Next day they woke up in each other's arms and manik kissed her forehead and went to fresh up and meantime nandini also woke up
Manik: good morning sweetheart
( manik call calls nandini with different names like Jan sweetheart darling sunshine etc sweet na)
Nan: good morning manik
Manik what is the plan today
Nan: nothing much
Manik: then shall we romance then with naughty smile
Nan is shocked ??????
Seeing her expression manik brust out his laugh ????????????
Nandini: what why are you laughing
Manik: see ur expression
Nandini: omgg are u serious I have work today
Manik: what work let me think????
Nan: stop teasing me
Manik: ok ok I won't tease u
After that nandini went to fresh up
Fab 5 navya and nandini and abhi had breakfast with lots of teasing manan and cavya and then they left for work
Nandini: I have to find some clues about soha and arayaman
Manik: yes u r correct let me also help
Nan: but now they became more powerful
Manik: so what u have to have trust on your self
Nan: yes I do this time I want to be punished very badly so they can never get into this illegal business
Manik called his detative and asked information about soha and arayaman in an hour
After an hour his detective calls and gives information
And he get to know one truth about soha that soha is very obsessed about manik
Nandini was shocked
Nan: what Re u going to do
Manik: I will act that I like soha and get secrets from her
Nan: but don't risk ur self.... I can't live with out u
Manik: if u want them to punish them I have to do this and we don't have any other opition
Nan: ok manik i wont stop u but I am just scared
Manik: if u have trust on me then let me do
Nan: ok manik as u wish
Manik: Jan don't get sad I can't your sadness
Nan: I am not sad I am just scared
Manik: don't Jan
After that they hugged and left for lunch
After lunch manik called soha and said he needs to meet her
Soha become so happy
Soha went Nd met manik
Soha: I am so happy manik I really love you
Manik: ok I to like u but I need to know one matter from u
Soha: yes tell me what is it
Manik: why did u kill nandini
Soha: because took our property and made us footpath
Manik: let us both take revenge on her
Soha: but she so dead right
Manik: no she is alive
Soha what she is alive I will not let her live peace I will show her torture
Manik: what is ur next plan then
Soha: I am going to make some fake documents and make her sign the papers and take her property and make footh path and we both can marry
Manik was soooo angry and wanted to kill her at that spot but can't because he need to her plans so he can save nandini