When Micheal Vasilias spotted a bodyguard in a black suit opening the door of a limousine for an advanced man to enter, he turned off the motorcycle's ignition and parked it one mile away from his house.
He was especially perplexed by how the other eight bodyguards managed to enter the two Mercedes Benz so quickly.
Micheal Vasilias grinned broadly as he watched the two Mercedes Benz and the limousine enter the streets in a convoy before widening his mouth in awe, not realizing when saliva began to flow out from his mouth.
"Awesome! They reminded me of the Secret Service officers in the movie "WHITE HOUSE DOWN." Micheal Vasilias smiled pleasantly at himself.
"Micheal!! Mrs. Elizabeth Parker, who was standing at the house's doorpost, noticed Micheal Vasilias and yelled his name.
"Micheal!!!" Mrs. Elizabeth called again, this time loudly while folding her hands across her chest.
"MICHEAL!!!" Mrs. Vasilias yelled angrily this time, frightening Micheal Vasilias in the process.
"Na...Na...Nanny...You were here?" Micheal Vasilias said to Mrs. Elizabeth Parker in a faltering tone while glancing at her.
"Yes, I was, and I called you for minutes but you didn't respond...By the way..."Was Felicia here?" Mrs. Elizabeth Parker responded cordially while glancing at Micheal Vasilias.
"Felicia? "Why would she be here?" Micheal Vasilias inquired Mrs. Elizabeth Parker in disbelief, staring at her confused.
"You're correct...She can't be here...What will she want to do here? But I observed you've been drooling shamelessly in that direction, so would you mind explaining why?
"Nanny!!" Micheal Vasilias interrupted Mrs. Elizabeth Parker's speech with a whiny tone.
"What?!" Mrs. Elizabeth Parker yelled angrily at Micheal Vasilias.
"Fine, (sighs!!) I was drooling because of those men that were dressed in black suits...The way they acted reminded me of the Secret Service Officers in the movie "WHITE HOUSE DOWN." Micheal Vasilias spoke lovingly to Mrs. Elizabeth Parker while sighing hard in defeat.
"Oh!! Is that so? Hahahahaha!! You're really amusing." Mrs. Elizabeth Parker responded kindly, laughing softly.
"What is funny?" Micheal Vasilias inquired, his eyebrows raised.
"Nothing...By the way, the men in black suits you saw are bodyguards, and they came with someone extremely high up." Mrs. Elizabeth Parker responded to Micheal Vasilias affectionately, ruffling his hair and smiling at him.
"I see...They look amazing...I wish I had bodyguards like that; it would be amazing...and...and...what am I even saying? Such a wish could never come true easily." Micheal Vasilias remarked warmly to Mrs. Elizabeth Parker as he walked towards the front door of the house.
"Hahahahaha! If only he knew that what he wished for was actually happening...Hahahaha." Mrs. Elizabeth Parker remarked to herself inwardly with a smile on her face as she entered the house and shut the front door.
"Nanny, We are out of groceries...We need to go to the grocery shop right now since I'm starving." Micheal Vasilias stated to Mrs. Elizabeth Parker as he closed the refrigerator.
"Aww! "You're hungry?" Mrs. Elizabeth teased Micheal Vasilias, grinning at him.
"Do I seem to be joking?" I'm not just hungry, but starving." Micheal Vasilias replied cordially to Mrs. Elizabeth Parker while heading slowly towards the house's exit door.
"If you're so hungry, how about we go to the convenience store and get some food to eat before going to the grocery store?" What do you think? "Sounds good, doesn't it?" Mrs. Elizabeth Parker suggestively stated to Micheal Vasilias while looking at him.
Turning around, Micheal Vasilias remarked, "That sounds great, now let's go!!"
"Nanny, "Why are you still standing there?" Micheal Vasilias asked Mrs. Elizabeth Parker warmly while sulking.
"Oh my goodness! When you're hungry, you behave like a child...Let's go." Mrs. Elizabeth Parker stated to Micheal Vasilias before walking out of the house and closing the door behind her.
"Nanny, wait for me!" Micheal Vasilias said loudly as he ran out of the house, closing the door behind him.
"Michael, how about we take a taxi?" I don't think I can afford to get on your motorcycle now that I know how....
"Nanny, we need to save money...We barely have enough money to feed ourselves, so why waste it on a taxi when my motorcycle is here?" Micheal Vasilias replied kindly to Mrs. Elizabeth Parker, halting her from speaking what she wanted to say while staring at her inquisitively.
"That's what I'm saying! When I get on your motorcycle, I feel the shivers...Looking at it makes you want to puke, which is why I suggest we take a taxi and...
"Nanny! Please do not talk about my motorcycle in that manner!! That motorcycle was handed to me by someone who calls himself my father when I was twelve years old." Micheal Vasilias shouted fiercely to Mrs. Elizabeth Parker, interrupting her speech and glaring at her.
"It was the only birthday gift I received that day, aside from the letters he sends me every year on my birthday." Micheal Vasilias continued while staring at Mrs. Elizabeth Parker.
"Whatever you say!" "Start the bike, let's go." Mrs. Elizabeth Parker frowned as she spoke firmly to Micheal Vasilias.
Micheal Vasilias started his motorcycle right away, while Mrs. Elizabeth Parker hopped on.
"Nanny! Please do not talk about my motorcycle in that manner!! That motorcycle was handed to me by someone who calls himself my father when I was twelve years old." Micheal Vasilias shouted fiercely to Mrs. Elizabeth Parker, interrupting her speech and glaring at her.
"It was the only birthday gift I received that day, aside from the letters he sends me every year on my birthday." Micheal Vasilias continued while staring at Mrs. Elizabeth Parker.
"Whatever you say!" "Start the bike, let's go." Mrs. Elizabeth Parker frowned as she spoke firmly to Micheal Vasilias.
Micheal Vasilias started his motorcycle right away, while Mrs. Elizabeth Parker hopped on.
Micheal Vasilias selected his gear and drove the motorcycle into the streets, heading for the convenience shop, as soon as Mrs. Elizabeth Parker was seated on the motorcycle seat behind him.
When Micheal Vasilias and Mrs. Elizabeth Parker arrived at the convenience shop, they walked inside and purchased two bottles of soft drinks and snacks, which they ate before exiting the convenience shop.
Micheal Vasilias started his motorcycle as soon as they arrived at the convenience shop parking lot, while Mrs. Elizabeth Parker hopped on it.
Micheal Vasilias took a deep breath and drove his motorcycle into the streets, heading for the grocery shop.
When Micheal Vasilias and Mrs. Elizabeth Parker arrived at the grocery shop, they went inside and purchased some groceries before exiting the grocery shop.
As soon as they arrived at the grocery store parking lot, Micheal Vasilias received the groceries from Mrs. Elizabeth and set them on his front before turning on the ignition of his motorcycle and selecting his gear.
Mrs. Elizabeth Parker took a deep breath and sighed in frustration as Micheal Vasilias drove into the streets toward their house.
Arriving at their house, Micheal Vasilias brought the groceries inside and unpacked them before departing for his part-time job as a pizza deliverer.
Six hours later, Micheal Vasilias left the pizza restaurant after getting his day's pay and drove home straight.
Micheal Vasilias walked inside to take a bath as soon as he arrived home before sitting down to eat dinner.
"I'm so hungry." Micheal Vasilias thought to himself while licking his lips as Mrs. Elizabeth Parker served his supper.
As soon as Mrs. Elizabeth Parker finished serving his supper, Micheal Vasilias made the sign of the cross before he started eating.
"Gosh!! It's really delicious!!" Michael Vasilias gasped in delight, licking his lips as he ate avidly.
"Here! Have some grilled steak." Mrs. Elizabeth Parker spoke to Micheal Vasilias kindly as she added some grilled pork to his supper.
"Nanny, you're the best." Micheal Vasilias passionately applauded Mrs. Elizabeth while giving her a thumbs up.
"You flatter me, Micheal! Would you like some juice?" Mrs. Elizabeth Parker replied kindly to Michael Vasilias as she raised the pack of orange juice with the intention of pouring it into his glass.
"Sure! You already know how much I adore juice." Mrs. Elizabeth Parker was enthusiastically responded to by Michael Vasilias, who extended his empty glass towards her, into which she poured the orange juice.
Micheal Vasilias continued to eat greedily without a care in the world, while Mrs. Elizabeth Parked looked at him with loving eyes as he ate.
"You've grown so much!" I wish...Oh, that reminds me!! Micheal!!" Mrs. Elizabeth Parker smiled at Micheal Vasilias, but she couldn't finish her sentence before she remembered something else.
"What is it, Nanny?" Michael Vasilias inquired, looking at Mrs. Elizabeth Parker inquisitively.
"First, finish your meal, and then I'll tell you." Mrs. Elizabeth Parker smiled warmly as she responded to Micheal Vasilias.
"Tell me now...Please...Please...Nanny...Please tell me right now...Okay?...Please." Micheal Vasilias said to Mrs. Elizabeth, whining and pouting cutely.
"I never said I wouldn't tell you, Michael...Just finish your meal...It's not anything that can't wait till you've had your fill, okay?" Mrs. Elizabeth Parker smiled as she remarked to Micheal Vasilias.
"Okay," Micheal Vasilias muttered grumpily, his gaze fixed on his plate.
Micheal Vasilias finally finished his supper ten minutes later.
He cleared his table and dashed back to the dining table, where he sat with his hands on his jaws, staring at Mrs. Elizabeth Parker.
"What is it?" Why are you staring at me like that? "Is there something on my face?" Mrs. Elizabeth Parker inquired, wiping her face with her hands.
"Nothing is on your face, Nanny; I was just staring at you because I was curious about what you said you wanted to tell me." Micheal Vasilias responded warmly to Mrs. Elizabeth Parker, bending his head and scratching his non-itchy hair.
"Oh! Is that so? You made me nervous! Hahaha! "I thought I had something on my face." Mrs. Elizabeth Parker remarked kindly to Micheal Vasilias while laughing.
"So, what did you want to tell me?" Micheal Vasilias questioned Mrs. Elizabeth Parker cordially while staring at her inquisitively.
"What is it?" Why are you staring at me like that? "Is there something on my face?" Mrs. Elizabeth Parker inquired, wiping her face with her hands.
"Nothing is on your face, Nanny; I was just staring at you because I was curious about what you said you wanted to tell me." Micheal Vasilias responded warmly to Mrs. Elizabeth Parker, bending his head and scratching his non-itchy hair.
"Oh! Is that so? You made me nervous! Hahaha! "I thought I had something on my face." Mrs. Elizabeth Parker remarked kindly to Micheal Vasilias while laughing.
"So, what did you want to tell me?" Micheal Vasilias questioned Mrs. Elizabeth Parker cordially while staring at her inquisitively.
"Oh! It is about your paternal grandfather." Mrs. Elizabeth Parker responded warmly to Michael Vasilias.
"My paternal grandfather?" Nanny, are you attempting to pull my legs? "I don't even have a father, and you're telling me about my paternal grandfather?" Micheal Vasilias replied to Mrs. Elizabeth Parker, looking at her with eyes filled with disbelief.
"Yes, I'm telling you about your grandfather...The father of the man from Europe who used to irritate your late mother whenever I mentioned him to you when she was alive...The man who continues sending you letters you don't read and birthday presents you put away simply to please your late mother when she was still alive...That man's father was here today and he wants to see you." Mrs. Elizabeth Parker remarked kindly to Micheal Vasilias while taking a deep breath.
"What makes him want to see me now?" Michael Vasilias inquired, looking at Mrs. Elizabeth Parker inquisitively.
"I'm not sure!" If you're curious, here's his address...Take..."Please go see him." Mrs. Elizabeth Parker replied warmly to Micheal Vasilias as she handed him a card.
Micheal Vasilias reluctantly accepted the card and read it aloud as "GLADOVIA IMPERIAL RESORT, 3355 Spring Road Street, Chicago."
"This place appears to be posh...Is he staying there? "I think I've seen this logo before." Micheal Vasilias responded enthusiastically to Mrs. Elizabeth Parker while pointing to the "GLADOVIAN IMPERIAL CREST." On the card.
"Just go to the address on that card tomorrow...Here! That's $30! Use it for your taxi fare." Mrs. Elizabeth Parker smiled warmly as she handed Micheal Vasilias some dollar bills.
"Nanny, this is too much...I...I...I can get there on my motorcycle." Micheal Vasilias responded kindly to Mrs. Elizabeth Parker while refusing to accept the dollar bills.
"Michael, take the money!" The location in question is a privately owned resort...You won't be able to get to the gate on your motorcycle, but you could have a chance in a taxi." Mrs. Elizabeth Parker reasoned with Micheal Vasilias.
"Is that so?" Okay, fine! I'll take a taxi, but I'll return the money to you when I get back." Micheal Vasilias remarked kindly to Mrs. Elizabeth Parker while collecting the dollar bills.
"Whatever!! "I'm going to bed." Mrs. Elizabeth Parker said to Micheal Vasilias as she rose from her seat.
"Wait for me! Let's go to bed together." Micheal Vasilias replied to Mrs. Elizabeth Parker warmly as he rose from his seat and followed her from behind.
Arriving at Micheal Vasilias' room, Mrs. Elizabeth Parker prepared Micheal Vasilias' bed before summoning him inside.
As soon as Micheal Vasilias got on his bed, Mrs. Elizabeth Parker covered him with a blanket, sang a song to him, and waited for him to sleep before turning off the light and walking out of the room, locking the door behind her.
"Will he be able to handle the shock tomorrow?" Mrs. Elizabeth Parker thought to herself as she entered her room and slammed the door behind her.