It is almost 5 in the afternoon, and I did not have my lunch yet, today’s schedule is hectic. One of the local branches in Adelaide is having a shortage of finances in materials because of the previous manager’s corruption. I can’t just borrow intended budget from other branches, and I consulted some executives too and majority would not let that branch shut down. Even though the company is doing well overall, I cannot just loosen up a bit. Getting comfortable means, you are making a way for your enemy to bring you down.
I decided to grab a snack, I did not bother to arrange the papers because I will get back to it. I guess another overtime this day. The company’s employees greeted me; I just nod at them. I am usually not in the mood if I am hungry. Hungry means angry, and my employees knew that. I waited for the elevator to open when I entered my phone rings. It’s Jess, I answered it.
“Alexander…” She’s breathing heavily as if she just run a mile. “It’s Liena, she’s gone.” As if cue I rushed my way to the lobby as soon as the elevator opened.
“She’s gone, I don’t know what to do.” I don’t know what Jess is talking about, everything is not sinking into my head. I cannot fully absorb what she’s trying to say. This can’t be happening right now.
“What do you mean gone?!” I almost dropped my phone when Jess said that. Gone? Why would she be gone? Did she leave? I can hear Jess is sobbing on the other line.
“I don’t know. When I came back, she’s gone and it’s almost 4 hours already but then she is still not here yet.” She Continued, “I told her not to go out but then I bet she bought something when she was cooking, she left some ingredients here in the counter. I came back from work passed by 1 pm.”
“I’ll be there.” I said and hung up the call as I run through the parking lot. I entered in driver’s seat and started the engine. The purr of it tenses my muscles, it feels like this is my first time driving a car, damn it! I eased the car into gear, and hurriedly pulled out of the parking lot. It’s traffic, the heck! I crossed another lane to find a shorter route. I drive fast until I reached their apartment building, I almost tripped at the stairs as I run through.
Jess opened the door, “Thank God! You are here.”
“Did Liena texted you or called you that she would go out?”
“No, she didn’t.”
“Did you ask somebody if they have seen Liena?” I asked again.
“Yeah, that’s what I am most concerned of.” Jess looks so guilty as she’s talking. “The old lady in the next door of this apartment saw Liena with a middled-aged man coming from the mini grocery store.” This could not be a simple kidnapping, I know for sure that there is someone who knows who Liena in my life is, this person behind this surely knows that Liena is my weakness. They will pay for this, and the moment I ask for the payment I triple it. They better not harm, nor I can see any scratch on Liena’s body.
“Did you call the police?”
Jess nodded but quite hesitant in her answer. “I called them as soon I found out about what the old lady next door said, but then the police officer told me that they will start looking and investigating. They are downstairs interviewing the old lady next door.”
“And I also told them about the possibility that it’s kidnapping. I told them about the probability of threat that we are facing.”
This is really frustrating; this is all my fault in the beginning Liena have done nothing to deserve all of these. We looked for more information while keeping our connections to the police. There is no CCTV camera where the old lady seen Liena with the guy, she’s with. I can’t do a thing; Jess is walking back and forth while she is trying to call Liena but no to avail. Her phone is just ringing but no one is answering, this is sick!
Jess stopped from walking back and forth she looks at me with eyebrows frown up and eyes in dagger. “All of these has something to do with you, right?” I have no time for this, I looked at her apologetically. She fleered hysterically.
“They want your money, Alexander!” She shouted and pointing her index finger to me. As if I did know what she is talking about. I know I have enemies and most of them are really getting into my personal life.
“If they want my money, they have already called us by now asking for it, and you know what? I would gladly give the money to them in exchange for Liena!” I couldn’t contemplate my feelings and can’t help but to raise my voice to her.
“Good thing you know about that!” Jess hissed; I don’t know what she is trying to put up in this kind of situation.
“So, what are you trying to point out right now? You know Jess, if we are just going to fight right now, just save it for later until we find Liena. For Pete’s sake! This is not the right time for this on your ideologies.” I hissed back at her.
“I don’t even know why Liena liked you, because you seem high-tempered and arrogant.” I just shake my head and shut my mouth to stop this non-sense verbal clash.
As the time passes by, the more tension is building up. I am getting more nervous as the time is ticking. The police are busy looking for any evidence from the mini grocery store up to here, interviewing tenants. I tried to call again Liena but no one’s picking up. I tried for one last time and someone picked it up.
Good Lord!