The Great Plan Of Hooking Addy Up With A Teacher:
Chapter I: Behavior
-Do cheesy things for her. Open the door for her, buy her flowers, etc.
-Use a good old cheesy pick up line.
(You're the macaroni to my cheese, will you be my Valentine, please? ; Do I know you, because you look a lot like my girlfriend. ; Is it a good thing that I have my library card with me? Because I'm totally checking you out.)
What the hell is this? I'll kill all three of them. Except I can't see them anywhere, but I know that they are watching me from somewhere. Too bad that I don't know where. If I did, their heads would already be in the middle of the school for everyone to see.
My eyes continued to scan the text.
-Use any chance you can to talk, or get as close as you can to her. Ideally, stand next to her, but not too close, just enough that your hands touch from time to time. Do this very often. But don't be annoying.
Great thinking guys. 'Do this often. Don't be annoying'. Because that is possible.
-Try stalking her. Discretely. Just to see where she hangs out, who she hangs out with, and so. And don't creep her out.
-Do something that will get you to stay afterclass. You could try to excel at her quiz (Which I bet that you can't :P), or you could get do something to get in trouble. *wink, wink; nudge, nudge* Maybe she will punish you. ;)
For good Lord's sake! I'm starting to be afraid of my sister and my best friends. They are seriously creeping me out. And with that whole love triangle thing they have going on.
I closed the notebook, and returned to the school from my spot outside just as the warning bell rang.
As I was entering the front doors, I heard giggling behind me. I don't even have to turn around to know who it is.....
'Blah, blah, blah'
That's all that I have really heard as my English teacher kept on opening and closing her mouth repeatedly. For all that I know, she could be calling me. Meh. I don't give a flying fuck.
My mind kept going back to that amazing kiss that I shared with Scarlett.
It was....
Amazing. No. Incredible. No. Electrifying. Again, no. There are just no words to describe that feeling. I would sell my soul if I could get one more kiss from her.
Well, too bad that it just won't happen. She made her point clear. But, still, fuck! And, I still feel a little betrayed that she got engaged with someone else, while I was right here keeping my part of the promise, and was waiting for her. Just, dammit.
"Addrianne, for Christ's sake, it rang five minutes ago, and you are still sitting there with that blank expression."
I was snapped out of my trance like state by my English teacher.
My head turned to look around to find that I am indeed the only one left in this classroom.
Miss Brown just laughed and shook her head at me, clearly amused.
"I won't even dare to ask if you followed anything that I spoke during today's lesson."
Red stained my cheeks as I flashed her my dorky grin.
"Sorry, Miss, I was really tired today, I promise I'll make it up."
Again, she shook her head and lightly hit me on the head, and stepped out of the classroom along with yours truly.
As I was walking down the hallway, I heard her shout after me.
"Oh, and don't forget to stay awake while you're walking, you might hurt yourself."
I just laughed at the provocation, and continued to....Let me see.... Oh no. Mr Hastings. Ok, I might disappear for the next period. If you locked a teacher in the janitor's office, you wouldn't have the nerve to go to his class either.
My eyes landed on the book that was hanging out of my oversized pocket.
Hahahah, I wonder how Scarlett would react if I told her any of these stupid pick up lines.
Oh, fuck it, I'm gonna do it. I'm so bored, that even making a fool out of myself in front of Scarlett sounds better than getting bored to death.
Aaaand, the target comes into my vision. She's alone, great. Nobody else will laugh at me.
I walked up to her without saying a word, and she was giving me weird looks. I mean, who wouldn't?
I opened the notebook, and read the first line that came into my sight.
"Khm, khm.You're the macaroni to my cheese, will you be my valentine, please?"
It's out now. There's no turning back.
When my eyes landed on her, I saw her trying to stifle a laugh. Amusement danced in her eyes.
"Adrianne, what are you doing with your life?"
She tried to sound serious, but I could hear the laugh in her voice.
"And why aren't you in class?"
I plastered a grin on my face, and laughed nervously.
"Well, because Mr. Hastings, that's why."
Understanding crossed her beautiful face, and she released a small laugh.
"Oh, well, but you can't just not show up in his class for the rest of the year. You don't want to repeat a year, and besides, what's the worst thing that can happen? He's gonna make you crouch for 45 minutes. And, what? The world isn't gonna end because of that."
She had a point there. And I really don't want an extra year in highschool. So, yeah, I could go to his class for once in a while.
"Yeah, I, umm, I guess you're right. I'm acting a little bit immature here."
A smile appeared on her pink lips. Gosh, how I want to kiss her again. My eyes kept themselves glued to them, and she must have noticed it by now, because she stepped closer to me, and placed a hand on my shoulder.
"Don't. Don't do that to yourself. Nor to me. You know how things are. Just try to go with it, ok? I'm relying on your maturity here, and the fact that you can admit that you are acting immature lets me know that you are mature enough. You get what I mean. Goodness, I feel like I don't even know what I'm talking anymore."
Her hand stayed on my shoulders all the while, and she has goosebumps all over her arm and neck. She definitely isn't cold, so that leaves only one option left. But, no, I won't test it again.
"Wanna go to Pizza hut later? I'm finishing earlier today, and if you want to, I can get you out of the rest of your classes?"
I am actually surprised that she suggested a kind of a date (in my imagination it is a date) with me after what happened at my place. But, who am I to refuse this goddess who's asking me out?
"Ahhh, and I'm the immature one? Isn't that like illegal? Oooo, Scar, you are getting in so much trouble."
I could tell just by the look on her face that she is getting a bit vexed with me, and that it might be a good time to go.
"Addy, shut up, and go face your worst nightmare in a form of a grumpy history teacher."
And with that, she pushed me lightly down the hallway, and all the while strolling down the halls, I felt her eyes on me.
"Oh, and Addy?"
She yelled across the hallway. What's with everyone long distance yelling today?
"You forgot this."
In her hand, she was waving the goddamned notebook at me. Yes, that goddamned notebook. Fuck.
The last thing she did was show me a very sexy smirk, and rounded the corner, getting out of my eyesight.
I knew that something would go wrong. I knew it.
Char, Lucy, Jake, you are going to pay me for this.