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Betsy vision was blurry as she slowly regained consciousness. She looked at her surrounding and seeing that everywhere was white, she panicked.

She thought she was still at the presidential palace and doesn't understand why her room colour changed before she could think further someone gave a light cough beside her.

She turned her head to the direction of the cough only to see blue eyes starring at her carefully.

She immediately wanted to sit but was held down by the person beside her before she realised she was in the hospital.

Everything that happened before sinked into her memory and she looked at the man beside her again making sure he isn't a bad person.

"yo.. u...yo...u"She tried speaking but the oxygen mask made it hard for her and her throat was also dry since she haven't had water for the last two days.

Lewis starred at her watery gray eyes and his heart lost a beat.

He hasn't seen such innocent eyes before, her eyes were as clear as crystals. He was immersed in her eyes and loved the way she blinks them innocently.

A nurse pushed the door opened which brought Lewis into his sense and he pulled away from Betsy and went out.

He called Patrick to bring the reports of the shooter from two days ago and also investigate Betsy.

The nurse came out of the ward after she was done with her check up for Betsy.


Lewis went back to the ward when he saw the nurse come out.

This time Betsy was sitting on the bed and the oxygen mask has been removed and she is sipping water in small amounts.

"you,how are you?"Lewis asked keeping a distance from her a little.

Betsy starred at him without answering. Lewis walked closer to her.

"I'm fine,sir blue eyes"Betsy answered softly with a smile.

Lewis was amused by her. Normally people are scared of him but this girl is not only scared of him but teases him as well. He smiled lightly.

"what's your name,girl"He asked gently this time.

" Bet....errr....Arianna Jayson,you?"Since it's the first time she is using her new identity she nearly said her real name but this Arianna name sounded weird for her.

"Lewis."Lewis told her his name.

After sometime he received emails about Arianna and her background and also got to know the shooter has been arrested.

He and Arianna chat here and there and also called the nurses to help her clean herself and some staff.


Arianna stayed in the hospital for two more days. Her friend Lina accompanied her from morning after breakfast and Lewis comes to stay with her during dinner and leaves the next day after breakfast when Lina comes to take his place.

The day Arianna is discharged,Lewis sends both her and Lina to stay at his Penthouse.

Lina leaves after stay with Arianna at Lewis penthouse for a few days leaving Arianna and Lewis alone.

Lewis rents a house for Lina and also finds a job for her as a tutor after she closes from college while Arianna takes private classes at Lewis's house.


It's been a month since Betsy run away from the presidential palace and has been watching a lot of news about herself on the Television but still there hasn't been any news about her whereabouts and she is relief to know that.

During this one month she has spent a lot of time with Lewis .

They eat both breakfast and dinner together. Lewis asks her about her parents but she just says they both died in a car accident and she is an only child with no relatives just like her fake file says about her.

After several investigations Lewis finally believes she isn't lying.

"Tomorrow,we have to get your final check up so that we are sure you have finally recovered and can travel"Lewis told her after the have had dinner and watching television in the living room.

"okay Lewis"Arianna replied sweetly.

Lewis can't help but stare at the movement of her lips.

She felt awkward after noticing he continued to stare at her non-stop,she can't help but blush.

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