I stood by the car and waited for River to finish paying for our waffles. I took a deep breath and tilted my head back, squinting at the sun. Throughout the whole thing, he kept uttering sweet nothings to me to keep up the act of being a couple very deep in love on their one-month anniversary. And even though I knew it was all an act, it was hard not falling for his words. I mean which girl doesn’t want to be praised and adored? It was addictive and it made my stomach warm.
River finally exited the quaint place and started towards the car. I caught a glimpse of him shoving something in his pocket but I didn’t bother questioning as he unlocked the car.
Once the both of us were buckled and ready, he revved the engine and started the drive to school. I patted my stuffed belly and let out a content sigh. He snorted as he made a turn, “You are such a pig.”
I glared at him, “I am not a pig!”
He smirked, “You ate three and a half plates of waffles plus the complementary dessert we got for the picture.” I rolled my eyes and leaned into the seat, “Ever heard of not letting food go to waste? Plus, I was just hungry. Also, didn’t you say you craved waffles? You barely touched any of it.”
River shrugged, “They’re fattening and watching you eat them greedily and messily was enough.” I raised an eyebrow, “Enough? Aw, did you mean watching me eat made your heart and stomach full because I was happily eating?” I mocked. He turned to me with the same gentle smile he shot me at the waffle place and I stared at him cautiously, “Yes.”
I raised both eyebrows, did I hear that correctly?
Then his smile morphed into his usual smirk, “Is that what you wanted to hear? If not, you ate like such a child that I lost my appetite.” I knew it, I scowled at him and he reached out to pat my head like a child. I swatted his hand away and he chuckled. With arms folded against my chest, I mumbled, “I seriously don’t see what other girls see in you. All you have is a mouth that talks shit.”
With his smirk still plastered on his face, “I’ll have you know that my mouth doesn’t only talk shit. My mouth can provide so much more that you’d be laying on my bed begging for more,” he shot me a suggestive look through the rear-view mirror and I gagged.
“I stand by my statement of not understanding what girls see in you.” He stopped the car at a traffic light and turned to me. River stretched out his arm and placed a hand at the back of my head. He pulled my face close to his and smiled, a slow but sexy one.
My face warmed at the proximity and he spoke, his minty breath fanning my face, “I thought maybe you were blind to not see my charm but I guess you just like to deny your feelings.” He let my head go and pulled away as the light turned green.
I scoffed and opened my mouth to rebuke but his phone rang, cutting me off. With one hand on the wheel, he fished his phone out of his pocket before tossing it to me, “Pick it up for me,” he commanded without even sparing me a glance.
“Am I your servant now?” I grumbled unhappily. He threw me a wink and I rolled my eyes before clicking on the green button without checking the contact name. Bringing the phone to my ear, “Hello, River Jones’ stripper service! How may I help you?” River death glared me but I sent him the most innocent and sweet smile I could muster.
A jolly laugh entered my ear through the phone, “I didn’t know my son decided to be a stripper after all!” Julie’s warm voice rang in my ears. I chuckled, “It was a sudden decision. He decided that being in stripper’s clothing made his butt pop!” His mother laughed again as River shot me a curious glance.
I shooed him away and he rolled his eyes before looking at the road.
“What can I do for you Julie? River’s driving right now.” I queried.
“Well, I just got a call from school saying how the both of you are absent and just wanted to check in.”
A story easily concocted in my head and I smirked, “Oh you’re going to love this. We were going to go to school but before we could even get in the car, River said he had to go to the bathroom. I waited and waited and so I decided to check up on him. Turns out, he was having explosive diarrhea! So, we decided to drive to the doctors. But now we’re all done and heading back to school!” I explained.
“Oh, is that so? If that’s the case, I’ll explain it to the school and have them excuse you. I hope he's okay.” Julie responded, concern evident in her voice.
I feigned pity, “Oh yes, please do! He's better now but please be sure to tell them about poor River’s weak bowels.”
He growled, “Give me that,” River’s hand shot out towards me and he snatched the phone away from me. I laughed evilly and leaned back in my seat. He quickly said goodbye to his mother and shoved his phone back in his pocket.
“I’m never letting you pick up my calls again,” he declared while a smug expression settled on my face. The school building entered our vision as we drove into the parking lot. River parked the car and shut the engine off.
I grabbed my bag from the back seat and exited the car. Stretching my limbs, I started towards the school building before River called out to me, “Hey!” I spun around with a bored look on my face, “What?”
“I have football again, so get a friend to drive you home today.” He announced as he leaned against his car. I nodded my head, wordlessly, and pivoted on my heel before continuing towards the school building.
Checking the time on my phone, I realized there was only five minutes left before lunch so I made my way towards the bathroom only to get stopped by, you guessed it! Casey and her posse. An inaudible sigh escaped my lips as she stalked towards me.
“I saw you just get out of River’s car again. Didn’t I tell you to stay away from him?” She glowered at me. I folded my arms against my chest, I backed down yesterday but today, I wasn’t feeling generous enough as annoyance coursed through me.
“Look, we’re in the same school and it’s inevitable that I see him. Also, if you have time to cowardly gang up on me, why don’t you just go seduce him or talk to him? Like seriously, you’re just wasting your time. He doesn’t even give a damn about me,” I spat at her. She thinned her lips and I saw the rage in her eyes, “You think you know everything don’t you?”
She raised her two fingers and her posse stepped forward. They gripped my wrists tightly and dragged me to the bathroom. I struggled and gritted my teeth as they threw me to the ground as if I were trash.
Casey bent down and pursed her lips. She raised her right hand and brought it across my face. A sharp sound reverberated through the empty bathroom as a stinging sensation started in my left cheek. It throbbed and I held it. Narrowing my eyes to slits at her, she bared her teeth at me and yanked my hair. I yelped in pain but she smiled cruelly.
“Know your place Summers!” She shouted at me before raising her five-inch stilettos. My eyes widened as her posse held me down. I screamed in pain as my hand started throbbing. Mixed tears of anger and pain pooled my eyes as I screamed. The piercing pain was almost unbearable as she continuously stabbed my right hand with her heels. I could feel bones cracking and whimpers escaped my mouth.
Her posse yanked more of my hair and the tears cascaded down my cheeks. I tried to kick Casey but that only led her to kicking me. She tugged on my shirt, “Let this be a lesson to you precious little Riley. My word in this school, is law. So, abide it.”
Her group yanked me up onto my feet as Casey balled her fist. She looked like the devil himself as she smirked, “Night, night,” her fist connected with my stomach before throwing me back. With no strength and support, I fell back and my head hit the sharp edge of the marble sink.
My head started spinning while the world was getting fainter and fainter.
“What the hell are you doing!” A familiar voice yelled out.
But I was losing consciousness and my vision was blurring.
The last thing I saw, were a familiar pair of white shoes in front of me, blocking me from the others before darkness enveloped me like a fluffy blanket that I would never be able to see.