I never saw Alex scared like never I'm afraid that marcus might hurt him i just got him back I can't afford to lose him Alirus " your brother will live I'm worried for Marcus I can sense your brother's power demons do not sense angels Elizabeth your brother is something else I can't even sense Luther I'm sorry for letting you down queen " that's not the time for this alirus I want Alex to win to give him Luther's case personally
I enetered the throne's room my assistants entered and brought me today's paperwork while i sat on the throne and I started to hear explosions it's like the war started down in the palace .
After Elizabeth left a soldier came and took me to a place where I saw him Marcus la seri the most dangerous man on earth that's his title i called him " marcus " he didn't get of his chair there's smoke coming from the ground I looked down and I noticed it oh boy! it's lava I ran towards him and right before I punched him he melted into the chair damnit he got behind me I looked behind my back and I got a Punch from him it did explode and throw me like a mile or two there's a large space of sand behind the royal palace it's not used he came walking slowly and he stood in front of the place I landed on he saw my bruises and saw it when I healed in a second" you do know that won't work with me Marcus I'm not that weak anymore i control my subject I'm a demi angel so even the tricks you used for the mighty last ones won't work on me I'm tougher than them not to mention that my angel is a mighty one " .
" Ha ha ha ha ha i will tell you something alex since you are my one and only student it's fair for you to know the truth do you boy think that I'm a human I'm the last devil king before alirus so tell me do you have the power to defeat a devil king you and your pathetic angel I can sense your power boy and you made me realize that it will be a good fight but it won't be anything except a teacher and his student" I moved at him with sand but anything comes anywhere near him get burnt and my sand became glass that's good I will do it now
I throw at him a wave of sand it made smoke from turning it into glass I came from behind him but his hand took my heart out this isn't me it's Henry's power smoke mirage Im standing where I was I didn't move at all and I called my scythe then slashed the air with my power time sand I took from him half his power after the explosion my attacks did there was this eagle flying above me what an eagle in the dessert doing then it came down at me and exploded not just one time but ten times after seeing him bleeding with his ugly black blood I was mostly destroyed half of my face and right hand is bones but after the sand covered me it healed me " come on Marcus don't make me kill you just accept your defeat the student finally beats the teacher" he screamed at me " I fought with the fallen ones you can not defeat me if I'm going down you are going with me kid " I kept moving my scythe in circles in all the ways and then I remembered that he was defeated by alirus and alirus's power is water I kept circling my scythe and when I saw that he's near enough I gave him slash with water it even slashed two of the dessert mountains before he dies he laid a hand on my leg whispered saying" how can you use multiple powers " I came down to him " it's a skill I created not my subject it's called adaptive sand " he laughed then looked at me " what do you say wanna have my powers by a contract don't forget I'm a demon after all "