It was Saturday and the girls,Archer,Ronald and I were going to watch Marvel:End Game(I love marvel movies). I was wearing black ripped jeans a white spaghetti strap and a jean jacket paired with white adidas superstars. My hair was in a messy top bun.
We(Liv,Gen and I) arrived forty minutes later. There we met the two boys.
"You came!" They sounded surprised
'We promised...we don't break our promises."
'Common lets go!" Gen yelled
It. Was. Awesome. Everything about the movie was...perfect (kinda sad about Tony Stark though)
"Hey lets go to the park over there!" Gen yelled running towards the park and Liv ran after her(she's thinks she's responsible for her).
"I think I should follow them." Ronald said running after them
"Aren't you going with them?" Archer asked
"I don't do running." I told him
"Why?" He asked
"Makes me feel desperate." I told him
"Running makes you feel desperate!" He repeated sounding surprised
"Yeah,is that bad?"
"How exactly does it make you feel desperate?"
"Well,for instance,if I'm running after someone I feel like getting that person is my only purpose or something like that...I don't know how to say it,it just makes me feel desperate."
"Well I love running."
"Obviously,Quarterback." I said,nudging him a little with my shoulder.
We arrived at the park and met the rest there. I decided to sit on a swing and Archer followed me
"You are really clingy,you know that?" I asked
"I've been told." He smirked and I smiled
"Should we play 20 questions?" He asked after a while
"Um...sure. You start." I said
"Seriously?!" He said,shocked
"Not your turn yet. Girlfriend?" I asked even though I knew the answer
"Nah. Why don't you have a boyfriend?"
"Um cause I'm not the type of person whose life is dependent on being in a relationship. Don't get me wrong I've had boyfriends,three to be exact." I told him
"I find that so hard to believe."
"Favorite musician?"
"Don't have one. Last boyfriend?"
"Tom Radley." I stated
"Wait, isn't he a junior in college?"
"Yeah. We dated when I was a freshman and broke up because of his graduation. First girlfriend?"
"Chealsea Killman." He said
"What! Why her? She's so weird."
"She became weird after we broke up." He explained
"If I asked you out right now what would you do?" He asked
"I'm not good at predicting my emotions, so I can't depends though."
"So if I asked you how you would feel if someone called you a manipulative bitch, you would say you can't predict your feelings?" He asked
"Exactly. I might get mad,I might not care at all or I might smile cause I love manipulating people. It just depends on my mood."I told him
"Okay, you are really weird!" He said with a laugh. A real laugh,not a smirk. It was...cute,and I noticed the dimple on his left cheek. It was...
"Whatever! If you could have any superpower,what will it be?"
"Time travel." He said simply "Then I could always go back in time and erase my mistakes."
"...That's deep." I told him and he smirked
"I'm smart like that." And I rolled my eyes
"Android or IOS?" He asked
"Is that even a question? IOS obviously!"
"Monica!" I looked up to see Liv running towards me
"Gen got her head stuck in the monkey bars." She told me
"How did that even happen?" Archer asked in disbelief
"She wanted to see if it would fit and now she can't get out." She said and I sighed
"Typical Genesis." I muttered.