Since Dionne lost her other half and her humanity she had shut down.
To escape all her nightmares she avoided sleep at all costs.And the cost for that was her voice.When she didn't go to sleep for too long she would be too exhausted to get her voice out.
Yet she couldn't sleep because of the past thathaunted her mind So she waited until herbody became too weak because of the lackofsleep and passed out.
When she woke up she would have her voice again but only for a limited amount of time.She would have it until her body became weaker and weaker her voice would shut down from exhaustionuntil she passed out again and so it went on in a circle but this time another memory surfaced. Not one of her nightmares no.
There was a little boy in her dream his face was blurry in her dream but his eyes were crystal clear.Silver beautiful eves that she would never forget.He was surrounded by guards and an older man father perhaps?They were at a meeting in theform ofa ball.
The young boy looked lonely he reminded her ofherself.Even ifhe hada friend with him he seemed so lonely.
The friend had brown eyes. Dionne had always been obsessed with eyes it was the first thing she noticed in other people.
People's eyes were the window to theirsouls. See Dionne's father had told her to get ready because they were going to meet powerful men.
Her father always shaved her head bald put her in boy clothes."You have to lookl ike a boy so they don't look down on you. If only I could scar your girly face."He would glare at her as his eyes held disgust.
At the party Dionne's father had told her that he and the boy's father had made an agreement.Once Dionne and the silver-eyed boy were of age they had to get married. A mafia leader and his second in command wife what a power couple.
Power that was all her father ever cared for but as a child she didn't understand what that meant. As Dionne grew older she started to understand it more.
Her father had killed her male best friend because of the mere fact that he was so scared that she would fall inlove with her friend. Her father was afraid that he would lose all the power because of her.
He had made sure that she was available for the mafia leader when the time comes.
And now she had been kidnapped by the people she had tried to hide from and erase. Seems like her past couldn't wait to catch up to her.
Aiden Smith was the fourth in command third since Dionne's disappearance.But why wasn't Chester Sanchez there?He would have been the third in command at that time second now since Dionne's disappearance.
The real question was did they know whothey kidnapped when they took her? Did that silver-eyed boy even know about the agreement or was it long gone?Had she finally been set free?
I woke up from my damn slumber gasping for air.
"What the fuck?"I whispered and quickly clasped my hand on my mouth.
"What the fuck! Is that my voice?"I tried to whisperagain and then I shut up quickly.They thought I was mute and that's how it's going to be for now at least.
I quickly took in my own form.My clothes were still on my body nothing was removed.Not even my cap or hoodie.
A good sign I thought to myself. I looked around confused at first butI slowly began to find it hard to breathe when I realized where I was. No no no! I yelled out inside of my head gasping forair.
A panic attack was slowly forming insideof me.Gasping for air I tried to clutch onto my own heart afraid that it would fall out of my chest but when I stretched out my handI couldn't reach.
I looked at my hand it was chained to the damn walls.My oversized hoodie hid my hands perfectly so the chain was over the sleeves. No he's back. It's starting again.I'm going togo through it again! I started to kick my feet while I was sittingon the cold cement floor.
I was trapped in a cell once again chained to a wall.Soon enough someone would come to rape me abuse me hit me kick me and break every bone in my body until I cried.Only when it wouldn't hurt anymore would they stop.
I suddenly felt the urge to scream for help when I remembered. "We don't beg for help, mercy.THEY beg us for helpand mercy"My father's voice echoed in my head.
He had broken me only to make me stronger as he put it. I tried to slow down my heart rate taking deep breaths in and out. I closed my eyes for a couple of seconds.And when I opened them again I was back to reality.
Once again I took a look around.An old basement cell that had dried blood on thewalls.I was chained to a wall.The cell was cold and smelled of death.
With my clothes still on that only meant that no man had touched me in the wrong way.
"Concentrate" The voice inmy head told me."Listen for clues rememberthe rules. Ifyou hear any sounds you're just Dionne Salvatore.Weak helpless.Wrong place at the wrong time.No sound equals good break free and run."I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.
I tried to listen for whatever these walls had hidden behind them and soon enough I heard the sound offootsteps.
"One...-"Breath"..two..-"deep breath"..three "I opened my eyes three human beings on the way.Step sounds? Men.Bodytypes should be average to put it simply.Three fucking men were on their way to my damn cell and they could run after me if l tried to escape now since they don't have enough body fat to slow them down. Click Just my luck.
In walked the blue-eyed guy Chester Sanchezas he had introduced himself as before he put a fucking needle in my neck. The second man Aiden Smith.Mister charm the human being and make the human being talk.He was in my dream as a child besides the silver-eyed guy and then the third man my god the third man.