I woke up to someone poking my cheek.I groan and swat their hand away but snap my eyes open when I heard a giggle.I turned around and saw Casey smiling down at me.
"Hey".i said and return the smile
"Tv?".he ask and I nod,he walked out giggling.
I sat up and stretch my bones.I went out and down to the living room where Casey was watching ice age.I sat down beside Casey and immediately he snuggle up to me.Playing with my fingers while his eyes glue to the tv.
I heard someone groan coming into then living room and I turn around to see my mom,she looked like she haven't slept in years.
"Hey mom". I said to get her attention
"Not so loud".she groan holding the sides of her head.
"Sorry".i smile.
"Uh I'm going back to bed,wake me up when it's time to make dinner".
"It's eight in the morning,dinner is at seven".i raise a brow.
"Wake me up when it's time to make dinner".she repeated.
"Sidney is asleep so spend the day with Casey".
I nod although she was long gone.I looked down at Casey and he didn't realize my mom and came but kept smiling at the tv.I shook him a little and pointed to the kitchen he got it and I pushed off of me and I walked into the kitchen to make breakfast.I got out the eggs,bacon,cheese and pancake mix and got started on breakfast.