expressions and sighed.
"You're soooooo stupid." Then it dawned on me;I lean Eileen.
"Ohhh,I get it."
"See she gets it." She giggled again before collapsing on Archer.
"I said don't touch me! You're a people!" She complained before looking up. "Damn you're a fine people." He smirked in response before saying.
"I know." Cocky bastard.
"Oh my gosh! You have pretty cheeks!" She fawned and Liv and I sighed simultaneously.
"You're driving." Liv tossed me the keys and walked away with Gen.