Looking back now, the whole situation is downright laughable. No one could have ever seen two years ago how it would all turn out.
It started out simple enough. Emma Watkins, a 35 year old divorced mother of 4, started working as a paramedic for a private ambulance service. She was trying her best to support her family. She had been hurt by the children’s father so badly that she decided that no man would ever be given the chance to do that to her again. Now, there is only room in her heart for her kids.
Nick Le Beaux, a 32 year old a play boy by nature, was a single father looking for a good time. The baby’s momma had hurt him to a point that he only wanted a woman for one purpose and one purpose alone, SEX. The bigger the challenge, the better. Even married women were not off limits and actually caused the chase for a bigger payoff.
Emma decided to work for the private ambulance service because of the hours they keep. She was given a red shift. The shifts are broken up into 3 different 24-hour shifts, red, gold, and black. She would be home more often with her kids. She was so happy to be able to be home the kids more.
Nick saw Emma walk in for her first day. He was totally fascinated with her. She was like an angel, her brunette hair with highlights spilled down behind her. Her face was round and fair. She wore makeup, but it only enhanced her beauty. Her body was curvy but in all the right places.. The stirring in his body caused him to get flustered when she was introduced. Nick’s pulsed quickened, and his palms went sweaty. How could he feel so strongly about a woman he barely knew? All he ever wanted before was a piece of ass. She looked easy enough to fool with sweet talk, to get him some pussy. Too bad he is leaving, gold shift is over, but Nick found himself trying to find any reason to stay longer. He was so intrigued by how she made him feel.
Emma was too nervous to even notice Nick’s eyes, burning into her skin. She was too busy following her preceptor (partner), Brian around the station. The first day at any new job is nerve racking. Brian was doing a good job of showing her the ropes. She also works on her city ambulance in her home town. It was just Brian and Emma for the first few weeks on the rig. You spend a lot of time alone with your partner, and you get to know them real well. It is almost like a family. Emma, being a creature of habit tried to keep to herself. Her life would look like a script from a soap opera.
Brian, being the inquisitor himself, hit her with an onslaught of questions.
“How long have you been a paramedic?”
“Three years.” Emma said.
“What made you pick this field?”
“I was babysitting and wanted to know more about how to take care of any of the kids, had they gotten hurt.”
There was a long silence. Brian felt uncomfortable with the quiet. Emma however, was too busy in her own thoughts to be uncomfortable.
What is she doing? Could she live this kind of life, being away from home for 24 hours at a time? Well, only time will tell. The day seemed to just fly past. They had an itinerary of calls. One after another people got to the doctor or to the hospital, and even from the hospital to home.
Meeting new people, some of them, regulars, as Brian called them. Those were patients seen on a regular basis. Some are frequent fliers, meaning people who use the ambulance as a taxi. There seemed to be a real rhythm to the whole process.
The only glitch in the day seemed to be mealtime. You never knew if you were going to eat or not. If you got your meal you had to wolf it down, in fear of a call coming in and disrupting your digestion.
By the time night fell they had been out of the station all day with 12 runs under their belt.
Finally back at the station, Emma was shown the bunkroom.
“Boy, they weren’t kidding about the day being hectic.” Emma said.
As she came through the doorway she saw this big room that held 3 bunkbeds, a couch, 2 recliners, a desk and chair set, and a TV with video games.
Brian walked over to the first set of bunks and showed her which bunk was hers. While she did not fancy the idea of the top bunk, she knew the rookie gets the leftovers.
“You can make your bunk whenever you have time, but you have to break it down before you leave the next day. There is shelving down by the rigs to house your bedding.” Brian said
After the day they had Emma was ready to get her bunk ready. Brian warned her about lack of sleep with this job also.
“Because we are a medic unit we take turns going on after hours calls, so be ready.” He said.
That night went by without one call. Seven am came by quickly.
That next morning Brian told Emma ”Don’t get used to it.”
The next shift was here already.
As Emma came down the stairs she saw a sea of new faces. There was one face in particular that looked familiar. Nick was back. He watched as Emma descended the stairs. She noticed him watching her.
There was a funny feeling growing in the pit of her stomach. His eyes were so blue, like two pools of water. His hair was a sandy blonde, cut close to his head, almost military like. Emma felt short in comparison to him, he was at least 6’2 and she was 5’4, quite a difference in height. He had nice broad shoulders with a tight ass. Emma’s two most favorite qualities in a man. Emma notices his big hands and feet and you know what they say about big feet. Emma brushed that thought out of her mind and got in to her car and went home.