"Julie, Robert. It's so good to see you!" Mom exclaimed as she let my tiny chubby hand go to hug the pretty lady who had her arms wide open. I took a step back away from the two strangers that stood in front of me, gripping Dad’s hand tightly.
The unfamiliar man bent down to my level, a kind smile on his face, “Hello there little one,” he greeted with a hand slightly stretched towards me. Dad gently pushed me forward without letting my hand go. I gingerly shook his hand with a shy smile and he lightly patted my head.
“I’m pretty sure you’ve met her when she was a baby but, this is my daughter Riley.” Mom introduced me to the two adults. The pretty lady smiled at me and shot me a small wave while the man asked, “How old are you Riley?” Lifting my hand, I showed four fingers and he smiled.
A little boy with messy chocolate brown hair bouncing up and down came running towards us with his bright blue eyes sparkling, “Mommy! Daddy!” My eyes didn’t leave the big happy smile on his face.
The lady grabbed his hand and led him over, “River, meet your new friend Riley!” The little boy’s eyes trailed to me and our eyes met. My cheeks warmed and a smile found its way up my face as I stepped forward.
His smile fell and in place, a frown settled there. His eyebrows knitted together causing my smile to drop. Did I do something wrong? My head started concocting up reasons why he didn’t like me.
"But Mommy, she's a girl! She has cooties!"
“Sweetie, are you done?” Mom entered my room in a flattering white dress that reached just above her knees. I zipped up my duffle bag and scanned my room before nodding my head, “Yup,” I responded, popping the ‘p’. She smiled, a satisfied one, and grabbed the handle of my luggage. I slung my duffle bag over my shoulder as Mom dragged my luggage out of the room.
Taking one last glance at my room, I bade it farewell with a small sigh before closing the door.
I lugged my duffle bag down the stairs and out the door to the car where Mom stood. My duffle bag was placed in the boot of the black sedan and I strapped myself in the back seat of the car. Putting my earbuds on and clicking ‘shuffle’ on my playlist, the car roared to life and we drove out of the driveway.
“Riley,” Mom called and I quirked an eyebrow, removing one earbud. She shot me a serious look, “When living with the Jones, remember to be well-mannered and grateful!” She nagged for the umpteenth time which earned her a mindless nod from me, “Yes, I know. I remember.”
She shook her head and swerved the car to the left. I looked out the window and placed my earbud back in my ear as ‘Single’ by The Neighbourhood resonated in my ears.
I don’t know if we should be alone together.
I still got a crush, that’s obvious.
Mom and Mrs Jones were best friends since their high school days, along with Dad and Mr Jones. Mr and Mrs Jones were high school sweethearts while Mom hated Dad’s guts during freshman and sophomore year. But you always get what you hate and eventually they fell in love.
I don't think that we should be around each other.
When you're in the room, you get my eyes.
According to Dad, Mom always caught his eyes every time they were in the same room, no matter what scenario. Even in the hallways, his gaze would naturally fall on her. Of course, at that time, Mom detested him and would always avoid his gaze or glare back.
You open your mouth, I’m hypnotized.
The way my parents fell in love was so cliché. Mom was the apparent ‘Goody-Two-Shoes’ while Dad was the daredevil that parents asked their kids to stay away from. He had fallen for her when she delivered her student council presidential speech while she fell in love with him when the sun shone at the right angle on him when he was trying to play hooky and jump over the school wall.
I can make you laugh until you cry.
That’s what Dad did. He made her laugh so hard till she cried. Mom being the studious and serious kind, fell deeper in love with Dad as he was the boy who made her laugh and smile all the time.
Baby, I can't help but call her that.
Even though I shouldn't say it.
Of course, with Dad’s reputation, Mom’s parents weren’t willing to accept him as their son-in-law despite his rich background.
Can you let your baby be my girl?
But in the end, he won them over with his persistence and sincere effort. Even though my parents’ love story was so cliché, I dreamed to have a love like theirs ever since I was a little girl. So true and pure. I smiled to myself at that as I stared at the blurred green scenery.
The car finally halted outside of the big golden gates. Mom shut the engine and turned to me, “Rem-” I held up a hand and cut her off, “Be polite, grateful and behave. Yes, yes, I got it. I’m not a child anymore Mom,” I unbuckled my seatbelt and dragged myself out of Mom’s black BMW reluctantly. Mom followed suit as I pushed the door of the car shut. Mom reached for my hand and grabbed in hers, “You’ll always be my little girl,” she mumbled with a squeeze before letting go to grab my baggage out of the car. My heartstrings tugged.
The gates, as if it sensed our presence, opened and I stared at the three-story mansion that I had seen almost my entire life. The water fountain in the front yard was always so pretty and the sheared bushes made everything look so refreshing.
“Riley, Diana, it’s so good to see you!”
Mr and Mrs Jones along with River, graced us with their presence and Mrs Jones embraced Mom before pulling me into a hug. I smiled politely at them, “Hello Mr and Mrs Jones, it’s good to see you.”
Mrs Jones feigned a frown, “It’s already been thirteen years, don’t need to be so formal! Call us Julie and Robert.” I nodded my head and Julie squealed, “I’m very excited to have you live with us for a while Riley. Finally, another female presence!” I chuckled and in my peripheral vision I caught River roll his eyes.
Robert opened his mouth, “It’s been two months since we’ve last seen you and yet you’ve become such a pretty lady, Riley.” He complimented to which made River snort and receive a smack on his arm by his mother.
“Don’t mind the boy, he’s in his rebellious stage.” Julie shook her head in disapproval while Mom laughed, good-naturedly. Mom raised her wrist and checked her watch, “Oh, I have to go now in order to catch my flight. Thank you so much for taking Riley in, hopefully she won't be too much trouble.” She thanked while giving them a one arm hug before turning to me.
I opened my arms and she wrapped hers around me, “Bye Mom, have a safe flight.” I mumbled. Pulling away, she smiled and waved everyone good-bye before getting in the car. The car careened down the road and before I knew it, she was gone and out of sight.
Julie clapped her hands together, “Alright, River will bring you to your room and help you carry your stuff up, Riley.” She turned to the said boy who had a reluctant look on his face. She shot him a pointed look, “I won’t take ‘no’ for an answer River Jones,” she spoke in a tone that dared him to defy her. Robert gave him a pat on his shoulder and he scowled, grabbing the handle of my luggage. He started towards the mansion and I waved the two adults goodbye before taking big strides to catch up with River, my duffle bag in hand. He didn’t say anything for the rest of the way and I too kept my mouth shut.
We went up the stairs, to the second floor and I instantly recognized River’s room on the right. He halted in front of the door to the left and turned the door handle to reveal a spacious bedroom with light blue walls and soft carpeted flooring.
He placed my luggage by the bed while I tossed the duffle bed on the bed before thrusting myself onto the soft bed. I let out a pleased sigh. River cleared his throat and leaned against the doorframe and I sat up with an eyebrow raised, “Do you need something?”
“No ‘thank you’ or ‘River I love you so much!’? How rude!” he exclaimed dramatically. I clicked my tongue against the roof of my mouth, “I literally can’t believe I have to live with such a conceited idiot for three months.”
He let out a deep throaty laugh before pushing himself off the doorframe, “A hot conceited idiot.” He added before turning to leave me alone.
I rolled my eyes and shouted back, “At least someone’s somewhat self-aware!"