Casey shift and his leg rub against my semi hard member making me groan.The kiss haven't broken yet it just got more heated.Until I decided its best we stop.
I stopped kissing and remove my hands from Casey.He sat up putting his legs on either side of me.This was a problem because he was sitting on my boner.I bit my lip trying not to moan and he came off,laying down beside me.
We cleaned up and lock up the place.We headed upstairs and I took off my shirt.I went over to my drawer to look for Casey's pyjamas.
"Mawik chowclate".
I turn to Casey confuse, he pointed to my pocket and i look down to see a charles chocolate sticking out of my pocket.I chuckled and took it out and unwrapped it,handing it to Casey who smile and took it.He began to suck on the edge,that's how he eats chocolate.He licks and suck it and to be honest I would sit and watch him all day. We sat on the bed,i went on my phone while he sat and ate the chocolate before we got up and brush our teeth.I was laughing at a text that Dale sent me when I felt something on my lips I turn to Casey only to have the chocolate push more into my mouth.I took a bite of it an he giggled.He continue to eat.When he was finish I lead him into the bathroom and brush our teeth.I cuddled with him in the bed while I sang until we both fell asleep.
I woke up due to how bright the room was.I forgot to pull the curtains last night.I went to get up but I couldn't move,I remembered Casey was on top of me.I gently roll him off and put a pillows beside him which he quickly hug.Before I close the curtains I admired how the light look on Casey's pale face.He looked so beautiful.I took my phone from the night stand and snapped a picture of him and immediately setting it as my wallpaper.I took a shower and went outside and decided to jog while Casey slept since it was still after six.