Tom and Jerry, who were appalled by what Felicia had done to Micheal Vasilias, raced to him and assisted him in getting back on his feet.
The infuriated Tom curled his fist hard, walked up to Felicia, and punched her in the face with all his might, knocking her down to the ground.
Felicia sprang up, glaring at Tom and clutching her wounded mouth, she yelled angrily at him, saying "Why did you punch me??!!"
"Do you have the right to ask me that?" What made you do that to my friend? What crime did he commit against you that you slapped him hard on the face not once, but twice? Huh?!" Tom screamed violently at Felicia, glaring daggers at her.
"How dare he sit with me? Who the hell does he think he is? Huh? He dared to sit with me, so I slapped him hard twice since that's what you'd do to a fly disrupting your serenity." Felicia replied Tom angrily, glaring daggers at him.
"Fly?! How could you refer to my friend as a fly? Do you even look any better? Huh? In case you didn't know! "Used toilet paper is more appealing and attractive than you." Tom yelled fiercely at Felicia, hurling daggers at her with his eyes, and the students in the cafeteria couldn't help but burst into laughter because of what Tom said, making Felicia feel more embarrassed.
Felicia was driven insane by the way the students were laughing at her. Just as she was going to say something, Tom grabbed Micheal Vasilias' hands and hauled him out of the cafeteria.
Feeling frustrated, Felicia yelled in anger and burst into tears, as the students continued to mock and laugh at her.
(INSIDE THE INFIRMARY OF Lincoln Park High School)
"I hope this has taught you a lesson?" Tom smiled warmly at Micheal Vasilias as he massaged his face with an ice pack.
"But why did she have to...Why did she...Why...
"It's okay, homie! Just know that she has no feelings for you and regards you as an insect, so promise me that you will not go near her in the future..."Promise me, Micheal." Tom replied to Micheal Vasilias in a soothing tone, halting him from expressing what he wanted to say while embracing him.
"I promise you, I won't go near her again, and I'll stop daydreaming about her." Micheal Vasilias replied to Tom warmly, tears streaming down his cheeks.
"Better!" Tom smiled at Micheal Vasilias and patted him on the back.
"Thanks for having my back, homie." Micheal Vasilias smiled gratefully at Tom before breaking the embrace.
"It's nothing! I'm sure you'd do the same for me, so you don't have to think of it as something huge or cool...After all, friends look out for one another, don't they?" Micheal Vasilias replied Tom warmly, staring at him with eyes filled with affection.
"Yeah, right!" Micheal Vasilias smiled brightly at Tom and nodded.
"Hahahahahaha!! Who do we have here? The new heartbroken and devastated boy in school!! Wow! Just wow! I've been seeking everywhere for you guys, not realizing you came here to hide in shame...Hahahahahaha." Jerry remarked while laughing loudly as he walked inside the Infirmary and sat on one of the beds beside Tom and Micheal Vasilias.
"Shame? Jerry, you're hilarious! Is there anything to be ashamed of based on what transpired in the cafeteria? "Why should he be ashamed?" Tom smiled warmly at Jerry while staring at him inquisitively.
"Why shouldn't he feel ashamed? Tom, let me remember you...Felicia, his crush, slapped him twice and flung him out of the chair he was sitting in, so....
"Is that why you think he should be ashamed?" Tom queried Jerry harshly, interrupting him while looking at him inquisitively.
"Of course!" Jerry said, nodding his head.
"Are you ashamed of what happened to you at the cafeteria, Michael?" Tom inquired, kindly, of Micheal Vasilias.
"Me? Ashamed? No way! Instead, I've become more enlightened." Micheal Vasilias responded to Tom with a bright smile.
"Enlightened? What exactly do you mean by "enlightened?" Jerry inquired, lifting his eyebrows and staring at him with interest.
"Well, I discovered that Felicia doesn't have feelings for me like I did for her, and I discovered that all the time I was drooling because of her...I was nothing to her but an insect..."I also realized she's way out of my league, so I'll be careful not to swoon over her or fall in love with girls like her in the future." Micheal Vasilias responded cordially and cheerfully.
"Is that what you meant when you said you're enlightened?" Wow, you're so cool...I was thinking of ways to console you because I suspected your heart had been wounded and shattered by what Felicia had done to you...Looking at you now, I can tell you're already healed based on how brightly you are smiling right now." Jerry smiled and looked at Micheal Vasilias with affection.
"My heart isn't healing; it's dead!" "Dead things don't feel things like pain." Micheal Vasilias murmured to Jerry, his face turning frigid.
"Am I the only one getting chills from Micheal?" Jerry asked out while trembling and staring at Tom.
"Guys, It's time for sports! Let's go to the field." Tom said out as he got out of bed.
"Is there any reason for Micheal to leave?" Because of his clumsiness, he always misses his ball, and...
"Practice makes perfect!!" Don't undermine his morale by saying things like that to him!! Micheal, get up! Let's go." Tom yelled violently at Jerry and ordered Micheal Vasilias to get out of bed.
Micheal Vasilias yawned and stretched his arms before grudgingly rising from his bed.
Holding hands together, the three buddies strolled out of the infirmary and went straight to the cricket field where they were going to be playing cricket.
(IN THE FIELD OF Lincoln Park High School)
Male students were seen participating in sports such as American football, basketball, track and field, baseball, soccer, and cricket, while female students were seen participating in sports such as basketball, track and field, volleyball, softball, and soccer.
While students were busy playing various games, some female students were cheerleading, and among the cheerleaders was Felicia, who used a lot of concealer on her face to hide her swollen mouth.
Among the students playing cricket were Micheal Vasilias, Tom, and Jerry.
Jerry had just finished his round and was cheered by the cricket coach as he handed his bat to Micheal Vasilias, who was staring at Felicia, who was busy cheerleading.
"Micheal! Micheal!" Jerry yelled Micheal Vasilias' name in a hushed tone while handing him his bat, but his efforts were futile because Micheal Vasilias' attention was concentrated on Felicia, who was cheerleading.
"What's wrong with him?" The Cricket coach asked Jerry angrily as he approached Micheal Vasilias.
Jerry used his bat to hit Micheal Vasilias' legs, knowing full well that the cricket coach was about to reprimand and scold him.
"Ouch! "What did you do that for?" Micheal Vasilias shouted in anguish as he rubbed his legs vigorously.
"Coach is upset with you because you zoned out!! I thought you said you wouldn't d...
"It's not what you think!!" "I was just wondering why she had to use concealer to hide her swollen mouth instead of an ice pack." Micheal Vasilias snarled fiercely at Jerry as he took the bat from him.
"Yeh! Yeh! "Whatever you say." Jerry reacted sarcastically to Micheal Vasilias while nodding his head.
"Michael, you were daydreaming in my field instead of getting your ass ready to play your round." The cricket coach yelled at Micheal Vasilias while staring at him.
"I'm sorry, Sir! It will not happen again." Micheal Vasilias warmly apologized to the cricket coach as he walked to the cricket pitch.
"It better not happen again, because the day it does, you're off my team!!" "Do you understand?" The Cricket coach spoke harshly to Micheal Vasilias while staring at him.
"Yes, Sir! "I understand." Micheal Vasilias cordially replied to the cricket coach as he prepared to play his round.
"Good! Now prepare yourself." Before blowing his whistle, the cricket coach said kindly to Micheal Vasilias.
When the coach blew his whistle, the bowler delivered the ball to Micheal Vasilias, who missed it due to his clumsiness.
"Micheal!!! How difficult is it to hit an incoming ball? Why do you always miss each ball that the bowler delivers to you as a batsman? Huh?." The Cricket coach yelled aggressively at Micheal Vasilias.
"I'm sorry, Sir." Micheal Vasilias politely apologized to the coach before preparing for another round.
"Michael, take a deep breath! Feel the wind and use your bat to hit the ball at the perfect time!! It's all about timing!! "Do you get it now?" The Cricket coach stated to Micheal Vasilias kindly while looking at him inquisitively.
"Yes, sir!" Micheal Vasilias kindly responded to the cricket coach while preparing himself for the next round.
"Have you taken the deep breath I asked you to take?" The Cricket coach inquired, looking at Micheal Vasilias with concern.
"Yes, Sir!" "I've taken three deep breaths." Micheal Vasilias respectfully replied to the cricket coach while taking a deep breath.
"Great! Please don't drop the ball this time!! Follow the instructions I gave you, okay?" The Cricket coach spoke kindly to Micheal Vasilias while clapping his hands, signaling Micheal Vasilias to get ready for another round.
"Are you ready?" The Cricket coach inquired pleasantly, looking at Micheal Vasilias with interest.
"Yes, Sir! "I'm all set." Micheal Vasilias kindly responded to the cricket coach while preparing himself for the next round.
"Okay! 1! 2! 3! And (whistles)." The cricket coach yelled loudly before blowing his whistle.
When the coach blew his whistle once more, the bowler immediately threw the ball to Micheal Vasilias, but Vasilias once more missed it due to his clumsiness.
"Micheal!! Micheal!! Micheal!! Micheal!! What the hell are you doing, Michael? The other students on the cricket field, who were playing as fielders laughed as the cricket coach yelled angrily at Micheal Vasilias in frustration.
"I'm sorry, Sir." While getting ready for another round, Micheal Vasilias apologized to the cricket coach politely.
"You are sorry! You are sorry! Micheal, Please get out of my pitch!! Get out! Get out!! Get the hell out!!! Leave!! Leave right now!!!" The Cricket coach roared in frustration, sinking to his knees.
Micheal Vasilias had no choice but to drop his bat and walk out of the pitch toward his friends.
"Hahahahahahahaha!! I told you he continually misses his ball, but you said, and I quote, "Practice makes perfect!!" Do not ruin his spirit by saying stuff like that to him!! Michael, get up! "Let us go." Hahahahahahahaha!! Sorry, but I can not stop laughing." Jerry said to Tom, laughing uncontrollably.
When Micheal Vasilias arrived at the spot where Tom and Jerry were standing, Tom ran up to him and hugged him while whispering into his ears, "Do not feel bad, Holmes! You can always give it another shot."
Micheal Vasilias, moved by Tom's words of comfort, burst into tears in Tom's arms and said, "Will coach allow me to rejoin the team again?"
"It is not required that you learn cricket by playing with us...You can practice by yourself at home, and when you are confident that you are ready, you can rejoin the squad and wow us with your abilities." Tom smiled and patted Micheal Vasilias on the back.
"Do you think I can do it, Tom?" Micheal Vasilias, who was crying, questioned Tom faintly.
"Of course, I know you are capable!!" Tom responded heartily, patting Micheal Vasilias on the back.
"Really?." In disbelief, Micheal Vasilias inquired of Tom.
"Yeah! Just see it, then be it." Tom responded cordially to Micheal Vasilias, detaching himself from his embrace as he smiled at him.
"See it then be it?" "What do you mean by that?." Micheal Vasilias inquired, perplexedly.
"What I mean is that you must visualize yourself doing what you want to do, then believe you can do it, and as long as you are will eventually do that thing perfectly." Tom smiled and responded heartily to Micheal Vasilias.
"Wow! See it, then believe it! I would keep that in mind and apply it to any challenging work in the future." Micheal Vasilias replied to Tom, smiling.
"Wow, Tom!" What you said to Micheal motivated me! "How are you so bright?" Jerry smiled warmly at Tom as he gave him a thumbs up.
"Hahahahahaha!! "You should stop flattering me." While softly giggling, Tom said to Micheal Vasilias and Jerry.
The three friends continued to talk and laugh until the school bell rang, signaling the end of their break time before returning to the school building and to their classroom to receive lectures.
Three hours later, the school bell rung, signaling that it was time for closing.
Many students ran out of the school building happily, including Micheal Vasilias, Tom, and Jerry.
"I believe your motorcycle has been stolen, Michael..."I can't seem to find it." Jerry stated in a frightened tone to Micheal Vasilias, while looking around to see whether any of the students were riding Micheal Vasilias' motorcycle out of the school.
"That's because I didn't bring it to school today." Micheal Vasilias smiled heartily at Jerry's behavior.
"Oh, really?" Why?." Jerry inquired cordially while frowning at Micheal Vasilias because he was upset.
"He has some personal business to attend to after school, and he's going to take a taxi, which is why he didn't bring his motorcycle to school today." Tom responded enthusiastically on behalf of Micheal Vasilias, who was stuttering.
"Thank you very much, Tom!" (Sighs!!)" Michael Vasilias sighed with relief as he thanked Tom.
"Really? What is the personal matter?" Jerry inquired, his gaze fixed on Micheal Vasilias.
"Erhm..." Micheal Vasilias muttered gently, scratching his non-itchy hair.
"Tom, Please save me." Micheal Vasilias muttered to Tom, who was watching him and Jerry as he struggled to break free from Jerry's strong grip.
"Is it something you can't tell me?" But we swore we wouldn't keep secrets from each other, so why are you having trouble telling me about your personal issues? Huh?." Jerry bombarded Micheal Vasilias with questions as he tightened his grip on Micheal Vasilias' shirt.
Micheal Vasilias began coughing as he struggled to release himself from Jerry's strong grip.
Tom sighed deeply and instructed Jerry to remove his hand from Micheal Vasilias' shirt.
When Jerry let go of his shirt, Micheal Vasilias took advantage of the opportunity and ran away from where they were standing, stopping a taxi and hurriedly getting inside.
Jerry snarled angrily as he saw the taxi that Micheal Vasilias had boarded do a U-turn and accelerate away from him.
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!! Fuck!! Fuck!! Fuck!! Fuck!! Fuck!! Fuck!! F Fuck!! Fuck!!" Jerry cursed angrily before bending over.
"What's the problem? "What's the matter with you? Tom inquired, chuckling.
"It's all your fault! You forced him to flee without telling us about the personal matters he had to deal with." Tom became enraged and walked away from Jerry.
"It's something personal, so as his friends, we need to understand him rather than forcing him to tell us like you did," Tom said to Jerry warmly, crossing his right hand over Jerry's neck.
"I know, but I was curious..."Weren't you curious?" Jerry remarked sadly to Tom while looking at him inquisitively.
"Nope! I wasn't curious...Why should I?" Tom responded heartily while staring at Jerry perplexedly.
"Oh, I'm sorry! I forgot you're the virtuous one! Of course not." Jerry muttered to Tom, rolling his eyes.
"Hahahahahaha!! Don't be sad because you have no idea what Micheal is up to...He'll tell you when he believes it's time or when he's ready, okay?" Tom responded to Jerry warmly, chuckling, and laughing softly.
"Okay," Jerry answered faintly.
"Come on, Holmes! "Cheer up!." While lightly punching Jerry on the shoulder, Tom said warmly to him.
"I'm already cheerful!" You didn't have to punch me with your gorilla hand." Jerry said to Tom before hitting him and fleeing.
"Ouch!! Just you wait! I'm going to murder you if I catch you." Tom winced in pain and yelled fiercely before chasing after him.
After what seemed like an eternity, the taxi that Micheal Vasilias had boarded arrived at 3355 Spring Road Street, Chicago, and pulled over in front of the massive golden gate of GLADOVIA IMPERIAL RESORT.
"Hey, Kid! "We're here." The taxi driver said to Micheal Vasilias, who was sleeping.
Micheal Vasilias awoke instantly when he heard the taxi driver's voice.
Micheal Vasilias took a deep breath as he stepped out of the vehicle and walked slowly towards the massive golden gate of GLADOVIA IMPERIAL RESORT, his mouth wide open in astonishment.
As soon as he drew close to the gate, the bodyguards stationed in front of the massive golden gate stepped forward, pulled out their guns, and pointed them at him, asking him to state his business.
Micheal Vasilias became terrified immediately, and he tried to speak but his voice didn't come out.
Because Micheal Vasilias lacked security clearance, one of the bodyguards concluded that he could be a threat and fired at him.
Micheal Vasilias opened his eyes wide in horror as he felt the bullet pierce his chest.
Micheal Vasilias dropped to the ground with a thud and closed his eyes as blood spilled from his body.
When the bodyguards saw Micheal Vasilias' corpse wasn't moving, they ran to him and examined him to see if he had a bomb on him, only to find a school ID card hanging around his neck.
When the bodyguards checked the school ID card, they gasped in surprise when they saw the name written on it.
Because of the gunshot sound they heard, Emperor Roland Vasilias and his chief secretary and assistant, Mr. Benjamin Smith, came out of the massive golden gate to check what was going on, only to see bodyguards around a body.
"What's going on?" Emperor Roland Vasilias harshly asked the bodyguards, looking at them, expecting a fast response.
"Your Imperial Majesty..." The bodyguards bowed to Emperor Roland Vasilias but couldn't bring themselves to inform him that they had just shot his grandson, the Prince of Gladovia Empire.
"I asked what's going on!!!" Emperor Roland Vasilias roared angrily, his gaze fixed on the bodyguards.
"Report to His Imperial Majesty immediately!!" Mr. Benjamin Smith commanded the bodyguards sternly.
"Please forgive us, Your Imperial Majesty...It was a mistake...We have done a heinous crime by inadvertently shooting the Prince...We had no idea he was Prince...We thought he was a threat...Please accept our apologies, Your Imperial Majesty." The bodyguards implored Emperor Roland Vasilias for forgiveness while shivering and trembling in fear.
"Did they just say the Prince?" Emperor Roland Vasilias questioned Mr. Benjamin Smith while breathing shakily and staring at him inquisitively.
"I believe so, Your Imperial Majesty." Mr. Benjamin Smith responded to Emperor Roland Vasilias softly while breathing shakily.
"It's a lie! They're mistaken! It isn't my grandson! It isn't him!! Get out of my way!! I have to see the person you refer to as the Prince." Emperor Roland Vasilias roared, pushing the bodyguards out of the way.
As he approached the body on the floor, Emperor Roland Vasilias felt his chest tighten as he realized it was indeed his grandson.
The shock that Emperor Roland Vasilias felt caused him to kneel and gasp for air.
Before Mr. Benjamin Smith could reach him, he fainted.
"Your Imperial Majesty!! Your Imperial Majesty!!!" Mr. Benjamin Smith cried loudly in fear as he rushed to the unconscious Emperor Roland Vasilias.
"Your Imperial Majesty! Your Imperial Majesty!! What are you waiting for?!! Bring one of the doctors here!! Hurry!!!" Mr. Benjamin Smith yelled at the bodyguards as he shook Emperor Roland's unconscious body.
The horrified bodyguards hurried into the GLADOVIA IMPERIAL RESORT to get the doctor.
Mr. Benjamin Smith continued to shake Emperor Roland Vasilias' unconscious body until the bodyguards and the doctor emerged from the resort.
"Please examine him!" He fainted a few moments ago." Mr. Benjamin Smith stated to the Doctor in a frightened tone while giving him space.
After examining Emperor Roland Vasilias' pulse with a stethoscope, the Doctor administered some injections containing glucose to him and smiled at Mr. Benjamin Smith.
"How is His Imperial Majesty? "Is His Imperial Majesty okay?" In a worried tone, Mr. Benjamin Smith questioned the Doctor.
"Yes, Sir!" His Imperial Majesty is fine...He fainted due to shock, but I gave him some glucose injections to aid improve his energy...He'd be awake in twenty minutes." With a smile on his face, the Doctor responded warmly to Mr. Benjamin Smith.
"That's fantastic!" That's a relief! I'm relieved to hear that (sighs!!!)." Mr. Benjamin Smith replied to the Doctor, exhaling loudly and sighing deeply in relief.
"How about the Prince?" One of the bodyguards asked in fear.
"Oh! Shit! We forgot about the young boy out of fear for His Imperial Majesty's life...Doctor, please examine him! He is His Imperial Majesty's grandson, and he was inadvertently shot at by the bodyguards who mistook him for a threat." While dragging the unconscious Micheal Vasilias, Mr. Benjamin Smith said warmly to the Doctor.
The Doctor hurriedly crouched down near Micheal Vasilias' unconscious body and used his stethoscope to examine his pulse.
The Doctor shook his head sadly and looked at Mr. Benjamin Smith after examining Micheal Vasilias' pulse.
"W...W...What's the matter? Is he all right?" Mr. Benjamin Smith queried the Doctor in a worried and panicked tone while looking at him in fear.
The Doctor tried to respond to Mr. Benjamin Smith, but he couldn't bring himself to say anything.
Mr. Benjamin Smith, who was terrified and impatient, grabbed the Doctor's coat and yelled at him, saying "What's wrong with him? What's the matter with the Prince?"
Gathering his courage, The Doctor turned to Mr. Benjamin Smith, took a deep breath, and said, "I think he's.....
(To be continued)