"My, you are quite the comedic, Liam," my grandma flattered her eyelashes after Liam told a joke that I didn't find funny.
Ever since dinner started, Liam and I have been trying to fool my grandparents. At first, they were skeptical of him because of his background, and that he was not my chosen husband suddenly changed their minds when he opened his mouth to impress them with class and humor.
It's like freak Crazy Rich Asians but with the Haasan family.
I didn't know he could be funny and have mannerisms answering every question Seema mostly asked and getting to know Liam as the conversation continues. My grandparents never question his "job" with Odin because Vishal and Seema can be compelling when it comes to others with money and learning that Liam works for the big man of the different world then they shouldn't insult him in any way. I learned that from Effie when she told me everything about her grandfather's life of work I was too afraid to be close to her, but Effie is Effie, and Odin is a nice guy I couldn't imagine a sweet old man ruling the gangster world. It's just too scary to think.
I never knew this side of Liam he can act like an actual Prince; I wonder who taught him, then I thought about it and told myself as I feel about Seth in my head. He would have probably taught him to speak proper gentlemen. I thought of Seth because he's the only brother who knows about this arrangement between Liam and me. Seth apparently volunteered to teach his little brother.
After dinner, we all sat in the living room with wine and some snacks. I have water instead of wine. I couldn't drink anything that could harm the baby. My grandparents and Liam all were wondering why I didn't insist on wine; i couldn't say anything about my pregnancy not now. It's too soon plus; I wanted to tell Liam when the time is right. So, I told them I and wine aren't meant to be as a joke, and they laughed.
I watch Liam and Seema laugh as if they are close friends. I'm sitting here just agitated that he can easily be so...professional in all this.
"Not only a comedic, but a charmer as well."
"I get that from my dad," Liam countered with a smile made Seema laugh.
"Oh, my, your dad is probably very handsome as you." She averts her leering yet playful eyes at me. "I can see why Lily has fallen for you," she breathed. "I wanted to know how you two know each other; I thought Lily doesn't have a boyfriend let alone a fiancé?" Seema eyed me with a look I felt the cold streak pass through my body and took a sip of my cold water.
"Lily and I have been talking online."
I almost choke my drink out, and a maid helps me dry off the spilled drink on my dress luckily it's water as I glared up at Liam telling him what the fuck?
He looked back at me and mind link somehow with his facial expression play the part. I sat back quietly as he does his magic.
I groaned inwardly.
"Oh, you mean those online dating sites?" Vishal, my grandfather, fell for the lie as I saw Seema seemly intrigue of Liam and I first encountered.
"Well, sort of, you know Lily does her own YouTube videos," my grandma nodded as Liam continued. "I message her if we could be friends and from there we clicked."
"You started dating in high school?"
"No, the end of middle school, we first started as friends; pen pals then once I got to know her I was scared of my feelings if I told her Lily would reject me, but once I told her my feelings, she and I started to date but through chat."
"Besides chat what else do you do?" My grandfather asked sternly.
"Webcam, talk on the phone, anything to keep our long-distance relationship going," Liam replied. "I'm not like those people just give up because they are miles away from the person they love so, I vowed to make sure Lily knows how much I love and care for her."
"Tell me, Liam, what do you like about our Lily?" once my grandmother asked that my whole body stiffens as I closed my eyes shut waiting for Liam to say lies to them.
"She's a part of my life now. But whenI'm with her, I can be myself. When I'm with her, she completes me. I have a past that no one knows that I am not proud of and yet I never told Lily about them because she would judge me and won't like me anymore. I was wrong. She's very understanding, considerate, and put others before hers. And I know if I told her she wouldn't judge me as other people do. I decided this would be the girl that I would spend my life with; she would never see me as someone who could ruin her life, no, she will see me as the man who will be there for her and stay by her side till the day we die. I know it's not proper to marry her right after high school, but I couldn't wait. But I feel she and I are soulmates, and soon we are going to be wed and spend the rest of our life together. Right, Lily?"
I lift my eyelids slowly and stare at Liam felt my whole body relax at Liam's words and I almost crack a smile. I lowered my head avoiding eye contact to hid the fact this fake relationship is starting to hurt more than it already is. With Liam's words ringing through my ears has become a blockage of hearing.
I remind myself I had to act and took a long breath as I raise my head my whole body froze.
Liam was looking over his shoulder as my heart melt, and my breath caught in my throat once he flashes his genuine, and genuine smile. Like a flash of light and a strong gust of wind blew at my face.
Not once he smiled like that. Come to think of it he had never smiled so real that I'm seeing the real Liam for the first time. Before when he smiles I could see sadness and guilt in his eyes and acting as nothing happened, he will cover it up.
"Y-Yeah, right," I stammered then a wave in my stomach hit me. Jug down my water as if it were alcohol and handed to the maid carrying a tray. "I'm going to the bathroom. Excuse me."
I rush to the nearest bathroom, lock the door, and threw up. I didn't eat much but being pregnant and lying to people makes it worst for me to continue this act.
No, it's the pregnancy.
Once I have released off my worries in a pile of odorous substances, I flushed it, washed my mouth and face. I let the water running as I looked at myself in the mirror thinking about what kind of person I am. What am I doing? I laid my hand over my stomach and caressing it.
All I want was for my grandparents that I didn't want to marry Kareem, even though he was my betroth given the promise by my mother. All of a sudden my grandparents weren't happy that I'm engaged to another guy whom they never met before and wanted a full interrogation on Liam because he isn't what the family wants. But now they seemed to be getting along, and the acting paid off.
I sat in the bathroom tile floor and just sat there, waiting for what exactly? Should I go back and watch a show I don't like or continue the role and wait till the end.
Honestly, I don't want to leave this bathroom. Being here keeps me safe from all the made-up world I live in I'm starting to believe happily ever after aren't happy at all. As long as I'm here, then I will be okay.
I sighed then heard a soft knock at the door. "Lily, you okay in there?"
It was Liam, probably wondering why I'm taking so long in the bathroom. I rose up, carried my shoes, and open to see him standing there with a worried face.
Why though?
"Hey, you okay?"
"Yeah," I pinched my lips into a smile. "Peachy."
"You have been there for a while now I'm starting to think you are taking...a number two."
My eyes widen and gasped. "I'm not taking a shit!"
"Whoa, don't get mad," he raised his hands to defend himself. "I'm just saying everybody can take a shit, don't be ashamed of it."
I groaned. "Well, I'm not."
"Then why take so long?"
Why in the hell is he asking?
"Why? Can't a girl take her time in the bathroom to refreshen up?" I snapped. "You think because I'm in the bathroom a long time I was to do other things besides taking a shit. Girls got to have their time to look pretty and prep for the day, and not look like a fucking zombie."
"Okay, geez, why are you so cranky? Are you at the time of the month?"
I could feel my eyes popping out once the eye sockets are wide enough and growled at him. "Just forget it, let's go home."
I have enough of him. But I don't blame him. He doesn't know that pregnant women can be emotional and right now I'm pissed.
"Nani, Nana," calling out to my grandparents as we stand by the door. "Liam and I have to go; we got another party to attend to," that was a lie. I want to leave.
"Oh, my dear," Seema lean for a cheek kiss and smile. "Tonight was all we needed before we leave to India tomorrow morning. Spending this time with you and your fiancé was grand."
"Have a great trip back," I told them, Vishal also leans to kiss the top of my head but hesitated.
"Be good, Lily. Your Nani and I will contact you once we are back home."
Seema then pulled me into a hug, a tight hug. "We will miss you. Looking at you remind me so much of your mother. You have her hair, her eyes, her nose but you don't have her beauty mark mole on top of your lips. I miss her dearly."
"Yeah, I miss her too," as I said, I didn't know much about my real mom, and spending time with my grandparents made me learn so much about her I was starting to miss her.
"Well, don't forget to let us know if the date. Don't want to keep up waiting."
"Don't worry," I told her. "Okay, goodbye."
Liam and I walk back to his car, and I stop. I started to think about my mother — the start of learning how she gave me up because she didn't want me but in truth, she died after giving birth to me. Then once my grandparents arrived, they told me many things about her and how she was a spoiled princess always wanting things. I only learned about my mother from my dads' when I asked them about who my birth mother was.
"Lily? You alright?"
My body jerked as I felt Liam's presence behind me studying me with a worried look.
"Yeah, I'm fine," I sighed. "Just thinking."
"Thinking about your mother?"
I nodded. As I glance up at the stars hoping I would see what she looks like. "I just wish I could have met her."
"Didn't your grandparents show you pictures of her?" He asked.
I looked at him. "No, they said they didn't bring any pictures because I look exactly like her."
"They may have said you look at her; they should at least show some pictures of her childhood and get to know her." Liam started to unbutton two sets, and it made me swallowed as I watch him mess with his hair.
"Well, it doesn't matter. I learned a lot about her and kept it in here," placed my hands over my heart. "Now I know, she didn't give me up. She loved me."
"A mother's love is always precious once a child is born. My mother gave birth to five healthy muscular boys and she may be small, but my mother can be fierce."
"Your mom sounds like my favorite woman."
"If you have met her then she would have loved you." Liam smiled.
I blushed. Looking away damn and his husky voice. His eyes were on me, and I felt my body feel warm just waiting for something to happen. But I will not fall for it the third time. "Man, it's hot in here. Can we get going now?" I removed my cardigan.
Liam chuckled and unlocked the car, opened my door as I get in. He didn't do that for me the first time, and now he's a gentleman. Liam drove me home, parked in front of my house with the lights still on meaning my dads are still awake.
"Well," I manage to say first. "That was...okay. I guess." Referring to the act at my grandparents' dinner. "Your lucky you have to do it only one time. Since they are leaving, means no more acting." I chuckled. But I sense Liam wasn't into a bit of humor.
I stop chuckling. "Yeah?"
"You know I told you I don't do commitments."
"And that relationships aren't my style." He added.
"Liam, what are you trying to say?" I was beginning to get agitated.
"I'm saying, after tonight and a new day comes tomorrow. It's best you stay away from me."
Oh okay, something is making lose his mind with this fiancé act. "Liam, I told you it's was only this day where we have to act like a loving couple. I don't know why are you suggesting that I stay away from you?"
"I mean, we did great." I started to rant. "I already understand that you and I aren't going to be a thing, but friends are okay for me," it hurts for me to say it but I don't mind.
"You and I can just be friends, no benefits of course because I was starting to-"
I jumped at the sound of his loud voice made my heart jump up as well. I watch Liam shutting his eyes tight, hands on the steering wheel clench the rim of it and I could tell something was bothering him.
"Just understand okay, Lily," once he turns his head I could see his eyes clouded, even with a dim from the street lights. "After tonight, just leave me alone."
I pinched my lips tight holding the tears back. I smack them and let out a sighed. "Okay, I understand." I lied. I don't fucking understand. "I get it. I'm too much for you and Odin has put this burden on you, and I'm sorry. But let me tell you this first and last, Liam." My voice stammering as glued my serious eyes into his. "I was fine before you came into my life, and if we were to cross paths again like that will ever happen. I'll be fine without you in it." I cracked a wry chuckled and sniffled then I opened the car door got myself out and shut it. "I'll...Have a nice life, Liam."
I walked towards my house normally, and as I entered ignoring my dads' cuddled on the couch watching movies.
"Lily, how's the- what's wrong?"
I looked at my Dad, and his worries suddenly triggered my tears as I ran to my room, locked it, and just let it out.