Blue put the last ingredients for dinner into the basket then made his way towards the checkout when he exited the supermarket he was glad to see that the older man had left. He hoped that he would have somewhere warm to sleep tonight.
Once Blue got home, he put all the ingredients on the table and started on dinner. It was around six-thirty when he heard his mum's voice calling him as soon as she entered the front door, a few moments later she appeared in the kitchen doorway, she walked up to Blue and kissed him on the head before speaking.
“Smells good honey, do you need help with anything.”
“No, I’m nearly done.”
Seeing as Blue was nearly done with the dishes, Mrs Smith took out the plates and cutlery then walked into the dining room to set the table.
Mrs Smith had just laid down the last spoon and fork when Blue walked in, putting the cooked dinner on the table along with the freshly baked breadsticks and a bowl of fresh green salad.
Blue and his mum didn’t have to wait long for dinner to start at precisely seven o'clock. Mr Smith walked through the front door calling out for his wife and son, Once he confirmed where they were he put down his briefcase and jacket on the sofa before making his way to the dining room.
Once everyone was seated, Mr Smith spoke.
“Wow, this looks and smells wonderful Blue.”
With a smile Blue replied
“Thank you, Dad.”
Dinner had just started, and Blue was in the middle of chewing his food when his dad asked him a question he wasn't ready to answer.
"Blue honey, have you found yourself a boyfriend or anyone special in your life?"
Blue nearly choked on his dinner. He quickly reached for the cup of water that was nearby and took a sip. His whole face was flushed, and his ears were red; he was dying of embarrassment but answered his dad nonetheless.
" No dad, I don't have a boyfriend, I don't need one at the moment, and nobody is interested in me nor am I interested in anyone," said Blue quietly with his head down.
Blue's parents exchanged looks but chose not to ask anymore, dropping the matter quickly, in fact, both of Blue’s parents knew that they are never around as much, so they know that they don't have a right to interfere in Blue’s matters.
Blue was born as a carrier, someone that can get pregnant and has all the organs like a woman has to carry a baby. His parents have loved and protected him from the moment he came into this world. Everything they do is for Blue's future. They hoped that one day their son could find someone that loves and protects him the way they have all these years.
Dinner was quiet, throughout dinner Blue's parents talked about their upcoming projects while speaking about their work Blue could see how much his parents love what they do without saying much Blue nodded his head up and down a few times to show his interests.
Just like that, dinner went smoothly.
After dinner, Blue made his way into his room after his mum offered to be the one to clear and tidy up the kitchen in thanks for him making dinner as soon as Blue entered his room his phone was flashing on his bedside table indicating that he received a message.
Blue picked up to see a message from Molly asking him if he wanted to meet up tomorrow. Seeing as he didn't have many plans for the weekend, Blue sent her a reply back agreeing to meet with her.
After his reply, Blue put his phone back on the bedside table before going into his closet, he grabbed a pair of clean pyjamas, laid them out his bed and walked into his adjoined bathroom.