Damn my head was spinning.The next timeI woke up it was in a beautiful big room.I looked around the room.
It had whitewalls with all white furniture.
A king-sizedbed with white sheets and white pillows.A chair in front of the window with darkgray pillows.
I also couldn't help but notice how the nightstand table was white with agrey lamp on top of it.
It also had an iPhone charger but I wouldn't need that since they had my phone. Lucky for me my phone had nothing in it.
My memories went back to that first time when I had gotten my first phone from myfather it was the iPhone three.
Chester was so excited when I showed it to him that day back in the day no one of the age of nine had iPhone.So he took my phone and started to record himself.
At first he hated to see his big cheeks and chubby face on the camera but after I told him that he was the most handsome guy I had ever met he became happy again.I never lied to him to make him feel better.He was too overweight for his age.
Yes people called him fat and ugly they did. Yet his golden heart made him the most handsome in my eyes.He tried to record a funny video but he failed so many times because of me that sat beside him and made ugly faces at him.His smile.
God he never failed to make me laugh with him.He never lied to me.If I had just listened to the man who called himself my father. If only I had listened. I began to laugh so hard.So damn stupid.What an idiot I am.
My tears began to surface as my smile never faded.Damn me.Why did I have to be such a fool? He could have been with his family right now not happy.But at least safe.Now he's gone all because of me.
Yet there was a small thought lingering in my head.I never knew his family and He never talked about them.
He was my best friend but all I knew was his name.Chestery. No surname no middle name.Just Chestery.I knew him because he told me about himself. He told me that he hated his family and that they were ashamed of him.
He told me that his family thought that he deserved to bebullied.That he should lose weight and man up.
I pushed my tears away from my faceangrily. Curse his family.They were no better than my father.I got up and startedto look around the room again.I had three doors in the room.I went to the first one and tried to open it locked.So that had to be the door out.I walked to the other one andopened it.It was the biggest bathroom Ihad ever seen.Every shampoo scent and bodyroducts were put on top of a shelf. I even had a bathtub. I walked out and opened the third door.
Of course it was a walk-in closet.Clothes from long ballgown dresses to tight fitted maxi dresses then short ballgown dresses to tight body fitted dresses.I had shorts jeans leggings and jeggings I even had skirts in all lengths .
I had shirts and cuter blouses long-sleeved mid-sleeved tank tops and no sleeved. I had all kind ofshoes.Everything I could think of I would find in this closet even all kinds of underwear in my exact size.I even had purses and bags and almost everything was from famous designers.
In the middle of one wall there was a mirrored vanity table.I sawa makeup table and when I opened it I kid you not there was every kind of makeup in it. It also had another drawer with hair products and hairstyling things.
So what does a kidnapped girl do in this situation? She takes a long shower and fixes herself up.When I finished my shower I puton a comfy light blue ribbed set with a croptop that showed off my flat stomach and belly button piercing. Not that I wanted to look good for these guys but I had to act like a normal girl.
I put on a little bit of mascara just to make my eyespop.I knew that I had flawless skin.So Ididn't want to ruin it. My jet black blue longhair fell freely still wet in natural waves onmy back.
When I was satisfied with how I looked I finally decided to go to the door again and try to open it.To my surprise it opened.Ipeeked my head out to see if anyone wasthere no one.
I got out on my tiptoes careful not to make a sound. I heard small voices come from downstairs.I followed the voices down the stairs.I looked around to see a big living room but no one was there.At the far corner of the end of the hallway I was walking in the voices got louder and louder.Until finally I reached a door that I think led into the dining room.
"No I want to know who she is where she's from and what the fuck she is."I heard Ahmir demand.
"I think she's the tooth fairy "Chester mumbled sarcastically under his breath. Suddenly I heard the sound of a glass shattering against the wall.
"Chester I swear to god I know that tone.You already trust her."Ahmir yelled out at Chester.
After that it was total silence that took over the room.Until "Little girl aren't you going to join us instead of trying to eavesdrop?" Aiden called out irritation lacing his words.
I almost blushed when I showed myself from behind the corner and they started to look me up and down. Inspecting my every move.
I waved awkwardly since I didn't know what else to do.Chester gave me a breathtaking smile as Aiden frowned at me.
"Sit "Ahmir commanded me with an uninterested look.Almost as if I wasn't there. I stayed in the doorway looking at the guys and back to the empty chair in front of Ahmir's chair with a table putting somedistance between us.I looked at Ahmir again and then at the chair.
"SIT."He demanded again this time with no patience what so ever in his voice.I quickly sat down and stared at the filled up plate infront of me.
"Eat "He demanded again.Looking down at his plate and eating uninterested as if i was a damn dog.I didn't obey this time. I'm not a dog.
I frowned at my own thoughts.He looked up at me his silver eyes glared as it pierced through my soul.
He suddenly tossed away his plate glass shattering again."I SAID FUCKING EAT GODDAMN IT."He yelled out his voice boomed as it echoed through the walls.
I jumped up at his sudden outburst and quickly put three pieces of bacon in my mouth as I chewed fast. I heard Chester snicker beside me
"Don't mind him he has no patience.Here eat slowly so you don't choke on the food."He gave me a heart warming smile.I nodded as I smiled back.
"Pig " Aiden whispered under his breath.
"So little girl."Ahmir began.God no."How old are you?"He finished.
I looked at him eyes blank.As soon as heasked me how old I am I knew.He thinks I'm a spy he's trying to find out who I work with.
I smiled a bitter smile.If only they knew.I again.I will work only for myself. Never again.
I took the piece of bacon in my hand andwithout any self-control I threw it with allmy strength at him. Smack.Right on his face.
"Uh oh "Chester whispered as he got aterrifying face expression on his face.Pure horror.
Ahmir chuckled darkly as the piece fell from his face down to his knee. He picked it up with his chopstick and put it in his mouth.He fixed his chopsticks and looked at me.
Eyes full of rage.Iaverted my eyes not because I was scared no but because if I keep looking I will kill him with my glare.
Suddenly in a blink of an eye a chopstick came flying towards me. I only saw something fly through the corner of my eye.My reflexes worked on their own my heachesterd upper body changed positions.
The chopstick flew beside my body and crashed against the wall behind me missing me only by a couple of millimeters.
I looked back at it shocked out of my mind. It was just a chopstick but the strength behind the force that threw it really wanted it to hurt me. Who the fuck eats breakfeast withchopsticks? And as I looked back at it unaware of the second chop stick my father's torture made itself clear.
My body had been impIsabellated by all the chains that my reflexes began to work on their own.My eyes shut as myhead quickly moved back to Ahmir'sdirection.
My hand flew up and caught theother chopstick in midair making it cometo a full halt.I opened my eyes and looked at the chopstick that my hand caught.This was no damn ordinary chopsticks it's metaland as sharp as a knife at the end.
This bitch wanted to kill me.Had I not had my reflexes it would surely had pierced my head and killed me. I glare up at Ahmir my eyes revealing what I could say but choose not to.
"What the hell just happened?" Chester asked in a whisper.He looked at Aiden that had the same face expression confusion.
Ahmir looked surprised yet there was another emotion playing in his eyes. I could pinpoint exactly what it was suspicion.He suddenly smirked a smirk full of evil.
"I knew this bitch wasn't ordinary."Aiden smiled for the first time.
"Ahmir she's a spy isn't she?" He looked back at Ahmirand mirrored the same smirk that he had on.
Ahmir gave a nod.
"Take her to her room and don't let her out "Ahmir said with a low voice."Make her talk if she doesn't talk then that means that she prefers torture."His smirk became wider.
My heart suddenly beat faster when I heard the word torture. It didn't beat out of fear. No it was the feeling of pure excitement
Just like your papa. A voice rang in my head.
They want the beast not you.
It hit me like a ton of bricks.My emotions turned off I couldn't feel anything anymore. They are just like him just like them.They want a weapon me.My glare turned ice cold if they continued to glare back right into my eyes they would feel a chilly shiver run down their spine.I mirrored their smirk only thing is my smirk was even more horrifying.
I put my elbows on the table and let my head rest in my palms.I held Ahmir's gaze challenging him and he understood exactly what I said in my head.
"Try me I will kill every little last bit ofyou.". Ahmir glared into my eyes even harder. He had understood what my inner voice had said.He sat back in his chair relaxed.
"Take her to the cells."Ahmir's voice was hard and sharp.Chester quickly looked at his boss.He was about to protest but Ahmir gave him one last hard look.
Chester and Aiden got up yanked me by my arms and dragged me out.I looked back at Ahmir one last time.My eyes told him exactly how I felt.
"You'll be the first one I kill."Ahmir looked at me with a face with no emotions but his eyes held excitement in them and then to my surprise he gave me a small nod. I knew what that meant and soon he said the words out loud.
"Keep watching your back just like that Little girl"