Next day
Manik and nandini went for shopping to take the dress for their marriages
(I wont give u detail about marriage because I dont knw much about marriage)
After finishing up the shopping they came and had dinner and slept because next they are starting the titular of the marriages
Next day
Nyo woke everyone and said to get ready so that they can start the rituals of the marriage
By evening they finished up the rituals and everyone is dead tired so they went to sleep
But two souls are not able to sleep because next day is their marriages
But due to tiredness they slept
Next morning they woke up got ready and went to mandap to start pooja
Manik went to mandap to start the pooja and he is desperately waiting for nandini
After 2 hours
Nandini came to mandap and sat next to manik and they started their pooja and after 3 hours they got married with the elders blessings
At night
Manik and nandini came home nyo did al the rituals and nandini came into the house and everyone is happy that nandini and manik are husband and wife
Nyo was most happiest person because she loved nandini so much
After so much rituals they went to sleep
In mana's room
Manik: are u ready to the relationship into next level
Nandini: manik I am ur wife now I trust u so I am ready to take to next level
Manik: if u want time u can take I can wait but I am forcing u
Nandini: she went near manik and kissed his lips and they had passionate kiss and they consumed their marrige
But manik was going so hard on nandini
But nandini was enjoying so much
After that they slept in each others arms
But they dont now that next few days they are entering into danger
So how was the chapter