He came out of nowhere standing between us with his yellow angel eyes and his huge grey wings he pointed two fingers at us one touching my water turning it into sand He even touched one copy of Henry turning it and the others into a Golden Sand.، Henry got angry but he knew that Alexander could beat him with no sweat he got back He made me cry when he said it to me " hey Liz " he's the first one who called me that he said that while smiling to me and he opened his arms to me and I hugged him. I realized that Luther was correct. He did manage to control his power. I looked at Henry and said " now he's getting out of here with me if you have another opinion i will be glad to fight you again" then Alexander looked at him and his face got darker he is sad Alexander's face brought memories of us. He always treats us as his kids not his older siblings and we liked it. Mom and dad didn't have time for us. He took care of us showing us how to take care of our own and even after doing that mom and dad didn't treat him well like us. He was in mentioned in a prophesy of the death angel, and mom and dad wanted us to have demons only because they think that they are better and tougher than angels and to get away of that prophesy . When I got my powers and then Alexander got his powers I was jealous that he got ab angel I did tell him that I was jealous. I never had a chance to lie to him. He's my best friend, my father, my protector. Between all of my brothers he's the only one that I can truly say I would die for him and he's not even my twin. He locked himself here because he wanted us to be safe when his power got of track
" let's go home Alexander "