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At dawn in the Presidential Palace in A city.

Betsy packed everything she would need to escape to the outside world and live a free life.

Her documents which are required for her new school and everything she would probably need in the outside world.

Since she learnt she has been engaged to one of those so called rich kids she decided to leave after her father refused to cancel her engagement. She didn't even ask which family she would be marrying into because she wasn't interested.

After making sure everything she needed was present in her hang bag she went back to sleep.

Betsy woke up late to have breakfast after she informed her parents she would be attending one of the youth charity event she would be holding at the city park.

Her mom was excited that she is coping well with the engagement issue and is even continuing her previous life like nothing happened and allowed her to leave but not without her bodyguards.

After breakfast she left for her youth charity event.She gave her speech as the chief organizer of the event. After she manage to get rid of her bodyguards with the help of her friend in the outside world to escape.

Her friend Lina Jones help her change her appearance in a public restroom and escaped with her with a car they rented.

The bodyguards searched the whole park but to no avail,every road was blocked in that neighborhood but she wasn't found.

The president was furious when he learnt about his daughter's escape.

Betsy was at the airport with her new identity to board a plane but every flight was cancelled till the next morning because of the escape of the president's daughter and every television channel was posted with her childhood pictures since she doesn't have any current picture because she wasn't exposed to the outside world and made sure she doesn't have any pictures online except her phone which is with her but can't be tracked since her phone is off.

She changed her hair colour from brown to black.

She booked a hotel room since she has to wait till tomorrow for flights to be opened.

The hotel room was located at one of the slums in the city and very dangerous.

When she settled in the room with her friend,she told her friend to stay inside so she goes out to buy food for both of them and she should check for others ways she could get so they get out of A city while she goes out for a while.

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