Veeba: very rude want make nandini's life hell but gets to know that manik is in love with nandini sister of harshad
Veeba: what is happening why is bro not texting me and calls harasad
Manik: hello who is this
Veeba gets surprised because he attended brothers call
Manik: is someone there
Veeba: manik it is me veeba
Manik: ohhh hii veeba
Veeba: where is harasad
Manik: in jail
Veeba get shocked
Veeba: why
Manik: because he tried to kill MY NANDINI MY WIFE
Veeba was literally shocked
Manik: yes nandini is my wife... he lied so that veeba can't have anything from him
Veeba: nooooooooo you can't marry her I am there na
Manik: ohhh stop your acting and listen to me keep in ur brain that nandini is my wife if something happen to her then I won't leave anyone
Veeba: don't worry I am going to kill in 2 days It is my challenge
And hangs the call
Manik: I need to save nandini
Manik calls nandini
Nandini: hey manik
Manik: pack your stuffs Nd be there we need to leave to London
Nan: what this is fast
Manik: pack fast and we are leave that is it no more arguments
Nan: ok cool down I am packing
Manik: that is good...... he does not inform his friends
Nandini: I am going to inform bhai that I am going to London with manik
And she calls Abhi
Abhi: hey doll what up
Nandini: I am leaving to London
Abhi: why suddenly
Nandini tell him everything and Abhi gets suspious
Abhi: ok doll take care
nandini: ok bhai you to take care
Abhi: ok doll bye
Abhi hangs up the call and calls manik
Manik: hey Abhi
Abhi: what happened manik why are you leaving to London suddenly any problem you can share with me
manik: yes there is a problem i want to save nandini from veeba
abhi: who is she
then manik explains everything to abhi and abhi was shocked and want to support manik
abhi: ok manik i wont say anything but take care of my doll if something happened to her i cant leave
manik: i wont let her happen anything it is my promise
abhi: I believe you
manik: thanks for beliving me
after they talked for sometime and then they hang up the call and manik packed his stuffs and left for nandini is home and he also informs his friends and tell his problem they also support him only.
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