"At the beginning of the time there were two gods these two created every single thing in our world and they gave birth to another gods fourteen to be exact arguing in peace without arguing or even fighting but nothing lasts forever .
the gods' leader Darius also known as oden and the most powerful god of them one day found out that his brother dromus or known as loki wanted to kill him and take over the Sky he later found out that six oof his siblings also wanted him off the throne the sky war was opened wide Sevan gods against another Sevan the reason of this fight is humans dromus wanted to make humans the highest creatures among the others .
But Darius didn't agree and Because he's the one who's on the throne he's the ruler he has the final say and the others started to take sides the fight was equal until dromus slashed Darius's wings and took one of his eyes and that made him weaker and to be called the one who lost after that dromus took over the the sky throne and changed the natural order humans became after gods directly which made them stop praying for gods and that made the gods weaker and weaker if a human has a contract with a mighty angel or a mighty devil and had a fair fight with a god and with only Thier powers probably the human will win but that ain't true as we all know history is written by the winners
but the reason I'm telling this story is that is there is a prophecy about a boy who will have a great power and will face a Pure evil the one who is going to change the god's era this boy will have a mighty power he will see betrayals from a close people of him and will see justice and will discover a new kind that was forgotten for years and with his power will fight the throne taker by the dark power that will make people think he's a god that boy and this prophecy is about me Alexander king im telling you this Elizabeth because I know that there will be times I will look like the bad guy and I will act like one but I want you to have faith in me even if I sounded suspicious or acted rough I want you to be by my side Liz I'm telling you this because I want you to be my winning card Liz I trust you the most in this family "
I looked at him " don't worry Alexander I'm always here for you as an older sister and as your back up "