When they both have their fiancees but don't want to be with them little did they know they are each other's fiancee. ...
It's very hot in A city during summer.
In the Presidential Palace there are a lot of preparation for the upcoming banquette that is being held for the President's lost daughter who has returned home.
A lot of prominent families would be present at the banquette to see this lost princess who has been the talk of the city recently.
In a large room a slender woman is taking her breakfast as she reads the morning news paper to see what's going on in the city after leaving for two years and the news about her banquette but no picture was post with the title THE MYSTERIOUS DAUGHTER she had an evil smile on her face as she appreciated the reporters who post this story.
In frosty lake Lewis Blackmond is reading today's headlines about the Mysterious Daughter whose banquette he has been invited to come and is more interested in this Mysterious Daughter whom he is engaged to but has never seen her before except her childhood picture of when she was twelve years old.
He has heard many stories about this Mysterious Daughter who refuses to be exposed to the public since the age of twelve and has been so till she got missing four years ago and has now returned home.Betsy Morris is a mystery even he can never find answer to.
He sighed as he remembered Arianna whom he has been so cruel to four years ago but after she disappeared two years ago he has never been able to find her even after searching the whole country for her because the name never existed in any records at the airport or hospital or morgue,she just disappeared into the thin air.Suddenly he thinks Betsy Morris and Arianna Jayson have the same personality.
In the Presidential Palace Betsy is busy attending to her long time friends who heard she has return after four years,she attended to them,they had a chit chat about some things after she escorted them to the gate where they all left leaving her alone with the maids who are busy preparing for tonight's event.
The event where she finally reveals herself to the world which has been so cruel to her four years ago.
she smiled bitterly.