I stared at the stud as she swaggered away, a bunch of niggas following behind her. I must've had a 'what the hell' look on my face.
Aisha tugged on my arm “Hey you good?”
I nodded slowly. I was more confused than anything else. I don't think the concept of two studs being together has ever crossed my mind. I've just always been the tomboy type and well, I dated femme types.
Forget being a stud even. I don't think anyone has ever hit on me quite like that. I mean I've gotten the 'come fuck me' looks but this was more 'Thinking bout fucking you' look. All she needed was to lick them lips and—
My attention pulls back to Aisha.
“Huh? Oh. Sorry. That was just weird.”
I say even though that's not the word I need. Logically, I know there's nothing really weird about it. I'm a lesbian, she's a lesbian and lesbians have been known to like each other. I just always picture butch women with fems or maybe two fems together. How would two studs work it out? Would I top her? An image of her tattooed, wryly muscled sweaty arms conjured in my head and somehow I doubted it. My stomach gave a funny lurch at that thought but it was true. She was bigger than me in a slender kinda way and had far more cockiness than I could ever possess. I could hold my own with girls but I would seriously think twice about approaching any stud with such... arrogance? Audacity? Like I know niggas back home that would have punched her ass. Then again, she looked like she could handle herself.
It took me a moment to realize I'd spaced out on Aisha again. This whole thing had kinda unnerved me.
I pay more attention to her and she drags me over to this place where some teens are dancing. This neighborhood seriously popping yo. My old apartment building had like 50 units but I only knew 5 of the people by name and one of them hated me for my ‘heathen livestyle’. She was like a hundred years old though plus white so I just ignored the shit outta her.
They don't seem to be a group or anything. Just a couple of black teens having some fun to HOT remix by some of my favorite rappers currently. I was definitely liking the whole vibe.
“You should see this place on Saturday evenings when the lil kids go home. That's when we really shut shit down. Popping music, drinks, dice, all sorts of smokes and pellets. Not to mention the munchies.”
Shit. That did sound hella fun. I faintly wonder if the skater stud from earlier will be there and push the thought out of my mind.
“You should come by this evening.”
She doesn't look at me as she says this but her skin is light enough that I can spot a small blush.
“You want me to come baby girl?” Her blush becomes more pronounced and a smirk crosses my face. Just like that I feel more like myself. I did the 'tryna fuck you' eyes.
“I mean. Yeah it'd be cool if you came. You seem hella nice.”
“Damn. I get just nice? I definitely need to up my game.” I tease and and she giggles.
“Okay. So I like you. You chill as fuck. I definitely want you to come out this evening.”
I take a small step closer and put one hand on her hip. “Like on a date?”
Her face flamed. “Shit. You're too lil to be this smooth.”
I grinned. “I'm not lil where it counts. I promise.”
Her eyes widen and drop to my pants as if I'd be wearing 'what counts' right now before she quickly backed away and found something else to look at.
“Imma be there. Just tell me what time and if I needa bring anything. ”
“Seven P. M. and just yourself.”
It wasn't like I had anything else better to do and I definitely didn't wanna be stuck in the house with Grace so I agreed. I had a pressing problem right that moment though.
“Yo. I'm kinda hungry. Can we go get a burger or something?” I almost regret not eating the pancakes this morning. Almost.
Aisha thought for a moment. “Al is the local place and it's okay but the fries is always kinda soggy. There's a McDonald's a few blocks outta here though. Can you walk?”
Walk a few blocks when I'm this hungry? Hell no.
“How bout an Uber?” We call an Uber and ten minutes later, one pulls up. People watch us as we walk out the park and I figure it's cause I'm new or something but it creeps me out. Maybe I should rethink that party?
I spent most of the afternoon with Aisha.
She was cute as fuck and cool to hang with. We hit a few more places after or lunch and finally separate by three PM.
When I get back home, Grace is not around but the old man next door gave me a key she left for me. I took a short nap and when I wake up, start getting ready for the party. Grace comes home around six P.M. and takes in my attire with a raised brow.
“I'm going to the park for a party. Our neighbor invited me.”
“Who? Aisha?” I nod and Grace frowns. I can tell she wants to say something but my stony expression keeps her silent.
“Well have fun. And be careful.” She looks hella uncomfortable. “Especially if you're hanging with Aisha okay?”
My eyes narrow.
“What's that supposed to mean?”
She shook her head. “Forget it. Just have a good time and please be careful. You'll be back before eleven right?”
I roll my eyes as I head out the door. “Yeah Grace. I will fully abide to your rules.”
I walked over on my own this time and when I see the place I don't regret coming.
The picnic tables are now filled with snacks, coolers and people mostly my age. The music is louder although not loud enough to disturb the residential areas just a few blocks away. I'm definitely digging the vibe on this place and I'm happy I've found at least one thing here that isn't all that bad.
I met Aisha ten minutes after I got to the party. This time she was hanging with a group of girls who gave me the same weird looks I've been getting almost all day come to think of it.
I ignore them and focus on Aisha of the long braids and sexy back dimples that were totally exposed with her crop top.
At one point during the night, she grabbed my hand to lead me somewhere and didn't let go.
“You like my hand ma?” I asked and she blushed then with a roll of her eyes, dropped it. I chuckled
“Aw. Don't be salty. I'm just messing with you.”
She just pouted and I laughed then took her hand in mine.
"There. All better?"
She blushed but didn't say anything else. It didn't matter. I was having a damn good time and I knew how to make it even better if I could just have some alone time with Aisha.
“Hey you got like a nigga or a girlfriend or something?” I asked while we watched a dice game I wasn't really interested in. She bit her lip and shook her head. “Um... Not really.”
“Not really huh?” Not a no but not a yes either. I didn't really care either way as long as she was willing.
“C'mon. Let's get outta here and find someplace a little more quiet to talk?”
Aisha gives me a look that tells me she knows exactly what I'm up to and I just smile back innocently in return. “ I know a place not far from here. It's—” Someone's shoulder roughly rams into my own and it's too violent and jarring not to be deliberate. I turn around instantly all my aggression activated only to crash into this huge chest.
I turned and crashed into someone directly behind me. “What the fuck man? Watch where you're fucking going!”
This gorilla looking nigga stared down at me with a look that had me unconsciously backing away then glared at the girl standing next to me.
Aisha immediately dropped my hand and backed up too.
“The fuck you think you playing at bitch.”
"Trace we were just-" Aisha started but got slapped out of the way. I got mad as hell because you didn't treat a girl that way. Especially when she's with me.
“Why the fuck you hit her?” I growled getting all in Gorrilla's face.
Gorrilla snarled and pushed me back. I hit someone and they push me back towards Gorilla. The music screeches to a halt. A circle formed around us and I was right in the middle facing Gorilla.
I was so pissed but I decided it wasn't worth it. I could handle myself in a fight but I really didn't wanna beat somebody gorilla up on a first day. Especially over some pussy I'd just met.
I tried to walk past IT and was pushed back harder than before. This time I fell on the floor. People cheered.
"No! Don't!"
Aisha yelled. One of Gorilla's side kicks dragged her away from me.
"You don't ever put a hand on my girl. You don't talk to her, you don't even fucking look at her."
"What the fuck man? We was just walking. And I didn't even know she had a nigga!"
"Well walk away from her bitch.” The first hit I could ignore. This time when
I stood up, I dusted my self and looked gorrilla in the eye.
"Don't ever put your hands on me again."
I clocked him right on the nose smirking with satisfaction when I heard it crack.
The whole atmosphere instantly changed. The rowdy cheers stopped and a few gasps go round the crowd before they fell silent.
It was almost like everyone took one big step away from us. I frowned but I was getting low key concerned. Why they being all dramatic and shit? He the one picking fights with me.
"Tracey. Please! Just leave her alone!"
Aisha looked even more scared and something else occured to me.
"Hold up Bruhh. You a girl?" Despite the tense atmosphere I couldn't help laughing because I dead ass did not know the fuzzy ass creature in front of me was female. I looked gorilla up and down.
“Where ya titties at? Why yo chest feel like a damn wall?” Gorilla, 'Tracey' apparently glowered at me. She had a lot of piercings on her ugly ass face and for a moment I wonder how pretty Aisha can stand fucking her ass. I don't know why it hadn't occurred to me from the moment this nigga picked a fight but the red and black she and her crew are wearing suddenly became noticeable. The shit Grace said about gangbangers flashed through my mind and I pale. My ass just hit a gangster didn't it? Well shit.
To my surprise instead of shooting me or something, she started chuckling. The fuck is so funny? Her laugh seemed kinda odd and it creeped me the fuck out. She wiped her bleeding nose with the back of her hand and smiled at me.
“You just made the biggest mistake of ya life lil nigga.”
“Tracey! No!” I heard Aisha scream before a heavy fist lodged into my stomach. I immediately keel forward but barely have time to do anything else before she clocked me twice in the face. I ended up back on the floor but Goddamit! Gangster of no gangster I'm not just gon' sit here and let some gangbanging bull dyke beat me up.
I dragged myself back up and this time prepared to fight.
I'm no Bruce Lee but I've been in a couple of fights before and I'm light on my feet so I lead her all around, dodging as much of her punches as I could and making her waste her energy. Some of those heavy hits would have had my soul leaving my body but I tried not to think about that as I duck and swerve them.
She tried to uppercut me but missed and recieved another jab on her nose. The second blow I'd managed to even send not to mention land. That shit was beyond broken and all I had was a swollen cheek. I grinned at her.
She roared “Rizzo, Slax , hold the bitch down.”
The two boulders holding Aisha dropped her and grabbed me.
"What the fuck? That ain't fai-"
She hit me so hard my head shook.
I groaned in pain then doubled in half when she kneed me in the stomach.
“Let's see if she's so tough after she takes a couple.”
The crowd was counting. By five I was on my knees, by blow ten I couldn't feel shit anywhere no more. It hurt like hell.
“Yo! What the hell's going on here Trace?”
My swollen eye let me recognise the skater chick who'd hit on me but she was kinda blurry. She tore through the circle around us coming right up into Tracey's face.
“You know the rules nigga. No business in this park. The fuck you doing?”
Tracey was wider and taller than the skater stud but she backed up a step.
“This ain't business. This personal!”
“I don't give a shit nigga. Don't fucking do it here. Now let her go. ”
Skater stud looked over to the two henchmen holding me.
“Let her the fuck go.”
“We don't answer to you.” One of them sneered and Skater stud raised a brow. She ignored the bitch and turned back to Tracey. “You letting her go or do I have to call Snake?”
Tracey scowled and crossed her beefy arms over her chest but nodded to her people.
The rest of it went hazy but I felt them release my hands and I nearly fell face first on the floor. I wanted a mirror but I didn't think I woulda looked at it. I'm not sure how my face is gonna look after being pounded like this.
Shakily, I got to my knees and looked up into Tracey's face.
She crouched down so we were level and smirked at me.
“You done feeling like you the shit? Or does yo disrespectful ass need anymore fixing?”
I glared at her. “Eat shit bitch.” Then I spat right in her face. She flinched in shock and then her face darkened.
“You gon' pay for that bitch.”
“Tracey! Stop!”
I hear skater stud yell before her beefy fist clocked me in the face. I passed the fuck out.
When I opened my eyes I noticed two things. It was dark and I was in a car.
I jerked up afraid then winced. My ribs ached, my left eye was swollen almost shut and my stomach felt like a tire climbed over it not to mention the headache threatening to split my head into two. Shit.
I groaned then flinched when a hand stretched out to touch my shoulder.
“You good?” Well what do you know. It was the skater stud.
“Nigga do I look like I'm good?”
My voice was raspy and low with pain.
“Nope. You look like something my toilet threw up. But take this.”
She pushed a couple of pills in my hand and I slowly swallowed it.
“Thanks.” I mumbled and she shrugged.
“It's aight baby girl. I was gon' take you home but Ion know where you live.”
I gave her directions and she nodded then pulled off.
“So... Who was that chick?”
“The one who beat you up? Tracey Montello. Aka Big Reaper. Real bad news. Imma tell ya now, if you got any ideas about revenge or some shit on ya mind you better drop it right now. That bitch mad as a hatter and you don't really wanna be starting a real beef with her or her raggedy ass gang.”
I scowled and winced when it hurt “Technically she cheated cause she had those niggas hold me down.”
Skater stud shrugged “Girl she beat the living shit outta you.”
I start to pout then wince as my split lip ache. “I coulda taken her fat ass if not that she had motherfuckers holding my arms!”
She glanced at me in amusement
“Whatever you say baby girl.”
It was quiet for a moment until she turned into my street.
“Why you calling me that?”
“What?” I frowned but it's more in confusion than anger. “Baby girl. It's weird.”
She chuckled. “Why cause you not a baby? Or you not my girl.”
My frown deepened. “You've been flirting with me.”
“Well aren't you observant.” Her tone is dry and I ignore the sarcasm I hear in it. “But I'm a stud.”
“Oh? Good for you I guess.” She winked at me and then pulled up in front of my house.
I wasn't really satisfied but I was tired as hell so I leaned my head on the seat.
“Can you walk baby girl?” Strange that I was calling Aisha that a few hours ago, I thought as I opened the door. She comes around the passenger seat to help me out.
"Shit. Grace can't see me like this or she gon' lock me in the house after tonight.”
I groaned and Skater Stud raised a brow in question.
“My mama.” I explain even though the word feels weird rolling off my tongue. Then again, it might just be the taste of blood in my mouth.
Skater stud fished some shades out of her pocket and put them over my eyes.
“If you can walk without looking like you wanna take a major shit you should be fine. Just go to your room and catch some sleep.”
“Thanks a lot bruh.” She shrugged again.
“Don't mention it. Here. Take this. It'll help with the pain whenever the pills wear off.” She fished a small transparent drug bag from her front pocket and handed it to me. Weed. Cool even if I didn't know where I could smoke it. Would Grace trip over me getting high here?
Skater Stud pulls me outta my thoughts
“Yo. It's really dope how you stood up for yourself today. Even if it was hella stupid messing with Reaper like that.”
“I wasn't about to let her win. She cheated. That makes her weak as fuck in my book.”
“Mine too.” Skater Stud managed before the sound of a car approaching cut through the quiet evening air.
A BMW pulled over in the next driveway and Aisha got out then slammed the door.
She froze and looked over at skater stud and me.
“I'm so sorry.” she said and ran inside her house. The windows of the car went down and I saw Tracey smirking at me.
“See ya later bitch. And don't think you can try anything since y'all live close. Imma be watching your lil punk ass.”
The car zoomed off with a laugh from her. I looked over at Aisha's house and sighed then started to head in.
Skater stud stopped me.
“Look. I don't know you at all but you seem like a pretty chill person so Imma just give you a word of friendly advice... stay away from Aisha okay? It's for your own damn good.”
I scowl.
“I'm not gonna let that bitch scare me. I wasn't even doing nun with Aisha.” Not yet anyways.
She looked like she wanted to say something then changed her mind.
“Suit yourself. Night baby girl.”
“Yo wait. I ain't even ask you what your name is.”
“Oh. Cool. That the short form or that's it?”
I looked back at her. She'd helped me out today. Least I could do was tell her my full name.
“It's Chantari.”
She grinned “Pretty name for a pretty girl. I see you Chantari.”
Despite the pain I'm in, I blush. I can safely say that no one has called me 'pretty' before and I wasn't sure what to do with the compliment. i finally mutter a 'thanks' and her green eyea twinkle a me.
“Night baby girl.”
With that she turned and bounced down the steps.
“Hey. How am I gonna give this back?” I point to the glasses which now that I'm noticing is a pair of designer RayBans. Skater stud just smiled at me.
“Imma be seeing you around Chantari.”
She climbed into her car and sped off.
I went in and gingerly walked past Grace on the sofa.
“Are you okay?"
"Fine" I gritted out in pain without looking at her and tackled the stairs. It was hard especially since I had to walk like I wasn't aching all over. If not for the railing, I'd never have been able to do it. My ribs hurt like a bitch and my legs nearly gave out once or twice but I made it to my room and flopped on the bed. Feeling suddenly exhausted, I drifted off to sleep thinking if how much I hated this fucking place.