I just realized that Sir Clint was no longer in front of me. I was surprised by his offer. But it was scary when he said that I would lose my job.
I was in the jeep on my way home when I felt relieved when I thought that as long as Sir Fred wasn't the one to fire me from work, I had nothing to worry about.
The job offered by Sir Clint is okay. I also don't underestimate the job of being a nanny but I didn't graduate from college just to take care of children. Jusko! With just my brother and nephews, it was very difficult for me to take care of them.
The next day I felt better when Kuya Kiko, the company's guard, smiled at me. He did not block me and said that I no longer have a job in the company, nor did I receive any text or call from Sir Fred that he was firing me. maybe Sir Clint was just taking a trip yesterday.
"Good morning, Sir!" I met Sir Fred.
"Good morning, Faye. Follow me to my office."
Sir Fred went straight into his office and I followed him quietly.
when Sir sat in his swivel chair, I sat next in the visitor's chair. Sir Fred's two elbows rested on his table, he folded his hands and rested his chin there. he didn't seem to know how to start what he was going to say so I started to get nervous because it looked like he was going to say bad news.
Sir Fred took a deep breath before facing me. "Faye, I'm sorry to tell you this, but... I'm going to fire you as my secretary."
is this what Sir Clint is saying?
"P-po? But, S-sir, I'm not doing anything bad that will ruin you and the company so you can remove me from work." My hands are already sweating so I simply wipe them on my blazer.
"Yeah, I know. you're very dedicated and professional when it comes to your work. But, Faye, my wife is..." Sir Fred sat up straight and scratched the back of his neck." She doesn't want me to have a girl secretary."
I was touched by what Sir said.
"It's embarrassing to admit but there's nothing I can do when the decision is my husband. I'll admit that it was a lame and invalid reason to fire you, that's why I'm so sorry, Faye."
I don't know if I will be sad or happy for Sir's reason, because he is like a child who has no choice but to obey his mother.
"It's okay, Sir. I understand. I'm just a little shocked." Maybe there is nothing I can do but accept it.
"Are you sure it's okay with you?"
"Y-yes, it's better than this to start your fight with Ma'am Cres." I tried to make myself calmed down.
"My husband has always been fighting with me these past few days, I don't even know why, you still feel sorry for me, Faye... but anyway, I wouldn't let you lose your job here in the company even though I'm no longer a secretary, I will give you work here that fits you. but my son needed a nanny for his children, even if we as a couple want to take care of our grandchildren, we are equally busy with work. So I suggested you to my son, if that's okay with you to be a nanny?"
I remember what Sir Clint said yesterday. I thought he was the reason why Sir Fred would fire me.
"Actually, Sir Fred, Sir Clint offered me that job yesterday."
"Did you grab it?"
"Not yet, Sir."
"Go for it, Faye. Clint promised that he will double your salary."
"You mean, Sir, my salary for watching over Sir Clint's children is double compared to being your secretary?"
"Yes, you got it right!"
My sadness was suddenly replaced with joy. not because it looks like money, but I'm not rich enough to want that amount.
"You will live in their house together with them, so you will no longer rent and you will have free spending on every day. So, what's your decision, Faye?"
"Sir, that's a great help to me so that I can help my family. That's why I won't hesitate to accept Sir Clint's offered job."
I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't accept that offer. Nowadays I have to be practical.
"Good decision, Faye. Good for you."
Sir Fred and I faced the door together when it opened and Sir Clint entered.
"Hey, Dad!"
"You were right, son. Faye and I finished talking and she agreed to your offer."
"Can I take her home now?"
wow! Immediately? This Sir Clint seems to have a walk if you hurry.
"Go on, son."
This Sir Fred is sympathetic to the son.
"Faye," called Sir Fred's attention.
"Yes, Sir?"
"My son will gonna take you home, he will introduce you to the children as their nanny. and so you can meet them personally."
There! Just to introduce the children. I'm becoming an assumer too.
"But, Sir, what about my job..." It suddenly occurred to me that I would lose my job here. "I mean, is this my last day as your secretary, Sir?"
"Yes, Faye. Just put your things back here tomorrow. And your replacement will be coming tomorrow, I want you to discuss to him what your daily routine as my secretary is. Teach him the usual you do, it's easy to teach Liam because he already has experience. then the day after tomorrow, I will give that day to you so you can pack your things and move to Clinton's house. it's not that we're rushing you, it's because Clint is starting to work, and soon he will take over my position as a CEO."
"Got it, Sir. I understand."
"Good. Thank you so much, Faye. as of now, you're with my son, don't worry you're safe with him."
I don't seem to agree with what Sir said, when I looked at Sir Clint who was still standing in front of me, I couldn't explain his aura.
"Alright, Sir Fred. Let's go first."
"Take care. drive safely, son."
We are already inside Sir Clint's expensive car and he is currently driving. I'm comfortable where I'm sitting, the only thing I'm not comfortable with is that there's no noise between Sir Clint and me. The silence is deafening.
I don't want to be the first to speak and I might be blown away by the fire of this dragon I'm with now.
As in, Sir Clint and I didn't talk seriously until we got to their house.
So when I got out of the car I simply smelled my breath. I feel like I will get wet with saliva and my breath will stink when I am with this Sir Clint who is very serious in life.