A boy dashed Into nandini room and asks her are u not ready for marriage
Nandini: manik u r so in hurry I dont know why ur so hurry
Manik(yells): because soha wants to kill u
Nandini: what soha wants to kill me
Manik: yes she wants to kill u because she go to know that we are in relationship
Nan: how can she know that we are in relationship
Manik: I dont know she might have kept detective
Nandini: what is the son then
Manik: u have to marry me
Nan: fine when is the marriage
Manik: in two days we have to start the rituals
Nan: ok then let's marry
Manik: dont think I am forcing u for marriage nandu I am just scared to lose u please take me wrong if u become my wife then I can protect you if u dont then she can do anything to make us separate us
Nan: can I ask u a question
Manik: yes u can
Nan: will u ever leave me if anyone say bad about me
Manik: I promise u that I will never leave u in my life u r always my strength
Nandini smiles listening to that
Manik: are you fine u r happy for our marriage na
Nan: I am very happy
Manik leave the room
She goes into deep thinking that soha will do anything to get manik
She is now so much scared to
But our hero is their to save the heroin
So how is the chapter