Haze's POV
"Where's mom?" Sam asks Clyde, looking confused.
I look at my legs. "I don't know," Clyde just says.
I sigh and look at him, "I really ca," I start.
"No," he says. I groan and look back at my legs.
"Wait.. She went away when Hazy came?" Sam asks.
"She yelled at dad, saying that if Haze stays then she's gonna go," Abby says.
Sam chuckles a little and I look up at him, "Well, that's great then," he smiles.
I raise my eyebrows, "What?" I ask.
"What? I don't like my mom," he says.
"Don't say that," I sigh.
"You say that about your dad," he says.
"Not much of a dad, but.." I say.
"Well same goes to her," he says.
I smirk and shake my head a little, looking back at the TV.
"By the way.." Clyde says and we all look at him, "Sam and Abby, you're gonna share a room," he says.
"What?" all of us say in unison.
"No, I'm gonna sleep on the couch," I say. Clyde wants to say something, but Sam talks.
"No, you can take my room, I'm gonna sleep on the couch," he says.
"No. What?" I ask, "It's your home," I say.
"It's yours too," Sam says. I sigh and smile a little.
"I'm all for Sam sleeping on the couch," Abby says and we all chuckle.
"No one's sleeping on the couch," Clyde says.
"What? Why?" Sam asks, "I'm not gonna share a bed with my little sister," he continues.
"And I'm not gonna sleep in anyone's bed," I say.
"You two can share a room," Abby smirks at me and Sam.
Both of our eyes widen and we look at each other. I feel the tension.
"Oh no, not gonna happen," Clyde says.
Me and Sam both smirk and look back at them.
"Do you have a mattress?" I ask.
He sighs, "You're all gonna sleep in bed," he says.
"We have a mattress, I can sleep on it," Sam says to me.
"No way," I say and look back at him.
We start arguing a little, but soon Clyde speaks up.
"Guys stop, Sam you're gonna sleep on the mattress in Abby's room," he says.
"Fine," Abby says.
"Okay," Sam says and smiles at me victoriously.
I sigh and look back at Clyde. He kisses my hair with a smile and I look at the ceiling, my head against the back of the couch.
"Oh and Haze.." Clyde says. I turn my head a little, so that my head is still in that position, but I'm looking at him. He smirks, "You're transferring to Rockbowl High," he says.
Sam's eyes widen and I sigh and nod, "I know, the social worker told me today," I say.
"No way," Sam says.
I raise my head and look at him, "What? You have a secret girlfriend who you don't want your parents to know about?" I smirk.
He smirks, "Ha-ha," he says. I smirk and put my head back into that position, "Dad.." Sam sighs.
"I know," Clyde sighs too.
I look up at them, "You know what?" I ask.
"This school is.. Shit," Sam says.
I chuckle, "Isn't every school though?" I ask.
They all chuckle a little, "What grades you have?" Clyde asks me.
I smirk, "In what?" I ask and put my head back. I kinda love this position. I love looking at the ceiling.
"I don't know, English?" he asks.
"A+," I say.
Their eyes widen, "Really?" Abby asks.
I chuckle and nod, "Ask about something else," I say.
"Math?" Sam asks.
"F," I say and they all laugh.
"History?" Sam asks.
"Um.. Depends," I say, still looking at the ceiling.
"On what?" Sam asks.
"Last year it was F, a year before that it was Hazy," I say.
"How come?" Clyde chuckles.
"Oh um," I smirk, "My sister hates me and last year we had a male teacher, who she was.. Yeah," I smirk at them.
They look at me with raised eyebrows, "Can you explain me something..?" Sam sighs.
"We'll see," I say.
"Your sister was this perfect girl next door, and you're this rebel New Rockbowler, who everyone talks shit about.." he says. I nod. "Why is that?" he asks.
I shrug my shoulders. He sighs, "Come on," he says. They all wanna hear that.
"Um.." I say and rest my head back, so that I wouldn't have to face them, "I.. I think it all started when I was 5. Dave moved in with us, he made it clear, that he preferred Ella over me. But she was 7 and I was 5. So, she didn't actually need that attention anymore, that I did and.. I don't know, I guess I learned how to survive by myself and cook and stuff like that," I say.
"Wow," Clyde says and I turn my head a little with a sad smile and then turn back.
"I still don't get it through," Sam sighs, "Why everyone thinks that you're that badass girl, and she's the perfect one?" he asks.
I raise my head up with a smirk, "You should've seen our fights. I AM the badass one," I say. They all chuckle a little.
"Still.. Why do they call you the bitch? You don't seem like one," Sam says.
I sigh, "Um.." I say and think a little, "I don't know. She's the head cheerleader, in front of others she's perfect and fake and kind," I say.
"And in front of you then?" Abby asks.
I smile sadly, "I have.. Problems. And she used to take away the things that could help," I say, looking at her.
Clyde raises my head up a little, so that I could look at him, "What problems?" he asks.
"It's nothing.." I say, "Don't worry, it's all good now," I lie. It's not all good now. It's at the worst state. My anxiety is a piece of shit.
"You sure?" Clyde asks worriedly. I smile a little and nod.
"And the clothes..?" Sam asks.
I furrow my eyebrows and look at him, "How would YOU even know, what clothes I'm wearing?" I smirk.
His eyes widen and he goes red from the face. I press my lips together to hold my laugh back as he looks away, but Clyde and Abby are laughing.
"Hey, it's totally fine, if I would have seen you before, I would've probably started stalking you," I smirk and rest my head back.
He looks at me and I look st him, "So you.. Haven't seen me before?" he asks.
I chuckle, "I haven't actually never been at Rockbowl," I say.
"What?" they all chuckle together.
"You've lived here for 15 years and you've never been on Rockbowl? Really?" Clyde asks.
"Dave would...." I'm thinking 'bout a word to use, "Freak," I say finally.
They all sigh. I look at Sam, "I can sleep in your bed then?" I ask.
He smiles a little and nods, "Great," I sigh and get up, "I'm gonna go to sleep, night," I say and run upstairs immediately, not waiting for their answers.
I go into Sam's room and close the door behind me. I climb under the sheets immediately and breathe in his smell. Gosh, I love it.
I'm so exhausted, that I fall asleep immediately.
Samuel's POV
I wake up on the mattress in Abby's room. I smile a little, remembering why I have to be here. Because of Haze. And I'll do it every night if I need to.
I get up, remembering why I woke up anyways. I walk to Abigail's bathroom...
*Time pass, 2 minutes*
I lie back down on the mattress, seeing Abby asleep. I love her, though I never really admit it.
I pull the blanket on me and close my eyes. I can hear something. I don't know, what it is. It's like.. What?
I get up in confusion and walk out of her room. I look around and hear the voice from my bedroom.
I furrow my eyebrows and open my door and then close it after me. Haze's sobbing on the bed, her eyes opened, looking at a wall. Her arms are around her legs/knees and she's swaying herself a little, totally shaking.
The sight makes me wanna cry. I walk to her, "Haze?" I ask. She turns her head to face me as I put on a little light. Gosh, her eyes are so puffy and red, she must have been doing it for a long time now.
"I'm fine Sam, go back to sleep," she sobs, looking back at the wall.
I sigh. I climb under the sheets, on the other side of the bed, her back to me.
"Come here," I say, straightening my arms out, so that she would get into them.
She turns around and looks at me, while crying and sobbing and shaking just as hard.
"Come on," I say. She doesn't move, she's just staring at me with scared eyes.
I sigh and move closer to her. I pull her against my body and wrap her into my arms.
She hides her face into the crook of my neck, her arms around my torso. I hold her protectively against me, enjoying it myself and put my hand on her hair. I start fondling it softly, while she's still sobbing and shaking.
She wants to breathe in I guess, but it comes out as a huge sob, which makes her cry more.
"Shh, it's okay," I say and kiss her hair, as my face is against her hair, "I'm here, nothing's gonna happen to you," I say.
I know that her house burned down. At night. Her family is dead because of it. It's so stupid, that we thought, that she can sleep tonight anyways.
"Sammy I'm scared," she says quietly while crying. She starts shaking even more after saying these words and I can feel her trying to snuggle her face deeper into my neck if it would be possible.
I pull her as close to me as possible now, not caring that I'm hard. I hold her tightly in my arms, one hand fondling her hair and the other rubbing her back softly.
"I know you are," I say, "But I'm here, don't worry," I continue and kiss her hair again.
"I.. I," she sobs, wanting to say something, but can't.
"Shh it's okay," I say softly, "Breathe with me," I say and start breathing louder and deeper and slower, so that she could hear and feel it and it would calm her down.
About 3 minutes later, she's calm and breathing by herself, face still snuggled in the crook of my neck.
"What was that about?" I ask.
She sighs and I'm not letting go of her. Wow, I've never seen that side of me. Whenever there's a girl who likes me, I tell her no. Cause I have never liked anyone. Not like love. Well, now I do.
"Anxiety," she mumbles into my neck. Gosh that feels good.
"What? Baby, you have anxiety and you didn't tell us about it?" I ask.
I now realize, what nickname I used. Well, who cares to be honest, I can tell that she wants me too.
"I um.." she says and looks up at me. I sigh, seeing her red face. Now she puts her head just on my biceps, what's under her neck anyways, "I told you, that my sister used to take away the things..." she says and I nod, "Well.. Dave and she. They said that my medicine is bad for me, so they hid the pills. I bought new ones every week, but.. I didn't get to sleep at nights if I hadn't taken one a few hours earlier," she says.
I sigh and kiss her forehead, as it's basically against my lips anyways, "You know the name of these pills or you need a script for that?" I ask.
"I have the prescription," she says.
"Great," I sigh, "You mind if I come with you, when you go shopping tomorrow?" I ask.
She smiles a little, "I need literally everything. If you're okay with shopping for tampons with me, then you can come," she smirks.
I chuckle a little, "Okay," I say. She smiles and then looks at our position and her smile grows.
"Do you have a girlfriend?" she asks.
I chuckle, "Not yet," I say and kiss her nose.
She smiles a little and snuggles her face back into my neck, "I wanna take it slow," she says into my neck.
"I'm okay with that," I say and kiss her hair, resting my head back on it.
I feel her smile a little, but then she looks back up at me, "Can you stay?" she asks.
I smirk, "Stay where?"
She smirks and rolls her eyes. I chuckle, "Yeah, but I'll get out of here 6AM, just in case these guys wake up before than usual," I say.
She chuckles and reaches her arm out. She turns the light off and puts her arm back around me.
She pecks my lips for less than a second and hides her face back into the crook of my neck. I smile, feeling her smiling against my neck.
I kiss her hair and rest my head on hers. I close my eyes, thinking about the angel in my arms.