Haze's POV
I wake up and open my eyes. Sam's not here. Did I imagine it? Was this a dream?
I look over at the time. 10AM. Wow. I haven't slept that good for months. I smile a little, knowing, that he had to be here for that.
I feel my stomach. It's so empty. I get up from the bed and walk into the bathroom. I look into the mirror, looking like I've been crying so much. And I have.
I take some cold water on my palms and then put it on my face. I smile, while drying it and then go downstairs and into the kitchen.
"Morning," they all smile. I see that Jen is here and ignoring me.
"Morning," I smile, not caring about her.
I feel Sam staring at me with a smile and I look at him for less than a second with a smile. I sit down on one of the chairs, next to Abby. She smiles and takes another bite of her cereal.
I don't know, how they eat in here. I look at Sam. He smirks, "Just take whatever you want," he says.
I sigh. How am I supposed to know, what I want? I look at what they're eating.
Abby's eating cereals with milk, Sam's eating bacon with eggs like Clyde, and Jen is eating a sandwich. And they also all have different drinks. I sigh again, not knowing what to do.
Sam smirks, "You're not a vegetarian or vegan, right?" he asks.
I chuckle and shake my head. He gets up with a smirk and puts some bacon and eggs on my plate.
I smirk, "Thanks," I chuckle and he sits back down and keeps eating.
I look at the drinks. "Honey, you can take whatever you want," Clyde smirks.
I sigh and get up and look into the fridge, "Seriously? Whatever I want?" I chuckle, looking at all the drinks.
"Yup, but don't drink my Fanta," Abby says and I chuckle, taking a Mountain Dew.
"Ew, seriously?" she asks as I sit back down.
"Yes, seriously," I say and poor it into my glass.
"Great choice," Sam smirks and I can see that he's drinking the same.
I smirk and start eating. They're so good.
"You know.." Clyde looks at me with narrowed eyes and then at Sam, "There was this tension between you two yesterday. But not today... Care to explain?" he asks both of us.
I look at Sam with an innocent face and he looks at me at the same way. We both shrug our shoulders, "I can't see it," Sam says.
"Definitely not," I say. We both smirk at our foods and take a bite.
"So convincing," Abby smirks. Jen is still ignoring me but staring at me and then at Sam and then back at me.
*Time pass*
I go downstairs in a pair of Sam's black sweatpants, that I managed to get to stay up somehow and in his another S T-shirt.
Clyde looks at me as I go into the living room, where he's at. He sighs, "You need clothes, girl," he says.
I chuckle, "I agree," I smirk.
He gets up and walks to a shelf, where are his wallet and keys and stuff like that. He takes his wallet and looks at me.
"How much do you need, to get to buy everything?" he asks.
"I don't need everything. I really don't care, I just want a pair of shoes and a toothbrush to be honest," I say.
He chuckles and starts thinking, "You use a lot of makeup huh?" he asks.
I chuckle, "Yeah, but I don't need to.. If I buy makeup, then I need to buy the remover and everything to smooth my skin and stuff, so really.. No need," I say.
He looks at me, "You know what.." he says and hands me his credit card. I chuckle.
"Buy EVERYTHING you need. And please don't be afraid to use this money, there's a Scarlet Tears' 'party' on Monday in the bar, which means that I'll get a lot more money," he says.
I smirk, "What's the bar?" I ask.
"It’s at Rockbowl, don't worry, you're coming with us," he says.
I chuckle, "Okay, so I can waste all of that money on here and you won't even notice," I smirk.
He narrows his eyes, "Not on food," he says.
I sigh and he kisses my forehead, "Okay, thanks," I say.
He smiles and nods. He walks back to the couch and sits down.
"Sam's coming with you?" he asks and I nod, "Just saying, that if you two start dating and decide to break up later, you're still living in the same house," he says.
I laugh and hear Sam laugh too, as he comes downstairs.
"At first we're gonna buy some shoes for you," he smirks at my bare feet.
"Nah, I kinda like it," I say and they both chuckle.
"Bye," we say to Clyde.
"Bye," he chuckles at us.
*Time pass, 50 minutes.*
"What about these?" Sam asks and shows me black boots with heels. I kiss his cheek and take it from him. He has taken my size already, so I just sit down and put it on. I tie the laces and look at them.
"Perfect," I sigh with a smile and stand up with it on me. I look into the mirror and smile. This is more me than anything.
Sam comes and stands behind me. He puts his arms around me and rests his chin on my shoulder. I chuckle. I love, how we've never even kissed normally and he's already like that.
I kiss his cheek and squat a little to get out of his arms. He chuckles and I take the shoe off and buy the pair. Now I have a pair of boots and a pair of sneakers.
Next shop?" Sam asks as we both pull the helmets on.
"Let's just go to Target, but first is makeup," I smile.
He sighs with a smirk and rolls his eyes, "You're beautiful without makeup too," he says.
I chuckle, "Thanks. Still makeup," I smirk and put my arms around his torso. He chuckles and starts his bike.
*Time pass*
"Haze come on. It's been an hour," Sam whines.
I chuckle, "I don't have even a lipstick, your dad gave me a credit card, which means that I can buy everything I had before, plus everything that I want to have," I smirk at him.
He chuckles, "He seriously gave you his credit card," he says.
"He did, now.. Which one?" I ask, showing him two lipstick colors on my hand.
He looks at it, "Which one do you like?" he asks and looks up at me, since he is sitting.
I smirk, "Both. So which one?" I ask.
He smirks, "Well if you like both, then take both. You have money," he says.
I chuckle, "I'm not gonna use all of it. Which one?" I ask again with a sigh.
He looks at it again and then at my face and then back at it.
"That one," he says and points on one of them.
"Nice choice baby," I say and kiss his beanie.
He chuckles at my name, but who cares, he called me that too. I smirk and put one of the lipsticks back and look at all the eye liners.
I look at him from the mirror. His elbow is on his knee and his chin is on his palm, staring at me with a smile.
I smile a little, looking at the makeup again.
"Hey Sam," I hear a girl's flirty voice.
"What do you want Carolina?" he asks.
I look at Caro from the mirror. She WAS my best friend. Until I turned ten and her parents decided that I'm not good enough for her, though they are the ones living on Rockbowl. That's the main reason I ever wanted to be a Scarlet Tear. So that I could get my best friends back.
"Wow, why so mad?" she asks and sits down next to him. I sigh and keep looking at the eyeliners.
"I told you, I'm not interested, okay? Back off please," he says, pleading and gets up and walks to me.
"Just saying that don't tell anyone about.. Whatever it is that is between us," I say to him quietly. He nods a little and I see Carolina coming closer to us.
"Haze?" she asks with widened eyes and a smile.
I smile a little, feeling tears in my eyes. I haven't talked to her in 5 years. Of course I've seen her, Riverdale is small, but we've just looked at each other sadly and I don't have a phone, so we couldn't keep in touch. I turn around.
She breathes out and tears start falling down her eyes, "You got to be kidding me," she chuckles with tears and wraps me into her arms as I do the same.
I enjoy the touch. I'm so relaxed in her arms. She's the reason I survived when I was about 8. I didn't get any food then, cause Dave was randomly hating on me. She was the one who brought me food, not caring what her parents thought.
"I've missed you so much Caro," I cry into her shoulder.
She pulls away a little and holds my face between her hands, "Are you okay? I heard what happened.. I'm sorry about that," she says and sniffles.
I chuckle with tears and pull her back into my embrace, "I'm fine now. Better than in years actually," I say, hugging her.
"Where are you living?" she asks, hugging me.
I pull away and wipe my tears away and then look at the totally confused and shocked Sam. I smirk a little.
"I'm not gonna ask, how you two know each other. If you've hooked up, I don't want to know anything about it," I say.
They both chuckle and Sam comes closer to us, but more me. "I'm so confused," he says to me.
"You should be," I say and look at Caro, "I need to buy makeup, since all my stuff burned, but explain everything to him please," I sigh.
She smiles a little and nods. They start talking and both sit down. I turn back to the eyeliners, knowing that my life will be better than ever.
*Time pass, 1h*
I walk to Sam and Caro, who are still talking.
Sam looks at his phone, "2 hours for picking makeup," he says, looking at me.
"Luckily, I knew, what I had before, so I knew what to look for. Stop whining," I say and give him my hand and pull him up from the chair.
"Haze?" Caro asks with a big smile. I look at her, "You're coming to Rockbowl high?" she asks.
I nod a little and she sighs with a big smile and then looks at Sam, "I'm happy about that, but when she comes, you better make sure that she's safe," she says and he nods.
"What are you all talking about?" I ask, "Every school is just as bad as others," I say.
"The teachers can physically hurt you if you annoy them in any way," Sam says.
I raise my eyebrows and freeze on the place. They both turn around and look at me.
"If they don't like you, they can beat you?" I ask. They both sigh and nod.
"Great," I say sarcastically and keep moving.
"They don't even know you Haze," Caro says.
I chuckle, "I know that we haven't talked in 5 years, but EVERYONE knows me and EVERYONE hates me," I say.
They both smirk at each other, both on my sides. Sam stops me and they both come to stand in front of me, his hands on my shoulders and both of them smirking.
"What?" I ask.
"No one can hate on you on Rockbowl," Caro says.
"If I kill them all," I say seriously and they both chuckle.
"You're the princess.. Every fucking Scarlet Tear better protect you or they get kicked out.. Believe me, my dad would do it," Sam says.
I swallow, "Sure... Even though every Scarlet Tear hates me as well, they'll beat up other Scarlet Tears, their friends, for me," I say sarcastically.
Now they both look like I'm right. They both open their mouths to say something but can't.
"Right," I say and walk towards the clothing part of Target, that I love, cause here are great clothes for me.
*Time pass*
"So.. We're done?" Sam asks me.
I smirk, "I still need a toothbrush and a hairbrush and hair products and stuff like that," I say and pull him towards these things. We're about to pass the shelves, where they have stuff for period.
I sigh and pull him there. He chuckles and comes with me. I look at the pads and see the ones I use. I take three packs and put them into the cart. Then I take some tampons that I use and put them in there as well.
"That went fast," he smirks.
"Yeah well after using the same ones for 5 years you don't need to choose," I say as we walk towards the toothbrushes.
"5 years?" he asks in shock, "You wanna tell me that Abby can," he starts.
"Most normal age is like 12, but some get it at 15, some at 10.. I wasn't lucky," I say.
He chuckles and we stop in front of all these toothbrushes and pastes.
I remember something, "Oh fuck. Um, I'll be back, you pick one out for me please," I say and walk back to the pads.
I pick out three packs of night pads, cause if I'm sleeping in his bed, I don't wanna leak. I go back to him and put them into the cart as well.
"What for? I thought you already took them," he says and throws a toothbrush into the cart.
I blush a little.. "I um.. If you keep letting me to sleep in your bed, I don't wanna leak," I say.
He smirks, "I don't care if you do," he says and kisses my hair, cause no one is looking at us.
"Oh you do," I chuckle, looking at all the razors now.
He sighs, "You sure?" he asks, looking at them too.
"I'm a teenage girl, I need them," I say, though I am not looking at which one's the best. I'm looking at all the sharp objects.
"Okay then," he says, takes a random pack of them and throws them into the cart too.
He takes my hand into his and pulls me away from them, pushing the cart at the same time.
"Sammy?" I ask. He smiles a little, cause he likes the nickname. He stops and looks at me, our hands still together.
"Please don't let me kill myself," I breathe out.
He looks worried and sad. "I'm never letting anyone hurt you, even if it's you," he says.
I smile sadly and he kisses my forehead, "Now come on, let's get out of here before you remember another thing you need," he says.
I chuckle and keep standing on the place, "I still need some stuff," I say and pull him towards the hair things.
"Oh, um," he says as I put a hairbrush into the cart, "You actually.. Need some things for showering," he says.
I sigh, "Right," I say, totally forgetting about those.
"And you're sure you got enough clothes?" he looks into the cart.
I chuckle, "No, but I didn't find anything else," I say, looking at the underwear, socks, two pair of pants, one shorts and 4 shirts, which are crop tops mostly.
"Oh fuck," I sigh.
He chuckles, "What is it that time?" he smirks.
I sigh and start walking towards the bras. I hear him groan a little and I chuckle. He still follows me.