I felt a teensy bit better when I woke up on Monday morning but not by much. Everywhere still hurt like hell. Great. I was gonna be looking like I crawled under a monster truck on my first day of goddamn school.
I examined my injuries in the bathroom mirror. My eye looked a little better. It wasn't as swollen as before even though it was still black. My ribs ached when I moved to put on my shades and I winced. Entering my room, I picked up my bag and carefully slung it over my shoulder. I'd managed to keep my injuries hidden from Grace by locking myself in my room most of the weekend. It wasn’t that hard since she seemed to be avoiding me as well. This morning though, she was going to drop me at school since it was my first day and shit. I gingerly made it down the stairs to the living room. Grace was busy in the kitchen and there was already a plate of surprisingly good eggs and bacon waiting for me.
After we were done with breakfast Grace stared at me. “Why you wearing sunglasses in the house?”
“Um… it’s on fleek?” she gave me a suspicious look but said nothing. I was pretty sure if she’d asked further she’d have caught me. I pretty much didn’t know shit about lying. I’ve lived so long without having to explain myself to anyone so all this hiding something from your parents was kinda new.
It was a short, quiet ride and I flew out the door immediately she parked. “Do you need anything else? Books? Lunch?” She called after me and I just shook my head. There was an awkward pause where we stared at each other before I turned to leave.
“Well bye.”
“Yeah. Um… see you at home.” I nodded and started to close the car door “Oh and Tari?”
“Yeah?” She hesitated and several emotions crossed her face before she settled on one.
“I'm sorry.” I felt so many things at that point that I was dead sure I was gonna bawl like a baby if I opened my mouth. Instead, I closed the door and left without a word.
After handling the rest of the details at the Principal’s office, I went off to class. First period was English and that passed in a blur. So did Math.
Third period was P.E so I followed everyone else to the gym.
I noticed that the rest of my class mates were in dark blue shorts and a white shirt but I didn't know where to get mine so I just stood there looking bored in my regular clothes.
“Why are you wearing pants in my class?”
I looked over at the teacher “Cause I don't wanna be naked?”
She glared at me as some girls giggled. “Go to the locker room and change.” “To what?”
“You. Show her where to get gym clothes.” The teacher said pointing at this tall girl who was talking to her friends. She frowned and rolled her eyes before walking up to me.
“C'mon.” I followed her into the locker room. She got out a brand new pair from one of the lockers and threw them at me. I waited for her to excuse me but she just folded her hands and leaned against the locker.
“What you waiting for? An invitation? Change.” I raised a brow “So you just gon’ watch me or something?”
She smirked “It ain't nothing I haven't seen before. You shy sweetheart?” I was getting more and more irritated but I wasn’t going to let her get to me. I just shrugged and took off my belt folding it before dropping it on the bench. My shirt came off next but I kept my tank on to hide the worst of my bruises from the weekend beating. I kicked off my vans before struggling outta my jeans. I can feel her eyes on me the entire time but I’m determined to ignore her. I had a feeling any protest would only make her smirk widen. Ugh. What was it with all the studs here? Arrogant, pushy, leery ass mudafuckers.
“Hmm. You not as skinny as you look baby girl"
I bristle at the term of endearment. The older stud at the park I’d tolerated it from. This one though, I would not. I sneer at her
“I’m not yo baby girl ma. But if you like what you see all you gotta do is ask nicely.” She stares at me a moment and then chuckles. “You kinda feisty ain't you? I like that.” She held out a hand
“Tommie.” I suspiciously took it. “Tari.” She nodded. “Put those on or Coach’s gonna get in here and bust our asses.” I pulled on the sport clothes and stuffed my own shit into a free locker. “You ready?” She asked still eyeing me with obvious interest. “Just my shoes.”
I sat down but before I could grab em, she squatted in front of me and pulled my feet into her lap.
“What the fuck-” “This is faster.” I tried to tug away but she wouldn’t let me. “Hey! Let go of my foot!” Ignoring me, she picked up my left shoe and put it on my feet then promptly laced it up. I glared at her as she did the same to my right feet. “There. Now say thank you.”
I gaped at her. Who the fuck did this bitch think she was? I started to get up and was pushed back down. I was really starting to get pissed off.
“If you don't getcho-” “Ooo you bout to cuss at me? I like it when bitches do that.” I glower at her amusement and try to get up again. She blocks me same as the first time. “Get the fuck outta my way.” “Sure. Soon as you thank me for helping you put on your shoes.” We mugged each other for about a minute until I sighed. Fuck this. “Thanks. Can you get the fuck away from me now?” She grinned at me and stepped back. “Good girl.” A blush rose on my cheeks and I’m light enough that it shows. “Fuck you.” I hiss at her and she just laughs. “Anytime sweetheart.” Pushing past her, I stomped over to the gym.
After P.E was lunch.
I waited deliberately for everyone to get out before using the locker room before going in there, making sure Tommie left with her cronies. I didn't want anybody eye raping me again. My tank was soaked with sweat so I took it off. Changing quickly into my own clothes, I hurried to find food. Grace had given me money for lunch, something completely foreign to me. Back home I usually pack myself a sandwich. I guess I could admit some part of having a responsible parent was fun but I wasn’t sure I was ready to forgive the fourteen year absence. After I got some cold fries and a grimy looking burger, I turn to face the large room of students.
Now came the problem of every new kid on their first day in a new school. Where the fuck do I sit? I didn't see any free tables and I hadn't talked to anyone yet other than that Tommie kid cause honestly I don't want to. I shuffled past tables until someone shouted at me.
“Aye! New girl. Over here.” I turn to follow the sound. It was that girl from the gym. She had changed into black jeans and a red checkered long sleeve shirt. A simple gold chain hung around her neck. I looked around again to find anywhere else to sit. I don’t know what she’s playing at, but I definitely don’t like her. Before I can make a run for it, she leaves her table and jogs over to me. “Hey. You should come sit with me.” I glared at her. “You gon’ drag me over there if I say no?” Her lips twitched. “I wasn’t planning on it but if you want sure.” She grinned at me. “Do you not know how fucking mad I am at you?” She frowned. “Why? Cause I helped you with your shoes and wanted you to say thanks?”
“T─That is not what happened!” She gives me a look as if I’m the crazy one and takes my tray from me before I can even blink. I watch in disbelief as she carried my food to her table and drops it beside her. Dammit! Part of me wants to beat her up but I’m really not a violent person and I doubt I would succeed anyways. I was still dealing with the beating from Saturday evening. Why wouldn’t she just leave me the hell alone? There were two other people seated at the table with her and they both looked up at me as I reluctantly walked towards them. Again, they are studs and I’m a little amazed at how many number of those seem to be around here.
“Welcome to the gay table Newbie.” Tommie spreads her arms wide at the mostly empty table occupied by her and her friends. The darker one snorted. “We not the only gays at Easton High.”
“No but we the ones that matter.” Tommie returned and gestured at the seat next to her. I took it with a sigh. “Wus good new kid?” The lighter one with short, curly ass hair asked. I glared at her. “I gotta name you know!” Her eyes widened. “No shit?” I glared some more and she chuckled. Was everyone here an asshole or just the studs? “My bad. What’s your name?”
“It’s Tari and she’s not here to entertain you.” Tommie snapped from beside me. “Let me guess. I’m here to entertain you?” Tommie smirks at my question and I rise up in anger. “Fuck this shit.” Her hand circles my wrist. “Wait! I’m sorry. I’m sorry! Okay?” I eyed her. “C’mon. Sit back down for a minute.” I stared at her for a moment then dropped back to my seat with an irritated huff. “No more asshole comments. I promise.” She gave me the first smile that wasn’t a smirk and it wasn’t entirely unpleasant. I nodded and continued picking at my food.
“So this is Jada and the curly headed freak next to her is Elle.” The lightskin stud waved two fingers at me. “Ignore T. She gets all neanderthal around pretty girls. She’s not a complete shit.” Its like all the lesbian rules don’t apply anymore! I think as another flush shows on my face. “Fuck you!” Tommie growls and the spend the rest of lunch ribbing each other while I quietly ate and watched them. When the bell went I separated from them to throw the rest of my food away then headed to my next class. It was chemistry and I was kinda late cause I mixed up the class rooms. By the time I walked in everyone was already seated looking at the short stump looking man in front. He scowled “Do you have a note?”
“Uh... I haven't had the chance to take some yet?”
“I don't allow smart asses in my class Ms. Oakley.”
I smirked “I'll tell my ass to tone it down sir.”
“Take a seat.” He snapped at me “And I'm marking you tardy.”
“Oh golly. What ever shall I do.” I said dryly making some people laugh.
I rolled my eyes and scanned the class for a seat. Tommie caught my eye and grinned at me. I groaned. “Come sit next to me.” She calls out and I frowned. There a nerdy looking Indian boy sitting there. “Um. It's obviously occupied.” Tommie sent him a hard glare. I saw him swallow and then he quietly picked up his stuff and moved to the only other seat at the back the class. The teacher totally ignored this not-so-subtle bullying. I guess she really is a total shit. I take the seat with a sigh.
The teacher started talking again and I listened with half an ear while doodling on my notes. My mind drifted off to everything that had already happened in the last month. My life had changed so drastically all of a sudden, from meeting my mother for the first time in my memory to getting beat up over a girl. Speaking of, I wonder what happened to Aisha. I hadn’t seen her and I hadn’t bothered to text her after what happened. How bad would it have been for me if the green eyed stud hadn’t interfered? A small shudder went through me. I hadn’t noticed it then but Tracey and her lackeys had been wearing the same red and black colors. I’d bet both my tits they were gang bangers. I felt the urge to thank Green eyes again but I didn’t have her number. In fact, I hardly had any information about her, I didn’t even know her name. Just hazy memories of what she’d looked like through pain filtered lenses. Long dark hair in neat cornrows. Full but finely curved brows. Her unique eyes were big and shaped like almonds making them the first thing you saw when you looked at her. A strong slightly crooked nose led down to just about the lushest pair of lips I’ve ever had the pleasure of seeing on a woman. There had been just a little quirk to them every time she’d looked at me. Both before and after my resounding beating. Was there a slight dimple in her chin? Or was it just my wishful thinking? Did she─
“Whatchu doing?” I jolted into present to see Tommie peering at my desk. “Nothi─” Before I could finish, she snatched the book out of my hand. “Hey! Goddamit! Give it back!” I hissed at her but she ignored it. Holding it at the other side, she examined my drawing with pursed lips.
“Damn. This is actually pretty good. Who this?” I colored. I had blushed more times today than ever in my fucking life! Christ! “None of your damn business! Give it back asshole!”
“Hmm. You should draw me.” I glare at her. “Hell no. I only draw people I actually like.” She lifted a brow and then a slow smile spread across her face.“So you do like studs.” I blushed. “That’s not─” “What you meant?” She finished with a grin and laughed when I shot her the finger. “You keep telling me that and it might just happen baby.” “Ugh! You are so─”
“Ms Oakley?” I froze and turned to face the teacher. Uh-Oh.
“Did you have something to say on the uses of iodine?”
“Uh… no, no. I'm good.” I muttered while trying not to scowl at Tommie’s choked laugh.
“Then shut the fuck up.” He growled and promptly turned back to the class. I blinked. What the hell kinda teacher was that? I mean I knew kids weren’t shit but none of the teachers at my old school cussed in our presence at least. It really is ghetto as hell around here.
“Give. Me. Back. My. Book!” I hiss at Tommie once the coast is clear. She raised it out of my reach. “Tell me who this is. She look kinda familiar.”
“I don’t fucking know okay? I just saw her once and thought I’d draw her face. Stop making shit more than it is.” She finally lowers it and I snatch my shit out of her hands only to turn forward and see the Teacher glaring at me over my desk. I froze.
“Why the fuck are y'all making so much noise? Shut the hell up! It's bad enough I have to spend every fucking day teaching ya dumb asses when half of y'all gon' get pregnant before graduation and the other half finna end up behind bars. Be fucking quiet!” I gaped at him but I seemed to be the only one surprised. He glared at both of us. “Get. Out.”
“But Sir─”
“Out!” Tommie and I packed up our shit and hurried the hell out before he popped the vein on his oversized head and he banged the door behind us. “Damn. What the fuck is his problem?” She complained. I glared at her. “What’s his problem? What’s your problem? You got me kicked the hell outta class! This is your fault!”
To my utter outrage, she chuckled. God I wanted to strangle her. How could one human be so annoying?
“Relax sweetheart. Mr Gable doesn't go through a class without kicking someone out. He’s kinda frustrated with life.” I stomped my foot on the ground like a child. I was that mad. “I am NOT your sweetheart goddamit!”
“Okay, okay Tari. Calm down or you’re gonna get us detention.” I was gonna get us detention? Me? “C’mon. You can’t tell me you really mad about missing that.” She gestured a thumb at the closed door of our Chemistry class. “That’s not the point. Why are you such an asshole?” She had the grace to look somewhat embarrassed. “I wasn’t tryna upset you or anything. I just… Okay. How bout I make it up to you?” She beamed at me and it would have been sweet if I wasn’t still fuming. “No.” Her face fell. “Oh come on. I know the perfect place. Just say you’ll come with me.” My eyes widened. “With you like out of school? Hell naw. I’m not going anywhere with yo ass.”
“It’ll only take a couple of hours and I’ll be on my best behavior. They won’t even notice were gone.” I eye her with heavy suspicion. “Where is this place?” She grinned. “It’s a surprise. But I promise if you don’t like it, we’ll leave and I can drop you off wherever you want. At home or at school.”
“Drop me off?” “Yeah.” A hint of her old smirk slid back unto her face. “I got a whip. It’s pretty dope.” I almost rolled my eyes because it appeared all that arrogance was just too inbuilt to lay low but she sobered up pretty quickly.
“So what you say?” Did I really want to go anywhere with this obvious piece of shit? What if she tries to rape me or something? But what else was I going to do? Go sit at home all by myself and wait for Grace to come back? “Fine. But if you call me sweetheart one more time Imma punch yo ass. I ain’t even playing.” I add when she just chuckles. “Okay ma. I mean Tari.” She winced. “That one just slipped. I wasn’t tryna be cute. I swear.” I sighed. It was going to be a long afternoon.