When it was lunch time it was only Casey,Dale and i outside.
"So when you break up with Apple who are you going to next?".Dale ask
"Don't answer that,I already know".Dale Ruffles Casey's hair causing him to look at him confuse.
"I'm not gay dude plus I only think of Casey as a friend,nothing more".
"An all of a sudden kind,loving,overprotective gay friend".Dale smile and I glare.
"I'm not gay,how many time do you wanna hear it?".
"Whatever you say".
I roll my eyes turning to Casey.
"What are you playing?". I touch him and ask
"Pac man,it my favorite game,mommy teach me".He smile going back to his game.
"He haven't had much experience in talking,that's why he still talks like a child".I explained to Dale when he gave me a confuse look,that was the most words he had ever heard Casey say.
"Seriously don't you think of Casey as anything else".
"Well no friend acts like this to a person,especially when they're both guys".
"I just feel like I should protect him,guide him and care for him.....love him".
Casey and I were on our way going home.It's Friday and I just can't wait to reach home,turn off my phone and sleep.Casey was on his phone,I notice he plays game a lot and I'm thinking it's because he can't handle a long conversation and has nothing to do.We have became really close and I know a lot about him now.He's been home school after he became deaf,in a car accident where his dad died and he hit his head pretty bad,messed up his hearing.He loves Apples and pie,he watches walking dead every night on Netflix.Sidney says that's one thing he isn't afraid of and love.He signs for everything even when he can say it,he's a mamma's boy.He hates crowds and feels left out when everyone is talking so I don't bring him around a lot of people.He love the games pac man and immortals.
I stop In front of Casey's house,he took his bag up and waved at me.
"Bye". I mouthed as he got out,running into his house.