before i went to my room I found Elizabeth standing in front of my door she said " I have a job for you Alexander i need you to wake up early before I go to work it's important it's a job offer and it has a fight if you won it you will get it" " I looked at her " I will think about it Liz goodnight and for Luther I will find him don't worry " she smiled at me and went to her room but I know she's mad at herself I'm sure that I heard her crying this night I knew if I knocked on her door she will wipe her tears or absorb it she controls water after all but what job could she possibly have for me did she forgot that I just got out of prison but I need to work anyway I don't want mom to keep asking me about what I want and what I'm going to do as if she even cares .
I woke up while I'm going down to wash my face I sensed a huge power for a second and it disappeared Vince did you feel that this amount of power is from something big but who caused it and what happened I'm sure that the person was hiding this power " Vince kinda knew this power" Alex this power there's something it's sealed and it's going out whatever is inside that seal it will come out soon "I washed my face and I changed and went towards Elizabeth who's waiting for me I wanted to cheer her up after what happened yesterday" wow I must be taking a job in the royal palace what is it am i going to be one of your royal gaurds or something ha ha? " we laughed together and then her cart came she was reading newspaper all the way from our house to the royal palace and when we got off the cart she told me " I want you to fight a man after this fight I want you to come and find me at the royal hall " I thought about one man and I will get the job" who's this man Liz " she said one name this name made me shake from the greatness my pervious mentor that man he put the seed of power and fighting inside of me since i was a kid i know the name she is about to say she said "Marcus la seri" this man is the war hero he killed 6 of the last mighty angels on his own and the other one escaped from the war which made the demons win this war his demon gives him the power to create explosions and control the magmahe can make lava from his Hands and transform himself into any animal form with this power a lava lion or magma dragon even with my power I don't think I can defeat him " Liz are you serious for god's sake this man is s miracle for our age I barely handled the train when i was a kid " she looked at me " defeat him and you will have his job as the admiral of our country if you forget what this means it means that you will control every single soldier of the country you will be in my consulting table as my admiral lose and you will go back home to mom it's easy will you chose your mentor or mom "