Prologue-Emma 5 years ago
Emma was a mother of three and now pregnant with her 4th child. Charlie, her husband, was getting ready to go to fire college. He was a volunteer fireman for a local fire department.
Emma and Charlie had separated a few years ago, then went to counseling and got back together. Now, this fourth pregnancy is a result of the renewal of their marriage.
Charlie, an ex-marine, who, as it turned out, was a very narcissistic person. Every fight, every conversation that they had as a couple basically went in one ear and out the other. If he didn't think it was what he wanted to hear or it pertained to him, he just let Emma complain and then continued on with doing whatever he was doing.
Emma was on the family computer when she stumbled onto some information Charlie probably didn't want her to see. It was an email from a young woman to Charlie detailing his trip to fire college and how they were going to hang out while he was there.
Emma was now 28 weeks pregnant and realized this relationship was on its way to being over. When she confronted him about this, he made her feel like it was all her fault. Emma was so upset that she decided to call up her brother Rob.
“ Rob, are you busy?”
“Naa, Emma, just playing games online, nothing big. Why, what's up?” Rob asked.
“ Well, I know how you, Mom, and Pops feel about Charlie, but my situation has gone from bad to worse.”
“ Dammit what happened?”
“ Well, I just found out that at 28 weeks pregnant, my husband is looking to have an affair. I stumbled across an email from some girl to Charlie, ready to meet up with him during his travel to fire college in a few weeks. When I confronted him about it, he proceeded to tell me it was my fault for finding the email.”
“WTF, I don't know what you ever saw in the prick. What are you going to do?”
“ Well, I'm done. This isn't the first time stuff like this has happened, and I think divorce is imminent.”
“ Well, you know you'll have the full backing from the Watkins clan.”
“Yeah, I know. I am just not sure how to go about it.”
“Y'all can come and stay with me or even the folks. You know Pops would be excited for you to get away from him.”
“ Well, I'll call the parental units tomorrow and see what they say. How's everything going with you?”
“ It's as expected with newlyweds just one day at a time.”
“OK, well, just know I’m here for you if you need me.”Emma said.
“Same goes, Sis. Talk to you later. Bye.”
One year later, Emma and Charlie were finally divorced. Emma stayed in their house for the kids' sake. Charlie moved in with his Dad. Emma’s family stood firmly behind her during that whole time.
You never know how strong you are until you are tested.