I stirred in my sleep as my ears picked up someone shuffling around in the room. Prying my eyes open, the sunlight flooded in the room and it took my eyes a moment to adjust to the light.
“Oh Riley, did I wake you up?” Julie asked with a concerned look, an apple and knife in her hand. I shot her a small smile, “No, it’s fine.” I responded as I placed a hand on the back of my neck. Moving my head side-to-side, I stretched out my slightly stiff neck as Julie sliced an apple for me in the seat River sat in last night.
I glanced around, “Where’s River?” She offered a slice to me which I took with a small ‘thank you’. I bit into the apple slice, “River’s in school right now.” She explained as she placed the apple slices on a paper towel.
She wiped her hands clean before grabbing mine and bringing it close to her chest, “I’m really glad you’re okay Riley. I really wouldn’t know what to tell Diana if you weren’t.” Julie said with a small frown on her face. Trying to lighten the mood, I smiled, “I’m fine, really. So, don’t frown. It’ll cause wrinkles,” I commented light-heartedly.
She chuckled before a serious look settled on her face, “You have no idea how frightened I was when I got a call from River saying you were injured. Riley, you should know that I think of you like my own daughter so don’t you worry. The girls that did this to you will get what they deserve.”
She placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder and I smiled, grateful for everything she did for me. Julie was about to say something but the ringing of her phone cut her off. She held up a finger and I nodded before she exited my room to pick up the call.
I blew out a quiet breath and leaned back, stretching out an arm to snatch a few apple slices. The little television in the corner of the room was turned on and a random cartoon was showing. There wasn’t any sound so I just sat there and stared at the moving pictures.
Julie re-entered the room with a frown on her face, “Riley dear, I really wanted to stay with you until River arrived, but the company needs me. I’m really sorry. I’m sure River will be here after all your scans so is there anything that you crave for? I could ask River to get it for you,” she offered. I pondered for a while before an invisible lightbulb above my head, lit up.
“Actually yes. Do you think you could ask him to get me a tub of frozen yoghurt please?”
She smiled, “Of course, no problem!” Julie grabbed her purse that was on the bedside table before feathering a kiss on my forehead. She waved goodbye and I mirrored it before she exited my room.
Soon after she left, Dr Stevens came in to take me to do some scans.
The scans were over within a blink of an eye and yet River nor my frozen yoghurt were here. I huffed and checked the clock that hung on the wall. It was already four in the afternoon. School was already long over, so what was taking him so long?
Bored out of my wits at this point and slightly cranky, I got off my bed and winced. Though I felt better, there was a nasty bruise on my abdomen causing my poor body to ache as I moved. “Damn you Casey Taylor,” I muttered under my breath hatefully as I walked to the door with slow steps.
Walking aimlessly, I somehow found myself in the pediatric section of the building. I wasn’t complaining though, I absolutely adored children. Smiling at the nurses that passed me, I chanced upon a room of young children with bright eyes who gathered around a boy who was hunched over.
With their backs turned to me, I raised an eyebrow. What were they doing?
“And the dragon stretched out his big scaly wings!” The boy with jet-black hair said passionately, widening his arms to resemble the dragon’s wings. The children stared at him with fascinated looks and mouths slightly opened as he flapped his arms.
“The dragon flapped its wings and soared into the sky!” The boy got up and started chasing the children around the room. Innocent laughter reached my ears as they ran away from him and a subconscious smile broke out on my face at the sight.
The boy laughed as well, as he snatched up a child in his arms. The young girl giggled as he tickled her before he let her go. The boy looked up as a child ran towards me. His eyes caught mine and a charming smile played on his lips, showcasing his dimples.
My breath was taken away.
The boy looked around my age and he had electrifying blue eyes. He wasn’t wearing a hospital gown but he was clad in all white making him look like an angel among the children. His chiseled features highlighted how attractive he was and I smiled back at him.
“Want to join us?” He offered.
Despite the pain my body was in, I couldn’t refuse.
“Come quick guys! Before the dragon eats us all!”
The children squealed before racing towards me like baby chicks. The boy feigned a dragon roar as he came towards us. The kids all grabbed my hospital gown and I played their mother chicken, protecting them from the big scary dragon.
I elicited a roar the children giggled as he backed down. Pretending I had a sword, I grabbed the invisible hilt and swung it. Slaying the dragon, the children cheered and jumped up in joy before attacking me with hugs. I fell to the ground and laughed.
My heartstrings tugged at their adorable faces as the boy chuckled.
A nurse came into the room, “Okay, playtime’s over! We all have to take our medicine now.” The children had reluctant expressions but the boy squatted down to their level with a gentle smile as he spoke.
“We all have to take our medicine to get better and be strong enough to slay the dragon!”
With that, the kids let go of me and went back to their respective beds.
The boy turned to me and offered a hand. I took it without any hesitation and he brought me back to my feet. “We should leave them to take their medicine now,” he suggested. I nodded my head and we waved the children goodbye before we exited their ward.
Not even a moment passed before he introduced himself, “I’m Kielson.” I took his outstretched hand and shook it, “I’m Riley.”
He raised an eyebrow, a smile still present on his face, “And you’re a patient here?” I gestured to my hospital gown, “Yup, and you’re not.” He chuckled at my statement and shoved his hands in his pockets.
“Nope,” he said popping the ‘p’.
“So, what are you doing here?”
“Well, my dad owns the hospital so I come here often to play with the children. I try to bring as much joy as I can to the children who are sick and stuck here.” He explained with a sad smile. My heart squeezed, aw, he was seriously an angel.
“That’s really nice of you.”
He shrugged and looked down at his feet before looking back up, “I mean I can understand how they feel to be trapped in a hospital ward 24/7. It’s suffocating and all you want to do is just get out and live a normal healthy childhood.”
Not wanting to probe, I commented, “I mean I’m starting to feel that and I’ve only been in the hospital for what? Two days?”
Kielson ran a hand through his black hair and smiled, a bright one, at me, “Well then Riley, I hope you get better fast and fulfil your wish of leaving this dreadful place.”
I parted my lips to thank him but his phone rang.
He fished his phone out, “Ah. My dad’s calling me.” He sent me a sheepish grin, “I got to go. I bid you farewell, my fair dragon slayer,” he bowed down at me as he spoke in a posh accent. An amused smile crept up my face. Playing along, “And I do you, my fair dragon. Till we meet again!” I read dramatically.
He chuckled before throwing me a small wave and jogging off in the direction of the other building. I took one more glance at his retreating figure before pivoting on my heel to make my way back to my ward.