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Arianna and Lewis visit the doctor to check her wound.

"Miss Jayson is very fine now and can go back to her normal life"The doctor explained to Lewis about Arianna's condition.

While they were discussing her health outside, Arianna is in the room struggling with the zipper of her dress.

She presses the bell to call a nurse but Lewis comes in before the nurse could arrive.

"What's wrong?" Lewis asks as he barges in the ward.

Arianna whose back was facing the door which her zipper unlocked turned around to stare at Lewis. Lewis froze as he saw her white proclain back.

Arianna starred at him as she didn't know why he was doing in the ward instead of a nurse.

" no... nothing is wrong, it's just I can't zip my dress so I rang the bell for a nurse"Arianna explained to Lewis.

Two nurses rushed in but saw this and they didn't know what to do.

Lewis sighed.He waved his hand indicating they should leave.

Arianna was confused why he would tell the nurses to leave.

"Hey!why did you sack them?....now who would help me with my zip?"Arianna pouted.

Lewis smiled lightly. He walked slowly to stand beside Arianna.

Arianna was confused why he came to her instead of finding a nurse to help her.

"Lewis,can you call the nurse to come back"

Lewis didn't mind her instead held her tinny waist and turned her back to face him.

Arianna was still confused but just kept quiet to see what Lewis would do.

Lewis starred at her white and delicate skin,licking his lips slowly making him look like a sex God.

He touched her skin with his finger tips which caused Arianna to quiver.

"Le.....Lewis."Her voice was hoarse.

."mmmmmmmm "Lewis just moaned.

Oh! God what is he doing. Arianna thought.

Lewis kept touching her back in a seductive manner which made Arianna moaned since it was a new feeling for her and she couldn't control the tickling and quivering.

"mmmm...Le...Lewis my ...my...zip"She finally managed to talk to him.

Lewis froze when he saw he hasn't zipped her dress.

He zipped her dress and immediately left the ward angry leaving Arianna puzzled.

She is supposed to be angry not him. she thought to her herself,she straighten her dress and took her bag and left the ward with a frown on her face.

She was so angry that she didn't go to the garage to go home with Lewis instead she board a taxi and went to Lina's apartment.


Arianna was having a key to Lina's apartment so she just entered her room. She had called Lina when coming but she said she had some work to do so Arianna just came here to forget her anger.

Lewis waited for Arianna for thirty minutes but this girl didn't appear so he thought she might have gotten missing in the hospital.

He rushed to the ward but she wasn't there,he search the hospital with the help of the guards but he still couldn't find her and he panicked.

He went to the security room of the hospital and checked the CCTV camera footage and got to know she had taken a taxi herself.

He called her but her phone was off. He was worried since Arianna doesn't know the address to his penthouse and it's also a private estate so she wouldn't be allowed in.

He rushed back to the villa but Arianna hasn't come there yet so he called Lina but her phone is also off.

He thought she must have been kidnapped. He rushed back to his car and rushed to Lina's house thinking if she isn't there then he has to call the police.

When he got to Lina's apartment floor,he was nervous, praying she was there.

He calmed his nerves and knocked on the door.

Arianna thought Lina is back but had forgotten her key so she opened the door without checking who was at the door and walked back.

"why did you leave your key home?"

she asked the person behind her but the was no answer so she turned around and bumped into a hard chest.

"ahhhhhh"she screamed.

Lewis covered her mouth looking angrily at her.

He was trying to control his anger not to shout at her but what did she do. she opened the door without checking what if he was a bad person.

Arianna panicked but when she looked up and saw it was Lewis she calmed down.

Lewis let go of her.

"why did you leave the hospital without telling me"He asked angrily.

She roll her eyes at him and walked to the sofa without minding him.

Lewis who has never been ignored before much less a girl,he got angry.

Arianna sat on the sofa leaving Lewis with his anger.


Lewis sighed helplessly, sure enough he can't reason with this girl.

He walked to the sofa slowly and sat beside her.

Looked at her face and sighed. He has never seen this girl angry before. He just let go of his anger and he was also thankful that she is fine and nothing bad happened to her.

He gently pulled her over and hugged her.

"I'm sorry for what happened at the hospital today,I shouldn't have gotten angry and I shouldn't have also touched you like that"Lewis apologize to a girl for the first time.

Arianna sighed and raised her face to look at him innocently.

she held his neck and pulled him down a little and kissed his lips. Lewis was stunned.

She pulled back embarrassed.

" I'm sor..."she didn't get the chance to finish.

Lewis pulled her to sit on his laps and kissed her hungrily.

she frozed

Lewis continue to kiss her hungrily giving her no room to reject his kiss. he was overbearing.

Arianna slowly gave in to his kisses but because it was her first kiss,she was clumsy.

Lewis sense her clumsiness and gently kissed her in a slow manner teaching her how to kiss.

They kissed for God knows how long. Lewis felt his trouser tighten and he pulled back.

Arianna looked at him innocently but he just shook his head.

He stood up, straighten his suit and helped her get up.

"we should leave,get your bag and sandals"

He told her as she turn around to bring her bag and they left Lina's apartment to his penthouse.

They were silence through out the drive to his house.

Arianna went to her room the moment the got down from the car.

Lewis also went to his study room to finish with some business.


Arianna was in a bad mood since they left Lina's house.

she was very angry at Lewis,she doesn't know why anytime he is near her he would just leave as if they have committed a crime.

She was confused.

She felt hungry so she came down to have some food but bumped into Lewis while descending the stairs.

She immediately gave him way but Lewis pulled her back to his embrace.

She froze for a moment but she started struggling with him.

"let me go" she looked up at him furiously while talking.

Lewis didn't mind her angry face at all.

He bent down a little and picked her into his arms and went to his bedroom while Arianna hit his chest furiously indicating he should let her go but he didn't mind.

He opened the door with one leg and entered. He put Arianna down on his bed.

Arianna folded her arms on her breast and pouted.

Lewis stared at her breast which has come up because of her folded arms on it.

Does this girl want to be eaten..he said to himself.

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