Micheal Vasilias woke up the next day feeling energetic.
Micheal took a deep breath, grabbed his button phone off the table next to his bed, and gasped in surprise when he checked the time on his cell phone and discovered it was already 7:00 a.m.
Like a lightning bolt, Micheal sprang out of bed and dashed to the bathroom.
After entering the bathroom, he washed his teeth and took his bath before exiting the bathroom.
He sighed heavily as he took out his school uniform from his closet and realized how ripped and worn out it was.
Taking a deep breath, he took out his sewing bucket from his wardrobe, pulled out his needle and thread, and patched his school uniform with it before putting on his school uniform and placing the thread and needle back into his sewing bucket.
As he realized he was running out of time, he kept his sewing bucket inside his wardrobe and ran out of his room.
Mrs. Elizabeth Parker called him just as he was about to open the house's exit door, and he came to a halt.
"Where are you going in such haste?" Mrs. Elizabeth Parker inquired, her gaze fixed on Micheal Vasilias.
"Where am I going?" It's school, of course! "Can't you see I'm dressed for school?" While opening the house's exit door, Michael Vasilias asked Mrs. Elizabeth Parker.
"I know you're dressed for school, but can't you at least eat breakfast before you leave for school?" I made your favorite bacon and scrambled eggs." Mrs. Elizabeth Parker remarked kindly to Micheal Vasilias while staring at him with concern.
"I'm sorry, Nanny! If I succumb to the temptation, I might as well spend the money you gave me for taxi fare to go to that resort today, and use it to take a taxi to school instead." Micheal Vasilias gently declined Mrs. Elizabeth Parker's offer before exiting the house.
"I can't afford to let him go to school hungry...He passed out in gym class the last time he went to school without eating something." Mrs. Elizabeth Parker worriedly whispered to herself as she ran out of the house, closing the door behind her.
"Micheal! Micheal! Micheal!! "Where are you, Michael?" Mrs. Elizabeth Parker screamed out in a frightened tone, looking around and searching for Micheal Vasilias.
Micheal Vasilias was about to cross the street when he heard his name called from behind.
He turned around only to see his nanny yelling his name and looking around as if she was looking for a lost puppy.
Sighing heavily, he approached his nanny and gently tapped her on the back.
"Micheal! Oh my God, you scared me!! (Sighs!!) "Where did you go in such a short period?" Mrs. Elizabeth Parker expressed her concern to Micheal Vasilias while exhaling heavily in relief.
"Nanny, why were you looking for me? Is there anything you want to tell me? If there is, please tell me because I don't have much time." Micheal Vasilias replied to Mrs. Elizabeth Parker cordially while staring at her inquisitively and checking the time on his button phone.
"Well, I just wanted to give you some money so you could buy yourself something at school...Here! Take it! I don't want you to pass out again like you did the other day at gym class because you didn't eat anything before...
"Thank you very much, Nanny." Micheal Vasilias quickly took the dollar bills from Mrs. Elizabeth Parker and thanked her before sprinting down the road toward his school.
"What a spoiled brat!" He didn't even let me complete my sentence." Mrs. Elizabeth Parker grumbled to herself, glancing down the road at Micheal Vasilias.
Mrs. Elizabeth Parker stared at Micheal Vasilias for some minutes, before turning back.
Taking a deep breath, she began to walk back home while humming a song.
(Lincoln Park High School)
Micheal Vasilias ran into the school building and bent down in the hallway to catch his breath.
"Hey, Homie!" I spotted you running inside the school...Why didn't you bring your motorcycle to school?." Tom, who had followed Micheal Vasilias into the school building without his knowledge, said to him while staring at him inquisitively.
"Well, I didn't feel like riding that motorcycle today, so I didn't bring it to school with me." Michael Vasilias responded while gasping for air.
"You know I always know when you're lying to me, and right now I know you just told me a white lie, so tell me the truth!! "How come you didn't ride your motorcycle to school?" Tom questioned Micheal Vasilias sternly while looking at him inquisitively.
"Don't think about lying to me again or I'll get really angry at you." Tom remarked harshly to Micheal Vasilias, halting him from saying what he wanted to say while looking at him inquisitively.
"Okay, fine! (Sighs!!) I'll tell you why I didn't bring my motorcycle to school...Lying to you is even a bad idea." Micheal Vasilias remarked to Tom affectionately while sighing heavily in defeat.
"Good! You made a wise choice..."Now shoot." Tom smiled and responded heartily to Micheal Vasilias.
"Well, I just found out that I had a father, and my father's father came to my house and told my nanny that he wants to see me, so after school, I'm going to the address written on his card, and I'm taking a taxi, which is why I didn't bring my motorcycle to school today." Michael Vasilias said to Tom warmly before taking a deep breath.
"By dad's father, do you mean your grandfather?" Tom said to Micheal Vasilias, looking at him with interest.
"Yeah, you are correct." Michael Vasilias responded to Tom enthusiastically while smiling and nodding.
"Whoah! Isn't he the father of the same man who irritates your late mother everytime your nanny mentions him?." In a state of shock, Tom inquired of Micheal Vasilias.
"Yes (sighs!!) he is." Micheal Vasilias replied heartily while sighing.
"Are you going to be okay on your own? Would you like me to accompany you? Do you...
"Tom! Tom, listen...I'm going to be alright, okay? Nothing bad is going to happen to me, promise? Just take it easy, okay? Everything will be alright...I mean If he's really my grandfather, he won't want to hurt me, right?." Micheal Vasilias remarked to Tom with the intention of calming him down while interrupting him from saying what he wanted to say.
"Wow! Holmes, you're correct! Anyway, I respect your bravery...If I were you, I wouldn't bother going to see him." Tom smiled and patted Micheal Vasilias on the shoulder.
"To be honest, I didn't want to go, but my nanny insisted, and you know how I can't go against my nanny's wishes." Micheal Vasilias remarked cordially to Tom while frowning.
"Of course!" Why would you want to go against the wishes of a woman who treated you like her own son even when your late mother was still alive...She looked after you more than your own mother...Your mother was just good at consuming drugs and getting high.No offense intended." Tom tapped Micheal Vasilias on the shoulder affectionately.
"Well, you're not wrong (sighs!!)" Taking drugs, getting high, drinking, and sleeping with boys younger than her was all she did her entire life, so I wasn't surprised when she died of heart cancer." Micheal Vasilias said to Tom while sighing.
"Enough talk about your mother...Let's get to class! "The first period has begun." Tom said to Micheal Vasilias with a smile, entwining his hand with Micheal Vasilias's and walking him straight to class.
When Micheal Vasilias and Tom arrived at their class, they went straight to Jerry's seat and sat with him.
It didn't take more than two minutes for the Algebra Teacher to walk into the classroom and started teaching the class.
Within four hours, six different teachers came into Micheal Vasilias' class and left when they finished teaching their respective courses, and finally the bell rang signaling that it was time for break or lunch.
Micheal Vasilias, Tom, and Jerry exited the classroom together and walked straight to the cafeteria to have their lunch.
Tom and Jerry purchased their lunch at the cafeteria counter, while Micheal Vasilias was busy drooling and watching as Felicia was eating her burger happily.
"Just look at him...I'm wonder why he's like this." Jerry said to Tom, chuckling as he glanced at Micheal Vasilias, who was busy watching Felicia devouring her burger without realizing he was drooling.
"Can you blame him? He's in love...When you fall in love with a girl one day, trust me, you will behave exactly the way he is behaving now." Tom responded warmly to Jerry while chuckling softly.
"No way!! I'd rather die than do something like this..."Just thinking about it gives me the shivers." Jerry yelled violently at Tom, scared at the thought of him acting like Micheal Vasilias.
"It's all right, Jerry! Stop overreacting." Tom smiled pleasantly to Jerry before walking to Micheal Vasilias and tapping him on the back.
"What is it?!" Micheal Vasilias asked Tom angrily, not taking his gaze away from Felicia, who was still eating her burger.
"You've got saliva all over your mouth, Holmes." Tom said to Micheal Vasilias warmly while handing him a handkerchief.
"What?! Really?! Thank you!! I had no idea." Micheal Vasilias replied in a frantic tone, wiping his lips quickly with the handkerchief.
"Holmes, do you know what? Instead of standing here drooling like a child, why don't you get yourself what she's eating and go sit with her...As you can see...no one is seated next to her." Tom tapped Micheal Vasilias on the shoulder in a provocative manner.
"Micheal, Tom is correct! This could be your chance." Jerry added with a smirk on his face.
"This could be my chance!!" Tom, your intelligence never ceases to astound me." Micheal Vasilias said to Tom, smiling as he ran to the counter to purchase some burgers.
Micheal Vasilias headed straight to Felicia's seat after grabbing some burgers and a soft drink from the counter.
"Hello, Felicia!" "May I sit here with you?" Micheal Vasilias questioned Felicia cordially while beaming brilliantly at her.
Felicia pretended she didn't hear Micheal Vasilias asking her for permission to sit with her and focused on eating her burger happily.
"Was I not audible enough?" Micheal Vasilias questioned himself inwardly while clearing his throat.
"Felicia, I apologize for bothering you, but could I please sit here with you?" Micheal Vasilias asked Felicia respectfully, and this time he was more audible, but Felicia pretended she was looking for something.
Felicia hissed as she looked at him from head to toe, her eyes filled with hatred, disgust, and contempt, as she continued to eat her burger.
"Why did she hiss at me?" Was I not nice and respectful enough?" Micheal Vasilias pondered inwardly while smiling at Felicia.
"Hello, Miss Felicia. I'm sorry for bothering you, but may I please sit with you?." Micheal Vasilias asked Felicia politely and respectfully, while looking at her inquisitively.
"Is he really that stupid?" Can't he see that I don't want him around me?." Felicia asked herself inwardly in deep thought while staring at him from head to toe without saying anything.
Taking her silence as a sign of "Go ahead! I don't mind." Micheal Vasilias placed his small tray containing his burgers and soft drink on the table and sat in one of the chairs.
Felicia got furious as soon as Micheal Vasilias sat in the chair.
Felicia rose from her seat, approached the smiling Micheal Vasilias, and slapped him hard on the cheek, startling the students in the cafeteria, including Tom and Jerry.
Just as Micheal Vasilias opened his mouth to say something, Felicia slapped Micheal Vasilias hard on the face again, flung him out of the chair with all her might, and screamed loudly in fury, shocking the entire students in the cafeteria.