After Dad and I talk and discuss making another room for the nursery. He also wanted to know if I've ever come up for a baby name.
I never really thought of it. With my life full of shit happening I haven't given one second of what should I name the baby. I still have around seven months how hard can it be naming a baby.
A baby.
Me. Having a baby.
And with a Wolfe.
Oh god!
I just felt the world spin forward. It was hard to believe that I'm going to be a mother. Just the thought of a little human inside of me I'm going to be taking care of, feeding, putting to sleep then the sleepless nights - oh no, I won't have any time to relax. But luckily, Dad said he and Daddy Wayne will do it for me because I'm still in high school and need my sleep.
Later I drove to Reid/Wolfe's house and see that the two-combine houses are almost done. It's only for a few weeks, and it looks like a mansion compares to the houses next to them. I parked and turned off the ignition and looked at the home. The driveway they made it into those long curves where you can drive out either way. I saw the cars parked and two motorcycles indicating they are all inside. They are probably taking a break since they been working non-stop. Daddy Wayne would leave super early to fix the house, then go back to work for other projects that aren't yet finished. With Ares, since he's working for my Daddy, he gets to stay and work on the house.
I felt my palms sweating, stomach fluttering with butterflies as I got out of the car, and started walking towards the main door. I inhale and let it out and knock. I heard someone approaching, and my hearting is beating I could not contain it when the door flung open to see Seth at the door.
"Oh, Lily what a pleasant surprise," he smiled.
I couldn't believe he and his brothers have that same seductive, soft, and kissable lips that every girl wants to taste. And I'm one of those girls who also think these boys are freaking gods.
"Hey, Seth," standing straight and serious. "Is Liam home?"
"Liam? Oh, he's outback with the others. We are making a garden with a large pond to put fishes in there. Isn't that cool." Seth said sounding like a child excited to go to Disney World.
"Yeah, really cool," not caring, although I do want to see it I other things important than a pond. "Can you call him for me. I need to talk to him."
"Oh, okay, sure. Why don't you come in?"
"No, I rather stay out here."
Seth stares at me for what felt like a period. His eyes roamed my body like a scanner trying to see if he could spot something that he has not to know of. I hardly talk to the other brothers because I mostly hang out with Effie, Clark, Logan, and his twin brother. "Okay, I'll go get him. Liam! Someone is here to see you?"
How is that going to get him? Your yelling for him.
I shook my head.
Seth knew my engagement with his little brother is just an act and he promised to shut his mouth. And he's been doing a good job at it.
"If it's a blonde lady with a mole on her nose tell her I'm not here," my heart jumped once I heard Liam's voice.
"I don't know what she did to you, but the person isn't blonde," Seth looked back at me with a smile like a creep. "It's Jasmine."
I grunt.
Another set of shoes grew closer, and I sucked in the air when I found Liam wearing nothing but denim jeans, gardening gloves, a small shovel I. One hand covered in dirt and sweat. Just by looking at him I'm getting hot and bothered I have to breathe in and out to calm my nerves. It's been a long time since Liam, and I look face to face without scowling away from the feelings we have. I know he has feelings. I don't understand why he would set it aside as if he doesn't. I'm figuring why he would treat me like this.
What did I do to deserve this treatment?
"What do you want?" He asked harshly once Seth went to the other side of the house.
"Wow, hello to you too," I snapped.
Liam wipes a sweat creepy from his forehead with the back of his hand. "Sorry, what do you want, Lily?"
That's even worst.
"You have been serving."
He frowned. "What?"
"My grandma called," I said. "She's expecting to see both of us tonight. So wear something nice and don't look poor."
"Is that how you see in me?" He looks a bit annoyed.
"No, but they think you work for Odin as a director."
"Effie's grandfather told me about that," he sounds annoyed too.
"Well, dinner is at eight. Pick me up before seven." I had tried to avoid eye contact with his blue devil eyes, but it's hard to look away with someone like Liam Wolfe. "Okay, see you at 7."
I pivot my feet, turned around, swinging my hair to slap his face then halfway I heard Effie's voice called my name. "Lily, your here. Why didn't you call me that you're coming here?"
I forgot about you know what with Effie. Dad said I have to tell her although I didn't want to I have too because she's my best friend and I have been there for her.
"Effie," looking shocked when I look at her standing next to Liam. "I'm sorry. I'm here for Liam about the important issue regarding the engagement." I said it as reliable for her to understand what I'm trying to say.
Her eyes grew wide; she took a look at the annoyed Liam as he grunts walking back inside the house. "Oh, that." Then she in front of me within seconds. "It's finally the day they meet Liam?"
I nodded.
"I'm okay," I said half-honestly. "All Liam and I have to do are pretend. Pretend we are together, pretend we are in love. Just fucking pretend." I puffed.
"Lily, are you okay?" Effie asked how boiling and utterly nervous I am.
"Okay, Okay!?" I chuckled. "I'm doing great. Absolutely, and spectacularly a-Okay."
"No, something is bothering you. Is it Liam?" She assumes right to the conclusion.
"Liam?" I blew raspberries. "No, it's not that prick. That prick doesn't even deserve to be part of this conversation when he looks at me with those cold-blooded eyes of his. No, it's not about him!"
It's definitely about him. One hundred - no - a million percent that he is involved in this conversation.
Every damn thing is about him and I'm so mad at myself for being like this.
"Lily," Effie whispered. "You need to breathe. You might hit a nerve, not literally but seriously chill. What is going on?"
I inhale and exhale allowing myself to be calm as she told me and I bite my lower lips. "Can we talk in my car?"
Once we were inside, everything was quiet between us before Effie asked again, "okay, what is going on? Why are you acting like you're in the month? Wait, are you?"
"No." I groaned and leaned my forehead on the stirring wheel. "I skipped a period."
"Okay, if you are not on your period then what-" she paused and I could feel her entire attention on me. I squeezed my eyes shut. "You what?"
"I skipped a period."
"Meaning that you...and Liam...but the test, it says your not. How can you be-"
"I lied to you," I cut her off and swallowed. "I already took the test right after Liam, and I had sex. I used that test to trick you, and the one we bought together says I'm pregnant."
"But you won't know until you have the symptoms. I know because Athena is over two months and she gets cravings of eating ice cream and pickles for dinner. Don't ask." I didn't and found it funny and disgusting. Who eats ice cream and pickles that just sounds awful. "It's disgusting so, I had to eat in my room."
I kept my mouth shut.
"So, you're really pregnant?"
I nodded.
"Why couldn't you tell me the truth? Aren't we friends?" She sounded hurt. Of course, I hunted her for lying about something I never expect to have right in my early adult years it just scary to put it out there.
"I wanted to tell you that day but I couldn't," I whispered. "I'm sorry. I just got spooked and unsure of what to do. I'm a first-time mother who is still in high school. I'm sorry, Effie. I wanted to, but I just didn't know what to say. Your my best friend and I failed you as a friend. I'm sorry."
I let the tears fall without realizing it. I hurt my friend who's been through a lot, and now I'm beating myself.
"Does Liam know?" She managed to say. "I mean, that's why you ask for him?"
I wipe my eyes and sniffled. "No, I wanted to. But I couldn't. You heard the way he talked to me. He doesn't fucking care about me. If I tell him about his only child do you think he will be with me just for the baby? Yes, he would, but there's no love for me in his heart." I continued to wipe off the tears around my eyes and cheeks. They just kept on falling.
"Liam isn't that kind of guy," Effie said, rubbing my back. "He and his brothers are not that low to do that. They are loyal. Ohana. I only know Logan for a couple of months and we are still new to this relationship but I won't lie it's funny to have a boyfriend and I love him and he's the same. He and I are going to live under one roof and I'm nervous about that I mean since we are together, we are sharing a room instead." She chuckled.
"Athena and Ares are okay with it?" I ask, knowing her brother being the male figure in the sisters' lives before Odin joined the Reid clan he can be protective of his sisters, especially Effie.
"He doesn't mind as long we are quiet," Effie winked at me and I blushed to know what she meant. She laughed then she lower her smile. "But seriously, Liam will care for you and the baby."
"Care," I looked at her. "Only care. No love." My nose was clogged as I grabbed a tissue from my purse and blew my nose. "It's okay, he doesn't need to know, and I won't tell him. Dad told me we are well provided. I don't need Liam."
"Lily, you can't do that. You can't take away a child from his father. Liam needs to know." I know Effie is just looking out for me, but I can't involve myself with another loveless life.
It's better that way.
"I'm sorry, Effie. But no, and don't tell Liam about it."
I watch her mouth open with no words to reject the idea she closed her mouth and sigh. "Fine, I won't."
"Cross my heart," she signs over her heart.
"And don't tell Seth either, one secret is bad enough as it is."
"Okay, Yes, I promise but like I said to you before about the engagement with Kareem, he will find out sooner than you think, and hiding around the belly for 7 months he will figure it out who the father is."
I didn't say a response because she's right. I can't hide something that is a size round inflatable workout ball. It's too noticeable.
I left Effie's house later that day as I prepped to get ready for dinner at the Haasan's home. But before that, I told Daddy Wayne about my pregnancy. Since I said Effie, my closest friend, I might also tell the nearest man into my life, besides Dad.
I told him about my love with Liam, and I'm not a virgin anymore. He just sat there, not a single word. But when he mentions calling his men, I freaked out. You don't think Effie's grandfather is a crime boss, but Daddy Wayne was part of a biker gang. The rule part of Downtown Long Beach. I know because sometimes everyone a year his friends from the MC club known as The Reapers would come to my birthday but they stop going because first of all, it's a kids party, and they scare away the kids with concern parents, and secondly, the gifts I received from them was a pocket knife, a Reaper mask with a skeleton design of the jaw and my very own bike they made from scratch. A tiny one made for a seven-year-old.
I love Daddy's friends they are like my uncles, but I want a kids party, not over-size apes taking over the whole buffet table.
It's been a long time since I heard from them and now Daddy wants to call them to track down Liam to be a responsible father, Dad had to take action into his own hands and told him to cool to explain arrangement with the unborn baby.
He was furious at me of course, his little girl who still a child to him is pregnant with a child. I watch him go from a savage silverback gorilla, that's his biker name Silverback, to a fragile baby crying and whining to Dad asking why he couldn't protect me from boys and keep me a virgin until I die. His idea only.
After the talk, I confronted him and said it was my choice and I'm at fault. I take full responsibility for my action. I was worried that Daddy Wayne would kick me out, but he wasn't the type to do so because his mom been through it. Grandma Birdie was young when she gave birth to Daddy, she was seventeen, and the man she was with was part of The Reapers, but because of his malicious action of stealing from the club and doing drugs, they kicked him out where he was arrested for murdering his dealer. So, because she's was with a Reaper and having a child, she was taken care of by the head of the club, Dean "Mad Dog" Yates.
Daddy didn't want to pursue the hunt further for a Wolfe who got me pregnant as long he isn't part of the baby's life then he will cease for the day. I was surprised he would announce that because I thought he would want Liam to be responsible for supporting me for the child's wellbeing but I told him Liam doesn't know, which changed his mind.
"Keep the baby, Leelee," Daddy said with a hard tone. Dad was there next to him to calm him down from having high blood pressure, "you may be young and inexperienced, your Dad and I will help you all the way. Don't worry, okay?"
I sat in front of my vanity mirror remembering those words. Not once he mentions Liam to be apart of the baby's life when he gave that speech. I look myself; hair pulled up in a tight bun, a beautiful beige lace fit and flare dress that only stop above my knee and fancy scandals to go with the outfit. I had my makeup down semi-formal and straightforward and a white purse to carry the essential stuff to bring.
I look at the clock on my wall. It's two minutes before seven. I told my dads that my grandparents wanted to have dinner and they asked who's taking me, and I said, Kareem. I don't want another dilemma after the whole me being pregnant-still-in-high-school but telling my dads I'm not engaged anymore to Kareem but to Liam would set them off.
I took a long deep breath and released it. Gazing myself in the mirror, my palms started to sweat again as I rushed to the bathroom to wash my hands. I heard my phone chime as I went back to the vanity table and saw the text Liam sent me.
Was all he texted me.
No, Hey. No hello, I'm here. Just outside.
I grabbed my things, kissed my parents, and head out the house clicking my heels to Liam's car. I stand there as he sat in the driver seat playing tunes. I waited, and no luck let out a groaned of irritation and let myself in the passenger side.
God, he's such a prick.
Not even a gentleman to open the door. Such loyalty he has - bullshit.
"Ready?" He asked me without looking my way.
"Just go and get this over with," I snap retorting to his attitude.
Liam didn't say a word after but then asked for the address; I gave it to him as he plugs the direction to his phone, and drove off down the street and hit the freeway.
He's the total opposite of Logan. Liam is trying to hurt me. Sometimes whenever I see Logan and Effie, I could see the love in his eyes for my best friend. I'm always the envy of their relationship. I said this so many times, but it's true, a fucking truth. Effie has been through a lot and almost dying with a frozen body, everyone including me was helping to warm her body before she hits hyperthermia. Logan never left her side, not even once for those three days. Athena has to drag his ass out to at least shower or else her little sister will wake up sleeping next to a stinky Wolfe.
The drive wasn't long, the traffic is never bad at night but only on specific days - sometimes.
When we arrived at home, my grandparents owned. I went out to fix myself up as I heard a door closed.
"Okay, before we go inside. Act like a fiancé for them to believe we are in love," I told Liam.
"I'll be on my best behavior."
I looked at him as he prepped himself on the car window although it's dark the street light shone above the car. "Can you be more sarcastic."
"Hey, this was unexpected," he told me once he faced me flashing his blue eyes where the streetlight hits. "I'm not prepared for this shit."
"Just be yourself - I mean be yourself but act proper. These are my grandparents after all."
"I'm not born from a silver spoon unlike that lover of yours," he pointed out.
"Kareem and I aren't lovers," I frown and groan. "We haven't gone to first base because he wants to wait."
"First base? Really? Is he that of a virgin?" Liam huffed.
"For your information, Kareem has been with plenty of women, and he treats them like a princess unlike you." I glared.
I didn't realize it, but Liam was right in front of me as we both are under the light and breathing hard with rage as we rant each other out.
I could smell the heavy cologne filling my nostrils as it trails in my entire body until to my brain telling me to get the fuck out. But Liam wasn't moving so I'm not as well.
I could feel our body close and in the heat of the moment on this cold night. I didn't need my coat because my body has already warmed me up with Liam this close to me I couldn't focus I just want to swim in those gorgeous eyes of his all night long.
"I don't like that look," he whispers snapped me back from my fantasies.
I frowned and shoved him back. "I don't like you near me." Liam gave me a look like he wanted to do more than just be close to me. I wish he did and I wanted to much for him to do things I would regret. "Come on, let's go in a loving couple."
"It's an only an act, Lily."
Don't have to remind me.
"Let's go," inwardly rolled my eyes. Right before I head to the front door, Liam held me back, link out arms and without a saying lead the way as a fake loving couple who would soon be in a fake marriage that will never happen.
I wonder how we were ever going to fool my grandparents.