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Chapter Three

Emma’s trip home seemed longer than unusual today. Her thoughts were preoccupied with Nick and the passion they shared. Nick was so sexy, tall, nice ass and broad shoulders. She could see herself making love to him. He was tall and that was the final straw, any man who was so tall made her hot. Her ex was barely taller than her and she always had to wear flats, as not to be taller than him. Nick was the whole package everything she wanted in a man, but did she want this trouble yet?

The house was a flutter of activity. The kids were getting ready for school. Emma went in and checked their lunches. Of course, nothing good or healthy, so Emma fixed them and when it was time to go the kids asked for a ride.


“Because, mom, it is raining cats and dogs outside.”

“Listen smart ass, I wouldn’t have asked if I knew that.”

“Better to be a smart butt than a dumb butt.” Laughed Josh.

“Ok everyone into the car.”

Emma noticed that when she got home there were a few messages on her machine. The first one was from Charlie.

“ Hey, it’s me, I was thinking maybe we could start some counseling we could start out with dinner to discuss it. Call me back and let me know. You know I have always loved you. Talk to you soon.”

The next one was from someone from the local ambulance she was a volunteer for, “Hello, it is Jon and I was just wondering if you could cover for a few hours today, call me back as soon as you get this message.”

The last one she didn’t expect. It was Nick. “Hay baby, I got your number from work. I wasn’t sure if you wouldn’t be home yet. Call me back soon. (630) 555-3725.”

Now what should she do? Who to call first. Well Charlie won’t get even and acknowledgement of the call, but Jon is more important right now. Emma took Jon’s call for the day.

Then she called Nick. He answered on the first ring. “Well it took you long enough to call me back.”

“What do you want?”


“Ok, well, what else, because I am not on the menu.”

“Well I was wondering if I could come over and talk for a while. We need to finish our conversation we started yesterday, when we were so rudely interrupted.”

“Well the answer is NO!”


“First I am on call for my city rig, second I am not sure there is an us.”

“Is there an us? How interesting, what is the date?”


“Our wedding. I am just joking. It will be innocent, I promise.”

“I don’t think so.” She said.

“Come on please. No hanky panky. I just want to get to know you away from the station, and prying ears. I promise I will keep my hands and feet to myself. PLEASE!”

“Well, it is against my better judgement, but OK. Do you know where I live?”

“As a matter of fact I do, I used to live near there.”

“Where haven’t you lived?”

“We will talk about it in a little while.”

“Alright, I will leave the front door unlocked if I have to go on a call.”

“Good deal, I will be there in about a half an hour.”

“Ok, see ya then.”

Well, no call came while she was waiting. The doorbell rang, when she opened the door he was leaning against the door jam with a leather jacket on with blue jeans and a blue polo shirt that brought out the blue in his eyes. He was holding flowers, a like scene straight out of a movie. His eyes were so telling of what he was thinking.

“No, hanky panky. You promised.”

“I have only the best intentions, my sweet.”

He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. Emma was surprised how even the smallest gesture made stoked the fire still burning in her.

She put the flowers in a vase in the kitchen, she thought she left Nick in the living room, but when she turned to put the flowers on the kitchen table, she saw Nick standing there watching her.

“Can I help you?”


With that statement he crossed the kitchen to her and took her in his arms. His kissed her like a man on a fire. His tongue darted in and out of her mouth. His hands explored her, down her back to her bottom. He then smacked it, and pulled his head back. He noticed the pure look of sexual desire she had in her eyes. He answered that with another passionate kiss. They made their way down the hall to the bedroom. Emma thought this was heaven, but if she didn’t stop it now, she would never stop it.

“Oh mon-cheri you are so beautiful. You have no idea the power you have over me. When I see you, my body reacts on its own.” Nick said.

With that Emma knew she was finished. She hopped up in his arms with her legs wrapped around his body and he carried her off to her bed.

Nick laid her down so gently on the bed and then looked down on her. God, he thought, she is so beautiful with her hair sprawled around her and passion he ignited flowing from her. He must take his time with her. He wanted to make damn sure she would relish every minute of their joining. She just overflowed with sexual desire.

He started by unbuttoning her pants, and then laying them down on the floor in such a way that if she got a call she could get them on in a hurry. His knowledge came from being on his local ambulance also. Next were her top and then bra and panties. She was now buck-naked and such a goddess. Her breasts were big mounds with nice firm, nipples, he could see the c-section scar on her belly and it drew his attention to the ever so small tuft of hair just above he cleft. Crap, she shaves oh man he knew he was in trouble.

He could tell by her gestures that she was a little self conscious of her scar. He took her hands away from her scar and began to kiss it starting from her bellybutton, making his way down the small length of it. This would be a story he would have to find out about. When he was done, he arose enough to take and kiss her passionately.

She has never felt this kind of heat before. She wanted him in her so badly. She grabbed his shoulders and noticed he was still fully dressed, so she started unbuttoning his shirt. His pants were next. It was only when he was down to his underwear he stopped her.

“Wait my love,” he said. “Let’s go slow and you go first. Then we will move on from there.”

At first she was not sure what he meant, but it was short lived because as soon as his fingers started exploring the depths of her womanhood she knew that this was going to end in sheer pleasure. He was looking for the place that would take her over the edge into paradise. It didn’t take long, because she started moaning his name, and then moved her hands to his head as he moved to explore her hot, wet vault with his tongue. He buried two fingers into her slick wet heat, while his tongue explored her clit. She was in heaven. His fingers moved in and out of her folds. Then he took his two fingers to find her G-spot. Emma didn’t know that oral pleasure could be like this. She didn’t know if she could take much more of this. She begged him to finish her off. He more than obliged with the biggest orgasm she has ever had. Her body convulsed in waves of pleasure. Then she was still. She felt him move up her body with soft kisses until her reached her breasts, he teased them in the same un-relentless way as he did below. He then removed the rest of his clothing and positioned himself above her and teased her opening with his cock head. She begged him to fill her. He finally gave into his own desire and filled her. Kissing her and showering her with romantic words of love and desire. She grabbed hold of his backside as if she could some how deepen his stroke. He responded quickly by deepening his stroke until he had her screaming out in pleasure. He couldn’t believe her, she was a woman with raw untapped passion, he knew then that she was the woman for him. Emma was the one he had been looking for his whole life. In that thought he felt his climax consume him with his own pleasure. He came deep inside her. She felt his cock pulsate deep with in her and then his weight shifted to her left. They fit together in bed perfectly. Everything was perfect. Except he came INSIDE her!!

“Oh my God, I am on birth control but I totally forgot to check with you about being clean. Damn.”

“No my love I am clean. No need to worry about that or pregnancy. If you get pregnant, you do. I would be happy to have a baby with you. “

“What? Okay wow.” She would need time to process this.

Emma kissed him on the lips very gently and said, “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For, wonderfully taking my mind off some issues I was dealing with.”

“What issues, babe?”

“Well my ex-husband wants to get back together.”

“And you want what?”

“Not him that is for sure. Been there, done that, and bought the t-shirt. I don’t want him back, not ever!”

“Ok, well problem solved, tell him you are seeing me and that I would be not to happy with him hanging around.”

“Well, I would but I would like the kids to meet you first if I am going to do anything like that. They have to know so if he asks they can answer with a little knowledge.”

“How many kids do you have again?”

“Four, two boys and two girls. Joshua, Ashley, Curtis, and Kathryn. Do you have any kids?”

“Yes I have one, Leslie”

Beep, beep, beep. “Attention Newark ambulance personnel you have an ambulance request at 12578 First Street, for an elderly male, 72 years of age having chest pain. Time out 14:37.” Said the dispatcher.

“Shit” Emma exclaimed.

“Don’t get your feathers in a ruffle Mon sweet. I put your clothes in an orderly pile incase you got a call.”

“Thank you. Stay here and get comfortable. I will leave my pager for you so you know when I will be back. Emma said, kissed him on the lips and then was gone.

He decided to shower and clean up a little. He looked at the clock and thought the kids should be home soon. He took the pager into the bathroom so he could hear her voice. After his hot shower, he got dressed and went to the kitchen, he thought maybe he could make dinner. She could be the one he married, so now his whole plan had to go a different route al together. Now he was in this for love and for the long haul. Yeah she had kids but if he played his cards right maybe they would be like his own. He loved kids, especially his own, so if he could just win them over, it would be easier to get to her heart.

Nick heard the front door open and kids shuffling in from school. The oldest boy, Josh, came in the kitchen first.

“Who are you and where is my mom?”

“I am Nick, a friend of your mom’s from work and she told me to wait here while she went on a call.”

“Why are you here?”

“First I came over to spend some time with your mother, but she got an ambulance call so she said I should stay here until she got back. I am just trying to figure out what to make for dinner, for your mom so she doesn’t have to.”

First, the kids got the meal list off the fridge, to see what was planned for dinner. Then they started helping prepare the lasagna she had on the list. The kids were making him feel right at home. This is what her family is like. He liked being surrounded by kids like this.

The banter back and forth was funny. Most of the kids were very accepting of his presence. Josh, however, was a little skeptical of him. Josh did pull him aside while the kids went to pick up the living room, making sure it was free of their school debris, and asked Nick’s intentions towards his mother.

“I like your mother very much, and if you promise not to say anything, I think I am falling in love with her. You kids have been great with me so far and that was what I was most nervous about. I know she loves y’all so much, and would care how you felt about me. Thank you so much for allowing me to help with dinner.”

“Well, you seem very sincere about my mom. If you hurt her I will make you very sorry. She has been through a lot over the past 15 years, trying to make our life better. Divorcing our dad for starters. Anything that makes her happy will make us happy.” Josh said, and then turned and walked into the living room to check on the progress.

Josh seemed to be the patriarch of the family. He was barking out orders to the others and getting the house picked up for Emma, so when she got home there wasn’t the after school mess lying about.

Nick learned a lot bout the family’s inner workings that day. Dinner was coming along famously. He was trying to find the fixings for garlic bread and couldn’t. Nick went into the living room and the older kids were doing homework while young Katie was watching cartoons.

“Hey who would like to go to the store so I can make my world renowned Texas toast?” Nick asked?

“I will.” Said Ashley.

“I will too.” Said Katie while jumping up and down.

“Ok girls get your coats, and shoes, so we can get this done before you mom gets home.”

They were very helpful. He got to the store and got what he needed, and got back to the house without a hitch.

When they hit the door he noticed a flurry of activity.

“What’s going on here?”

“Mom is en-route back to the station, she will be home within the next 45 minutes.” Curtis said in a voice filled with excitement.

He had never seen kids so in tune with their parent’s life and job. That only heightened his need for her. Something primal, a need of sorts, knowing she was a good parent was very enticing for him, especially because of Leslie.

He headed straight to the kitchen he went to prepare the garlic toast. He had hoped he could get it done in time for her to come home and just sit down for dinner. This wasn’t what he had planned for his agenda, but now everything had changed, and he couldn’t help himself. Damn it, the first time he saw her he knew there was something different about her, but he thought, maybe he loved her even then. He had never believed in love at first sight but now he knew for sure he was in love with her. Just time and persistence now, will win her over.

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