I looked down at him and he looked so beautiful,his eyes bright and sparkling his lips swollen and slightly open for him to catch his breath.I got off him and he sat up with me.I pulled him into my lap and kiss his forehead then made him look up at me.
"I like you".i said
"Why?why would you l....like me,I am deaf,a freak,I can not understand most thing and-".i shut him up with a kiss.
"I don't care,you're not a freak,I don't care if you can't hear I like you for you".i said slowly when I broke the kiss.He smile and nod.
"Boys dinner!".my mom called.
I stood up and pulled Casey up and we walked in the kitchen.
Casey went over to his mom and started signing,Sidney them smile at me.
"You like Casey?".she ask smiling.
"Uh yea".i said shyly.
"Finally". mom exclaim
Sidney signed to Casey again and he ran out to the bathroom down the hall.I went up to my room to change my shirt and wash up.
"So you're together?".Dale ask as we walk down the hall.
"No we just......I already told you".i huff.
Casey,Dale and I were walking to class.Casey holding unto my arm while Dale and I talked.I told him that I liked him and about the kiss.I also told my mom when Sidney and Casey left and she was going crazy.As we were walking down the hall Apple came out of no where in front of me with her followers.
"So you left me for this freak?!".she yelled gesturing to Casey.
"Apple just go away,doesn't matter who I left you for". I sighed.
The death glares Dale was giving people they minded their own business.
"What I can't speak my mind?,you have distance yourself from me since this came,are you gay Malik? because I'm pretty sure you're not so why don't you let go of this mistake and we can get out of here".She ran her hand down my arm,peeling off Casey when he reached him and her other down her body.
All I wanted to do right now was punch her square in the face,she'll know to leave me alone.
"You can't hit a girl ".Dale whispered knowing what I was thinking.
"Listen bitch he doesn't like you.You mean nothing to him and never will no one wants you and your body.Now you can get out of here by your self......feel free to take those things with you".Dale hiss looking at Apple's followers who gasp along with Apple.
"And I'm pretty sure you're the mistake since you're hardly noticed by people".We all look at one of Apple's followers,Alice who turn to Apple
"Whatever really liked you.I just wanted to be popular and I'm now".The girl flip her hair and walked off.
"Wait for us".Kayla said and ran after her,in their feels.
Apple stood there,wide eyes and arms cross."they'll be back".
"Bye bitch". I said before taking Casey's hand and walking away leaving her to deal with the crowd.