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Liam (A Wolfe Brothers Novel Two)

M.S. Devera
118.0K · Completed


Having her life turns upside down, Lily Peters being adopted by two amazing dads when she was a baby is the best of both...

EmotionRomancelove-triangleFemale leadDominant


"You and Liam are now engaged."

Those words have been wrapped around my brain for weeks now.


I jumped at the sound of Nicky Peters taking me away from my thoughts as he pours orange juice into my half-empty glass. "Are you okay, honey-bunch?" he asks in concerns.

Nicky Peters, aka Nicholas Greene. Before he met my other dad, Nicky was a baseball player for the Colorado Spring Sox and one of the best. He told me his dad made him play to be a man but all my dad wants to do is make colorful clothing and do make-up. He played baseball until he was in high school, but during that time he joined beauty pageants when he finally came out. His dad was not happy once he found all the dresses and costumes, and kicked him out. With the money, he saved enough to travel all the way to Long Beach where he works as a hairstylist in a salon. The ladies love him not because he was a handsome man but also very easy to get along with, and they enjoy his company. He had one regular customer that comes every week for a trim and old woman name Birdie. She was a sweet woman and loves my dad to do her hair she would even try to set him up with her son, but my dad refused and said that he was not ready for a relationship.

The story goes on earning big tips, living in a small apartment, and here comes the terrifying part. One day, while closing up the salon, my dad walked home alone at night, and because his apartment was just two blocks away, it was easy for him to go back and walk to work. He was walking home and then was attacked by three men who were drunk and high. Those men did not only assault him and verbally degraded him they tried to steal his money but also learn of his sexuality that they almost raped him. I was only fifteen when he told me because on that day would remind him of that tragic and horrifying memory, but it was also the day where he met Wayne Peters, his future partner.

Daddy Wayne Peters was just rolling down the street with his Harley bike while on the run for a beer. He spotted my other dad in trouble and rescued him. They formed a bond over beer and, yeah, fell in love. It took Dad time to open up to Wayne because my daddy is a big man and doesn't express much but also because he was traumatized from almost being gang-raped he wasn't sure he could trust Wayne. But love is love, and Dad reminded me when I see the love I know its love. He advised me if my eyes dilated, involuntarily do something that is regrettable towards a specific person - its love. Daddy Wayne would visit Dad Nicky every week, surprising him with flowers, his favorite Hersheys chocolate, and other things. It was not the gifts Nicky receives but the love Wayne showers him with. Then one day, Wayne came over to Nicky's apartment bringing along his mother, and it turns out the woman who has been persuading him into dating her son was none other than Birdie. It was a happy ending for both of my dads, especially with same-sex marriage was legal, they wed on a cruise ship. They bought a home near downtown and decided to adopt a child.


In short, My dad, Nicky wanted to adopt a child from another country, doesn't matter where. He googled, went on a legit website called Infancy, where you can apply to adopt a child, and saw a baby girl picture needs to be taken into a new home. My dad cried to Daddy and said, "I found our little princess."

It took him a while to go through the application with finalizing documents, tax credit fees, legal adoption court approval, traveling fees, and everything. I didn't know adopting a child from another country is hard and expensive, my dads spent so much money that they were able to fly to India and once they picked up that small baby girl from an adoption center in Mumbai. My dad said once I opened my eyes they knew right away I was home.

I was just an infant back then, was told that my mother abandoned me near the trash with only a pink blanket wrapped around me. I was a small little thing, weight six pounds, and malnutrition because I didn't breastfeed after I was born. I stayed in the adoption center for a week until the Peters was able to take me into their lives and bring back home to Long Beach.

Growing up in a happily gay home wasn't easy. Since legal same-sex marriages approved some people find it disturbing and unethical. At school, I was often teased by other kids because I have two dads, and one wearing a dress. Middle school was no different, they called me 'the girl with two gay dads,' and sometimes they would ask me repulsive questions like who is the mom? And who is the dad? Or the mortifying one was who popped me out from which ass?

I know societies think that one man and one woman should be married and easily raise kids in a healthy environment in a healthy home, but things change. You couldn't turn a person's mind and body because other people find it gross. Nobody is perfect. I ignore all those jokes, and insults I tell them I'm happy to have two dads because they are my everything, the best of both worlds. It's like I have two princes at my side to protect me, and I wouldn't need to worry about it. I distinguish the two of them by calling Wayne Daddy; like Daddy's little girl, and call Nicky Dad because although he dresses now in women's clothing, has long hair, and implanted silicon breast to make his boobs bigger, he still has his man-parts.

I didn't care how he dresses, and he doesn't mind me calling him dad. He and Daddy Wayne are still my princes. As a little girl, I love Disney Princesses and their happily ever after. Both of my dads would read me a story before I go to sleep and I would listen to the change of voice and character I just enjoy being with them. I would always wish I could find a guy who could be strong and loyal like my Daddy Wayne and be charming and brave like my Dad Nicky.

Growing up I believed in that especially meeting Liam made my wish into reality until he was not a prince, but a jerk instead.

I let out a sigh and drank down my juice into one gulp, I let out a breath of the refreshments and saw in my dad's eyes full. "Yeah, I'm totally fine." I lied answering my Dad once I was out from memory lane. My other dad, Wayne left for work early in the morning. So, it's just the two of us.

I'm not subtle at all.

"Honey," he set down a gallon of Sunny D bottle. "Ever since you went to L.A. for that girls weekend out with Effie and the girls. I let it slide for you to skip two days of school. But, pumpkin, you've been acting weird. Daddy and I are very worried."

I flinched and stopped halfway of my chocolate chip pancakes.

I couldn't tell my dads that I stayed over at Effie's grandfather's home. I mean I did tell them the truth of Effie's long-lost grandfather. I had to lie to them about everything else. I feel sick to my stomach, lying to two of the greatest people in my life because they trusted me. I couldn't tell them that Heather Seeley abducted Effie, the popular girl of our school turns out to be a psychotic bitch with a capital 'B" with a mind of a crazy person who's obsessed with Logan and only him. Then she was saved because her grandfather put a tracking device in her necklace and told her the truth about him and became a one big family reunion - well, I wasn't there because I had to go back and tell Kareem the wedding is off.

I didn't want to get all disturbing details, but Heather was Nina in disguise to befriend Effie and get her hands on Logan. I was scared of Effie's life and prayed to God to bring her back home safe. She doesn't deserve to die yet, although she cheated death three times it's like she can't die that quickly like she's an immortal, hence the name of a Greek Goddess. My best friend, Effie endured a lot of traumatic events, and she stayed strong, though felt neglected after her parents' death. But when Logan came into her life, she became the person she was loved and adored.

I wish someone like that could make me a better person. Don't want to name a name.

I've learned that Odin King is a crime boss from London; a billionaire who owns a five-star luxury hotel called Olympus, where gods and goddesses are born. The hotel is all over the popular hotspots from Las Vegas to the island paradise of Hawaii and more.

At first, I was hysterically in denial, but with that same trademark, silver eyes made me think twice about him. Odin is not evil. He's a nice guy for a crime lord. It turns out he has been watching Effie and her siblings for a very long time after her parents died. He couldn't take care of them because of what he does for a living.

Watching all those crime shows and movies made my mind clear of things. Not all gangs are dangerous, just some who want to do good for the community and protect the people in your life. Sure, gangs are bad news and would always be, and I would still have to be cautious of my surroundings when I walk alone at night - which I sometimes do after my after-school activities, and my dads are too busy.

There was this video on Facebook that two ex-members of a Latino gang help the community by serving the homeless with the food they make. My first expression was like, wow, but as I continue to watch the video I rethink of those two men differently. Just because they have so many tattoos and use to be in a gang, I shouldn't be judging.

Which reminds me of someone who also has tattoos.

Before Odin scared off Kareem that day, he told him that I was already engaged to the one person who doesn't even want me - Liam Wolfe.

That asshole who makes my head spin like crazy. The bastard who palpitate my heart as it hammered at the rib cage of my body. The jerk who dates other girls in front of me to only hurt me.

And it works!

That one time while having a dinner date with Kareem I spotted Liam with another girl. We caught at each other and went on a heated moment where it leads us into the alleyway between the restaurant and another building, and I have given him my virginity.

For the first time, I had sex was with the guy who makes my heart race then he shut me down by saying he doesn't do commitments.

What the fuck does that mean?

I was hurt.


And did I say hurt?

I finally have him within my grasp only for him to cut me off, shut me down, and throw me away like a toy. And it was the first time he didn't protect himself, so I wasn't sure if I could get STD from him when he was inside other girls. Who knows? Maybe those girls got the crabs or something. I was too ashamed to see a doctor so instead research for all the symptoms and follow instructions on how to be prepared for the worst. Since that day, I check myself in the bathroom to see between my legs and observe. When nothing is happening I let it go, but I have to be sure otherwise.

"Well," I sighed with a grunt as I rose from my chair. Looked at my half-eaten plate. I wasn't hungry, possibly because of Odin and his announcement now I'm just waiting for the storms to hit. "I got to go."

"Do you have your club today?" Dad asked taking the plates into the sink as I picked my backpack up.

"No, but I'll be going to Effie's house after school we still have to rehearse for the end-of-the-school-year play before we can practice on stage."

"Oh, that is right" Dad pulls a smile. "You were cast as Princess Jasmine. I know I'm going to sound racist, but you make a perfect Jasmine because you know...your Indian.

I chuckle. "You're not insulting dad but Jasmine is Arabic, I'm Indian. We may look the same but different in culture." I look down at my phone for the time. "Okay, I got to go."

"Okay, sweetie, love you and have fun at school it's your last year and...and..." My Dad's voice breaks as his lips quiver. Oh my god, here we go. "Oh my god, my baby is going to graduate and soon will go to college, and then I will never see her again," he turns his body facing the kitchen countertops as I hear him cry.

I blew a sigh and groan. "Dad."

"I'm sorry," he sniffles. "I know its part of growing up, and I knew one day I have to face it."

"I only have six more months until graduations, I still got time to pick out colleges," I assured him not to make him more worried than he already is.

Once my dad turns his eyes were watery. "Okay," he sniffled, grabbed the hand towel, and blew his nose. "Six more months, half a year...half a year..." he bawls out and cries. "Half a year...my baby, my sweet princess is going to college, and I will never see her again," he winches making an ugly crying face I've seen every time he does this.

I love him, but he was overwhelming with his emotions.

I inwardly roll my eyes and groan. "I'm going," I grab my car keys out from the table near the door, unhook my jacket off the rack and head out. I felt the cold air of December in California brush against my skin and quickly out my warm coat. Once the hot weather died down, it finally hit the chilling season of the year.


Its time for those warm sweaters and comfy UGGS boots. I have tons of warm clothes to be prepared for winter. My Grandma Birdie lives in Big Bear, California. She moved there because of the snowy weather and didn't like the drought happening in Long Beach it is bipolar she says like her cat, Chester. My grandma grey and white Himalayan cat, she saved when he was kept inside a box outside of the cold at a young age. I hate that cat; he's evil and mean and fat. I swear when that cat looks at me he wanted to scratch my face if I get too close to him. Just lazing around like the fat cat he is. Sometimes when I tried to go out and play in the snow, that bitch would block the door and if I try to move him, Chester would angrily hiss at me. Then when Grandma Birdie picks him up, he would coddle her and acts sad like I did something to him. I say that cat is a pro at acting like a bitch. But grandma loves him, so I can't do anything to him. I'll just wait until he dies of overweight or a stroke, and maybe Grandma can get a dog instead.

Once I shut the door I could hear my dad crying, and it made me have me blew a sigh a bit from his exaggerating sensitivity from things that makes him cry. Like my eighteen birthday, he cried made the whole dinner party awkward. I was surprised Effie didn't mind; she seems calm when my Dad would whimper each time he asks her a question.

Sometimes he does that, like when pregnant women are emotional just because is crazy. I wonder if I get pregnant and act like that. I'll completely understand the challenges of a new mother. I know Athena, Effie's older sister is, and she's only two months pregnant and a bit of her belly is showing. I'm so excited for her; she is carrying a child with her boyfriend, Rex, whom she loves very much. I know Effie and Ares, their brother can't wait for their niece or nephew to arrives.

Effie has told me that they are combining the houses into one so it would be easier than to just walking from house to house. I mean they were practically going to be a family soon. Hence Effie is also dating a Wolfe why not combine the homes. They went through all the paperwork and signed by Odin who paid for everything. Ever since he became part of their lives, Odin is willing to spoil them rotten after missing out so many years. Daddy Wayne is helping them renovate with payment. But, he did it for free because I'm Effie's best friend.

I hopped into my Camry car, turned on the ignition, and the heater because it fucking cold and my hands are frozen. Let my phone connect with the Bluetooth and play my songs on the playlist. A blast of Cardi B's song played and I drove out of the driveway heading for school.

While as I drive, I began to think of that event happened with Effie, and with Kareem. I went to his place because I wanted to call off the wedding. After seeing the love between Effie and Logan. I wanted that too and maybe convince Liam to come to his sense. I mean I worked my ass off to please him, but I'm just a booty-call or rebound girl. He and I only did it once, and he regretted having sex with me I felt like my whole dream world broke into pieces. Liam shattered my heart, but I wasn't giving up. My Dad told me I got to fight in what I believe in and can't waste another day, another week, another month, or another year for him because Liam is essential to me and if he has some issues then he and I could work things out.

At Kareem's home, told him to shove it - not literally, but I told him I wanted to marry for love. Then when he declared his love for me, I was stunned. Kareem is a handsome man with a degree in law who can get all the women he wanted, and what he wanted was me. The first time I met Kareem, was when my grandparents Vishal and Seema Haasan showed up at my doorsteps claim to be my biological mother's parents, and announce the news that had shocked my dads and me. Like someone hit a home run. They told me I'm engaged because it was a wish that my birth mother wants - marry me off to some guy who I don't even know.

I was a little nervous, and he wasn't I saw on his face he didn't want this marriage to happen. He's twenty-two, and I just turned eighteen, it's not a big difference, but still, the major problem here is that he and I - we barely know each other. His parents and my grandparents were thrilled to have us be wed because it would bring the Naval and Haasan to be successful in business. You see The Naval family is a trading company in Mumbai, India, whereas my grandparents run a farm filled with plants, herbs, and livestock in the countryside of India that has been going for a long time. So, combining two families and their business will make them productive.

Kareem and I would go on dates; he would sometimes visit me at home and have dinner there with my dads. At first, he was okay with me having two dads, but his attitude towards them tells me differently that this guy isn't the one. I thought to be with Kareem and getting to know him would kick my mind off of Liam. Half of the time it works and the other half - I don't know. He who all I think about even when I'm with Kareem.

It was hard to tell him I don't want to marry him and as soon as I let go he made a declaration, and I walk out of the house. I drove to L.A. and he followed me to Odin's house tried to bring me back and convince me that he loves me. Then Liam saw me in distress of pushing Kareem away, he did it for me and started hitting the guy. And let me tell you it was mortifying. I watched as the guy I love to beat the hell out of Kareem.

When it was all over because of what Odin said, it became awkward between Liam and me. I mean how could the old man tell Kareem I was already engaged. I was confused at first, but once Odin explained to me, I was still confused. Since Kareem left, he had probably told my grandparents about it.

I'm starting to get a hunch that the storm will be coming soon.

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