The next few days were ordinary but for someone like me with too much on her plate is exhausting.
Through each of my classes I was in a daze, lunch I hardly eat, and in my gardening club I thought was cutting the ends of each flower but turns out I was Morticia from The Addams Family cutting off the flower and eating the petals without realizing it. It was terrifying to the club members that they thought someone died in my family.
Yeah, my heart.
I don't know what is wrong with me. I guess letting Liam go from my heart and life just drained my soul leaving me lifeless and become a real-life zombie.
I sighed.
Looking away from my textbook while taking reviewing my exam I glance at my phone beside my arm waiting for a call or text. Today was the day Odin's lawyer talk to my grandparents and the whole day I have not heard from them. Since the entire day, I was worried about something else; I was anxious to know how they reacted to the news. They are probably mad at me because I'm not marrying someone my mother picked out for me.
I shouldn't be a bit tad concern about it because I never agreed to it. I never said anything when they told me my mom planned my future and had to fulfill her wishes when she died. I faced my phone face down avoiding looking and let out a grunt as I land my eyes back on the problems I had in red. I was way behind that my teachers were worried about me. My math test didn't go well, and I was given a C, my AP Algebra teacher, Mr. Fisher gave me a do-over on Monday.
So, here I am in my room in my unicorn onesie, hair in a messy bun as strains of my hair fallen loose studying on a Friday night for a retake test. I was lucky Mr. Fisher gave me another chance he usually doesn't give people a re-do but seeing how my brain wasn't functioning during the test he's only given me this one chance.
I can't fuck up this time.
This is AP Math it's part of me college credit so I won't have to retake it for my general ed class and take something higher.
I have no problem with math, I'm pretty good and can calculate in my head within seconds never use a calculator. I'm also good in my other subjects it's just three AP classes this year is too much, especially the homework.
The non-prescription glasses that I only use to give that serious look when I study fell from my eyes, and I pushed it back up on my nose when I heard a soft knock on my door as I spot Daddy Wayne popping his head. "Princess, dinner is almost ready."
I flinched hearing the name 'princess' made my heart jump for a moment because Liam called me that. So, when Daddy Wayne calls me by that nickname, it started to get weird.
"I'm not hungry Daddy," I told him. I ate crackers earlier, and I'm having that feeling my stomach wasn't satisfied with just a snack. That's when my phone vibrated against the surface of my desk spooked me hoping it was a text from Effie or either one of my grandparents.
If it were Effie, she wouldn't have a short time texting me since she's in LA with her music career in progress. I'm so happy for her when she told me about her joining the most prominent entertainment company that had successful artists and actors. Effie told me she met Charmaine Jennings in person, so jealous. Charmaine is one of my favorite actresses. But then, Effie said that Charmaine has a poker face and doesn't seem happy with the newcomer.
I guess everybody has a split personality on and off the camera.
"Oh, okay." He pulled himself back but then pop his head again. "Are you sure? Tonight it's Chinese. Dad made your favorite, Beijing Beef."
Oh my god!
That sounds so bomb right now. Just thinking about it makes my mouth watery. The spicy taste I just love. I could handle spicy food not because I'm Indian but because I love that sting and burning hot feeling in your mouth makes you want to jug down a whole gallon of water.
I swallowed.
Maybe I should eat, just a bit. I've been studying since I got home because I was so worked up with a C on my exam that I panic I won't pass the class. I got an A-plus, and this was my first C throughout my educational life it felt the whole universe is against me.
What did I fuckin do?
Oh right, fall in love with the biggest jerk who doesn't even want me.
I shook my head and gave Daddy Wayne a convincing smile. "It's okay, Daddy. I have to study."
Daddy Wayne then pulled his full body inside my room and closed the door. Concerns plastered his face. "Leelee," another nickname I recognized whenever he wanted to have "that" talk, he would start the nickname he had given me. "I don't know what is going on or what is going through your mind, but you need to talk to us."
I inwardly groaned.
Played with my pencil placing it on the top of my lips and formed my mouth into a duck face holding the pencil.
"The Principle called me earlier today," my pencil dropped from my lips. "He told me that your starting to fall behind your classes. Also, you got a C on your math exam."
It's the end of the world.
"Pumpkin," he took a chair that stands next to my door and pulled it up next to me. "Your Dad and I aren't angry you got an average grade, but you've been acting strange since you came back from that girls weekend. You wouldn't eat dinner with us or talk to us like you use too. We felt like you avoiding us to hide the problem your conjuring to let go. So, please, princess tells us what trouble you so I could help in any way I can is."
How could I answer that?
Daddy Wayne may not understand what I've been going through but the only reason was my mind is pictures of Liam. How could I tell him it's about a boy? Will he be furious? Or be okay with me dating Liam?
My head is racing with curiosity that I gave him a response. "Nothing is troubling me, Daddy." Fucking bitch! "I'm just...stressed out with school, the club, and the play, so I got a lot on my plate right now."
Yeah, a whole Buffett.
Daddy Wayne sighed then he rose up. "Okay, I understand. I'll ask Dad to save you a plate whenever you're hungry." He leaned down and kissed the top of my head. "But, Princess you must talk to me if you're in deep tight shit, okay?"
I chuckled softly. "I know, Daddy."
Just like that Daddy Wayne left the room and closed my door and I just sunk to my chair having a double chin which looks a ugly posture but I didn't care at the moment.
I know Daddy Wayne knows why I couldn't talk to him about boys. I mean, although he's gay, he still the man of the house so over-bearing protective papa bear would hunt if he knew that a Wolfe is hurting me.
I couldn't tell him.
I hit my head on the desk, groaning and moaning of frustration.
Then another vibration alerts me, and I turn my head to the side, and with energy left in me I look at the screen and spring my body up.
It's a text from my grandmother, Seema. She wrote in a short sentence to call her.
My heart hammering.
My thumbs are hesitating what to say, so instead, I texted.
Now or later?
Three dots were seen on my screen pops up, and she replied.
It was a substantial demand. I let out a sigh then groaned.
So, I gave her a call, stand from my chair, and move to the edge of my bed facing the wall. "Hello?" I could hear myself croak, so I clear my throat and repeated. "Hello, Nani?" Means Grandma in India. She told me to call her when we first met each other.
"I assumed you know why I had you call me at this hour?" Seema's voice was hard and angry although she calmly answered me gave me a chill.
I thought grandparents are supposed to be loving and hugs all the time like Grandma Birdie, but Seema and Birdie are the total opposite from each other. I guess it how they were raised differently.
"Yes, Nani."
"How on earth are you engage to another man?" Her voice squealed like a pig. High tone. "It doesn't make sense that some other man claims to be your fiancé and also works for Odin King. How do you know him?"
"Odin King happens to be Effie's grandfather," I said to her.
"I can not believe all of this," she scowled on the other end. Then I heard you speak her dialect talking to my grandfather. "Your mother had already given yourself to the Naval's son, but unexpectedly you have another man who wanted your hand."
Not really.
My stomach churn of the lie. "I can't do anything, Nani."
It wasn't my choice.
"Certainly you can't how can you declining a proposal from Odin King. Do you know how rich he is? Lots. He has connections everywhere in the world. If I knew your life with a man whom I did not know I would be furious but learning the work ethic of his background with Mr. King. It seems he's a well-respected director working for King at such a young age and extremely handsome."
I rolled my eyes at her comment to Liam. Of course, he's handsome, not only that but hot, sexy, full of muscles and skin smooths as a baby bottom- WHAO! Too much.
Then I realized what my grandmother said about Liam working for Odin had me brought back to the topic as I gasped softly.
What did Odin do?
I know he would do something to disguise Liam's background, but I didn't realize he would name him as a director for someone who is still in high school.
What was he thinking?!
"I hired a P.I to look into his life," why would you hire a PI? "It seems his name is Liam Wolfe, one of the youngest son of a war hero Ian Wolfe and a Polynesian dancer, Rosie Wolfe. Born from Hawaii, have three older brothers and a twin brother named Logan. I also have the PI see into his twin brother, and he told me Logan is dating your friend, Effie?"
It's not a question because she doesn't know but curious as to why the fuck is she dating him? That type of problem.
"Yes," I reply.
"Seems the Wolfe brothers are too working for Odin King under different divisions. I must say, Mr. King, hired them because they prove their quality in the company."
"What are you trying to say?" What is she trying to say?
"I'm saying, although I'm disappointed that you and Kareem cannot work out. When he called me that day, I was astonished by this news until Mr. King's lawyer had told me the proposal and can't do anything about it."
Get straight to the point!
"Kareem may be a lawyer whose family has a successful business, but your engagement to this Wolfe boy working under Mr. King is a different perspective of mine," Seema voice sounds like she is happy with this. "Tomorrow night, I want you to invite your groom-to-be to dinner so I-we can get to know him."
"Okay, sure," I replied without thinking. I have to respond quickly before she finds this whole arrangement fishy. "I'll tell him."
"Excellent," she exclaimed over the phone with a giggle. "See you and your husband tomorrow night."
"Yeah, goodnight," I end the call first and lay on my bed. I can't believe that call ended smoothly. I thought Seema would be furious that I'm not marrying Kareem. She was expecting the partnership and marriage would please the gods, but I was raised as a Catholic so my god decided to change the route to a different path that I can determine my fate. I grabbed my pillow once again and let out a scream.
The following day, I didn't sleep at all. Not even a wink. My head was keeping me up with mix up thoughts of Liam and tonight's dinner.
I laid in bed for the most extended hour until I heard a knock on my door. "Lilypad, are you awake? I need to do laundry."
I sprung slowly like a vampire, rubbed my eyes, and yawned letting me smell my morning breath. Dad didn't knock the third time and entered my room.
"Oh, honey, it's so dark in here," he rushes to my window and yanks the curtains revealing the brightest light I hissed as it hit my face. I hide under my covers. "Oh, Lily, don't live like the undead and leave your room dark. How could the sunshine this lovely pink room."
"I told Daddy I wanted to change it to something mature," I muffled under the covers then popped my head out. "Pink is too girly for me."
Dad started grabbing my laundry in the hamper next to my bathroom. "But you love pink."
"That's when I believe in fairytales," I exclaimed hiding again. "Stupid happening ending with a jerk of a prince and a lost princess who can't be rescued waiting for him at the tallest tower."
I felt my bed move and know Dad has taken a sit. "Sweetie, did something happen? Your usually not this grumpy in the morning."
I let out a snarled as if I'm an animal not wanting comfort. "There is nothing."
"Are you on your period? Usually, you would be cranky when the time of the month kicks in and-"
"No!" I bellow jumped out from under the covers and watch my Dad mortified. "I'm sorry, just..."
"Lily? Did something happened between you and Liam?"
I gasped. Jerk my head to him which he crept a grin. "How did you-"
"Don't think I'm stupid honey, I could tell you have someone in your mind."
"But, you never saw him and me together and how did you know his name?" I was shocked and over-underestimates him.
"Oh, a little bird to me," he claims with a smile. "And when you were drunk on Effie's birthday I heard you call out to Liam. So, while your Daddy is helping with The Reid's housing, I asked him to look for a boy named Liam. He didn't ask why and I didn't tell him. I also ask him to take a picture of him. I didn't know Logan has a twin brother. You and Effie must be lucky to snag twins."
I became red quickly and pinched my lips and looked down at my hair started picking at the ends.
"Buttercup, I know I shouldn't be in your personal dating life. Your eighteen and a young adult. You need to talk to me. I may be born a man, but I act like your mother. So we should have these mother and daughter talks."
I brushed my hair back and sighed looking up at Dad. It's true; he's the mom of the house not because he's transitioning from a man to woman but he acts like a mother, and I couldn't ask a better mom than him. "If it's only the two of us, then I guess I could tell you the whole story."
"Okay," he sat on the bed, positioning himself in front of me. "I'm all ears."
I chuckled and let out another sigh. "Okay." I exhaled again only to stop. Something was crawling up my throat like tiny feet, and I had no time to hide and jumped out of bed.
I ran to my bathroom and aimed for the toilet throwing up with much of the force building in my mouth. Dad came to my side, rubbing my back as I vomit.
My face was bile of dripping sweat, eyes watered, nose moist and my throat tingling as it left a nasty taste in my mouth. My stomach kept on contracting violently and forcing everything up and out. The pungent stench invaded my nostrils as I lurched forward. I saw with my eyes chunks of food covered in creamy chyme from my stomach inside the toilet water. I heaved once more as the last of my purging.
Once I'm done throwing everything from inside my stomach, I flushed all the waste down the toilet and leaned back against the wall. Taking hard breathing as I wipe my mouth with the smell of my nasty breath.
I hate it when that happens.
"Lily? Was this the first time you threw up?" I heard him say, but I didn't answer.
It wasn't.
The first time was two days after Liam and me...I even have to lie to Effie that I wasn't. When I showed her a fake pregnancy test that I had purchased at the nearest drug store right after Liam, and I have sex. I know when you know if you are...I did this prior if I know I am, I did the test to show proof that I wasn't. I've been having morning sickness since I found out I'm...
Oh god!
Now my Dad knows, and he is going to be very disappointed in me. The tears burst forth like water from a dam, spilling down my face. I feel the muscles of my chin tremble like a small child and I look up at my Dad. "Dad...I'm pregnant." The words choke as I hear my sounds, like a distressed child, raw from the inside.
I looked down ashamed of gazing into his eyes because I knew his reaction would be. Although he's the mother of this family, the man in him will be angry with me. I was good at hiding it until now, I never wanted to show one of my dads to barge in my room and found me hurling all the components down the toilet drain.
"Lilypad," Dad's voice wasn't hard as I felt him carry me off the floor and placed me into his lap as he cradled me just like the first time he held me. "Why didn't you tell me, Pumpkin?"
"I'm...sorry," the words were hard for me with less air as I cried. I'm trembling. I can't stop. "I didn't want anyone to know. I thought it was just a fluke but...I'm so sorry."
"Shh... it's alright," Dad brushed my hair and rocked me back and forth. I didn't expect him to be this calm. I would picture him mad or un-adopt me. "It's alright."
"Please, don't tell Daddy," I whimpered. I didn't want him to know that his little girl is pregnant and still in high school.
It explains why I'm so cranky and less hungry. I've read when you are pregnant you get those craves. For me it's different. I wasn't craving anything let alone food. Effie told me Athena would eat a carton of ice cream with cookies, and candy and she still begs for more. I don't have those urges; I don't think each much because of what everything is going on. It's stressing me out, and that's not good for myself and the baby.
"How far along are you?" he asked suddenly.
"I think a couple of weeks, maybe after Athena."
"That is almost two months, honey."
I covered my face and cried. "Dad, what am I going to do? I'm still in high school, and I have plans afterward. I can't - I can't raise a child. It's too soon."
"We will figure something out." he saw me looking at me and gasped. "No, big fat no, Lily."
"But why?" I protest. "Its the only way-"
"No, that is not the only way. The baby inside of you isn't a baby yet, but a fetus, and he or she is a living thing. I'm against abortions and you should too. I will not have my daughter abort a baby because there are no opinions left. And killing yourself isn't one of them." Dad made it stable and precise.
I bit my lower lips as they trembled and nodded.
"Lily, I understand you are still eighteen and still in high school." his voice calm. "I know lots of young mothers were able to get through it including raising a child. Heck, your grandma Birdie was seventeen when she had Wayne, and she was a single mother; with no money, no home, and no one to look out for her. But she strives to take care of your Daddy and herself without issues."
I wipe my eyes. "How did she do all of that when she was still a teen?"
"Well, let just say she worked hard and earn enough for both Birdie and baby Wayne to get off the streets." Dad pushes my hair behind my ear and wipes the tears with his thumb. "I know you're scared and new to this, but unlike your grandma Birdie when she was alone raising a child, you have me, Daddy, grandma Birdie, your friends, and everyone around you to be your biggest supporters."
"But I lied to Effie when I retook the test. I didn't want her to include me with her list of problems. If I told her, she would hate me for lying."
"Sweetie, Effie isn't that type to break off a friendship because you told her a lie. She will understand, and I know it."
"I didn't tell you who the father is," I said.
"You don't have to tell me, honey," kissing the top of my head. "I know the only boy in your heart is the father of that baby."
"What should I say to him?" I questioned. "I'm scared of his reaction because...he does not want me." I felt my heart tied into a knot.
"Well, fuck him," I look up and saw my Dad smile widely. "Buttons, if that boy does not want you and the baby you have us."
I went off his lap and faced him. "But, what about child support? Wouldn't he have to do that since he's the father?"
"True, but you don't have too unless you want too."
I cocked my head to the side.
"You're not in any financial crises, honey," Dad fiddled with my hair making it straight over my frontal side then got up from the tile floor of my bathroom. "Like I said you have us."
"You won't tell Daddy, right?" I said while he looks himself in the mirror.
"I will promise I won't say anything to him and tell him you are in those mood swings, but young lady, you will have to tell him. I can't keep secrets for nine months when he will notice the large baby bump," he points a finger and shakes it like I'm a terrible dog.
Well, I am on the floor sitting on my legs looking up at my dad with sad round puppy eyes.
I sigh. "Okay, fine. I'll tell him when I'm ready to tell."
"That's my Lilypad, now come to the kitchen eating breakfast and no ditching. I want this mother and daughter talk."