Monica Montgomery is bitchy, sassy and undeniably beautiful. In other words, she's a mean girl who will stop at nothing ...
"They don't drink water."
"They do."
"Mon,tell Liv that fishes don't drink water."
"Fishes don't drink water." I said in a bored voice
"But they do."
"No water is their home, they can't drink their home,can you eat your home."
"Exactly! So they don't drink water!" Genesis added triumphantly
"Arguing with you is like arguing with a wall...totally pointless." Olivia sighed
I love my friends and all but they can be a handful at times.
"Okay forget about that...did u hear about the new girl?" Gen asked. She is a total gossip queen and knows everything about everyone
'There's a new girl?" Liv and I asked simultaneously as we walked towards our seats in the cafeteria.
"Yes and apparently she's really pretty...I wonder if she speaks French." Liv and I shared a look that said why as we sat down to eat.
"Pretty...can't wait to see her." I said
"Her name is Stephanie." Gen stated
"How do u know this?" Liv asked
"I have my ways." She said,taking a bite of her burger
"You have to taste the spaghetti, it's fantastic." Liv said dreamily
"I love spaghetti, but I don't trust the sch-"
"Hi!" A voice interrupted from behind me. I turned around to see a brunette smiling severely at me holding her tray.
"Can we help you?" I asked coldly
"Um, I was wondering if I could sit with you guys." She said
"Why?" Liv asked looking annoyed
"Well um,well I thought I could sit with you." She said
"Well you thought wrong." Gen said with a look of irritation
"If u know what's good for you, you will walk away...now." I said to her slowly. At this point everyone was watching
"B-but there are free seats here." She stammered
"Who are you exactly?" Liv asked her
"Ohhhhhh so you're the new girl." I smirked
"Yes, yes I am."
"Well newbie, in this school there are rules and one of them is that you don't sit with us or on our table unless we invite you, understood?" Genny told her
"But there are empty seats here." She stated
"What part of 'you can't sit here do you not understand?" Liv said standing to face her
"Listen honey, if you need a place to sit go elsewhere, if there are no empty seats then u can always use the floor." I told her slowly
"Oh my gosh are you stupid or something? You can't sit here so kindly fuck off...NOW!" Gen said already annoyed
"S-sorry." She stammered and rushed away with her head down.
"Dumb bitch." We said in unison. Liv took out her sanitizing spray and sprayed it around our table.
We had just gotten back from school and we drove to my house(did I mention we are neighbors?). All the houses on this side of town have the same structure,huge golden front gates, driveways with water fountains in the middle right before the mansions with huge mahogany doors,it's the expensive part of town.
"Mum we're home!" We yelled in unison (we call each other's mum mum and dad dad)
"I'm at the back if you need me!" She yelled back and we made our way to my room
"Are you going to Lily's party tomorrow?" Gen asked
"I don't really like her, she's slutty." Liv said with a look of disgust
"If you guys go I'm going." I told them
"I'm so going,Micheal will be there." Gen said. Micheal was her flavor of the week. She'll probably drop him by Saturday.
"If you're going I'm going, I can't trust you to go on your own." Liv told her
"Then we're going." I said