When you live with the enemy, your life turns upside down. Riley Summers is about to get a taste of living with long-tim...
[ one ]
I stared blankly at the white wall of my kitchen, trying to stay awake. It had barely been twenty minutes since I woke up and yet here I was, already falling asleep. An audible sigh left Mom’s lips, “Riley! Get up, you’re going to face-plant into your bowl!” She nagged and I groaned loudly. She shook her head, distaste clear on her face, as she took a sip of her lukewarm morning coffee.
“I’m so tired, it’s way too early for humans to even be up! School shouldn’t be this early!” I complained like a five-year-old. She didn’t look up from her notepad but I knew without even seeing it, I earned an eye roll from her.
“Riley, it’s seven thirty in the morning and if you don’t hurry up, you’re going to be late for school,” Mom said with a pointed look. A tired sigh escaped my lips and I abandoned my cereal to make my way up to my bedroom. Collapsing on my bed, I closed my eyes. Just five more minutes, I thought to myself. But alas, I didn’t have that luxury as Mom yelled, “Riley Summers, you better not be lying on your bed now! I need to go to work and you need to get your ass to school!”
Without even opening my eyes, I got up and walked to my closet at a snail’s pace. Was this everybody in the morning or just me? Because I was so not a morning person! Stretching my body, I pried my eyes open and grabbed a cropped white sweater and a pair of black leggings. I threw my hair up into a ponytail after changing. I glanced at my reflection in the mirror, “This is as good as it’s going to get.” I mumbled to myself with a shrug.
Snatching my bag off the carpeted floor and with my phone in my back pocket, I made my way to Mom’s car.
The drive to school was a quiet one as the radio softly hummed. Blurry green scenes flashed before my eyes as I stared out the window. Mom had a Bluetooth earbud on as she partook in her meeting and I closed my eyes with my head against the window.
“Morning Riles!” Harmony chirped in my ear. I shot her a small smile as I punched in my locker combination. Harmony was my best friend ever since that accident in middle school – that we don’t ever talk about – which led us to be inseparable ever since.
She blabbered on about what happened last night at her family dinner and I shut my locker door, “Seriously, how are you so energetic in the morning?” I questioned, hooking my arm with hers as we walked.
She scoffed, “How are you not?” I shot her an incredulous look, “Have you seen everyone else as energetic as you? I mean look at everyone!” I gestured to those in the hallway groggily getting to class. Shaking her head, “Tsk them. Anyway, when’s your dad coming back?”
Shrugging, I quirked an eyebrow at her, “I don’t know, in a month? Why?” Harmony didn’t respond and her cheeks tinged pink. My eyes widened as I let go of her arm, “Harmony, no! Are you a daddy plo-” I didn’t get to finish my sentence as I knocked into something that elicited a soft ‘oof’.
My legs stumbled back and just as I was about to tip over, lean yet muscular arms shot out and wrapped around my waist, saving my butt from kissing the disgusting green-tiled ground.
“I just saved your life,” an all too familiar voice rang in my ears.
My eyes snapped up to meet tantalizing, crystal blue eyes as a smirk curved his lips. He settled me back on my two feet and I immediately swatted his hands off which made his smirk grow even wider while a scowl crept up my face.
Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce the one and only River Hutson Jones also known as ‘The Golden Boy’ and our high school’s very own ‘Mr Popular’. Wow, so cool! No.
“Don’t you think that’s a little exaggerated, Jones.”
He chuckled, “When it comes to you Summers, nothing is exaggerated. Because you,” – he leaned forward to my eye-level – “are a whole drama.” Oh how my hands itched to wipe that smug smile off his chiseled face!
I scoffed and folded my arms against my chest as my eyes narrowed to slits at him, “I’m dramatic? Well, at least I don’t put myself on such a high pedestal and think that everyone wants to be me or be with me.”
He raised an eyebrow and pulled away from me, “Do you know how many girls would kill to be in your spot right now?” I rolled my eyes at his statement, “A bold statement don’t you think? You’re not that special, Jones. Don’t give yourself so much credit, it’ll slap you right back in your face.”
An amused look crossed his face, “You’re cute to think that, Summers.” I glared at him and he stared right back, not wavering. I huffed and averted my gaze, “This is stupid.” I muttered before pivoting on my heel to walk off, Harmony hot on my heels.
Then I halted mid-step and turned to Harmony, “We have yet to finish our conversation.” Her cheeks instantly flushed as she fervently shook her head, “No, of course not! Remember the cute intern that followed your dad on the trip?”
“Jean? You like my cousin Jean? I know he’s like my brother but Harm, I told you what type of person he is. He’s not someone you should date.” Harmony reached out and held my face, slightly squishing my cheeks, her face so serious it was like she had something official to announce. Yet all she said was, “But, he’s so cute! And nice!” I deadpanned for a moment before shaking my head. Shooting her a sarcastic smile, “No.” I made my way to class as I heard her groan.
A balled-up piece of paper landed near my feet as I stared at the whiteboard. I glanced down at it before snapping my gaze to River. He didn’t meet my eyes and I bent down to pick it up and off the floor.
I quirked an eyebrow and unfolded it before an unamused expression settled on my face. What was this? The fifth grade?
Hello Summers ;)
I rolled my eyes and scribbled down a reply.
Go away. Stop disturbing me.
Crumpling it back up, I tossed the paper back at him once the teacher turned his back to us. Aiming, I threw it at his head causing him to flinch. I internally cackled. River ran a hand through his hair and glared at me while I feigned innocence and smiled sickeningly sweetly at him.
A moment passed before the paper ball landed perfectly on my desk.
I’m not even near you but, I know you want me to.
Even though it was just written words on a piece of paper, I could hear the arrogance in his voice and a deep frown made its way up my face.
Totally, cause I’m SO in love with you -.-
I mindlessly threw it back at him and within seconds it was back to me. At this point, we were garnering curious stares from the other students.
I always knew you were in love with me :)
Blinking twice at the words that stared back at me, my eyes shifted to River. He caught my gaze and threw me a wink. I frowned and crushed the paper ball before thrusting it in the direction of the trash bin.
Unfortunately, as my luck would have it, the paper ball collided with Mr Keller’s head before dropping to the ground. He snapped his head to us and stared with his beady eyes, “Who threw that!” I bit my bottom lip and sunk in my seat.
River shot me a smug smirk in my peripheral vision and I childishly stuck my tongue out at him.
“Mom, I’m home!” I hollered as I shut the front door behind me. Dropping my bag on the floor and taking my shoes off, I made my way to the kitchen where Mom sat in her business outfit. I pecked her cheek and made my way to the refrigerator.
Looking up from the screen of her phone, she smiled, “How was your day at school?” I shrugged and snatched the tub of frozen yoghurt out of the freezer, “It was fine, I guess.” Responding, I leaned against the counter opposite where Mom sat.
Taking a mouthful of icy goodness Mom announced, “Riley, I’ll be traveling to Australia to meet your father there to close a deal. We’ll be traveling for three more months after that for this project we’re in charge of.”
I nodded my head and took another spoonful. Both Mom and Dad were the CEOs of Summers Corporation. Summers Corporation was the outcome after the merging of both maternal and paternal grandparents’ companies. It was a big corporation to say the least.
“So, I’ll have the house to myself for the next three months?” I asked, my face lit up with hope to which Mom crushed with the shake of her head, “No. You’re going to be living with Mr and Mrs Jones for the next three months.”
Backtrack, to give some context, Mr and Mrs Jones were good friends with my parents.
My jaw went slack as I dropped my frozen yoghurt on the floor. No way was I going to live with Mr Arrogant for the next three months! No! He and I were like oil and water or fire and ice, we didn’t mix!
“No, no, no, no! Can I please not? I think I’m old enough to take care of myself and live alone,” I begged with the biggest and most convincing smile I could muster, on my face. With a hard look on her face, “You are going to live with them and that’s final.” Mom said like a military commander that dared me to rebut. I zipped my mouth shut and an exasperated sigh escaped my lips.
I glanced at the sad yoghurt on the floor. On another serious note, RIVER JONES OWES ME FROZEN YOGHURT!