Silver gorgeous eyes with a jawline as sharp as a knife. Black-brown hair messy on top of his head and his body god his body because of the fact that he was shirtless I had the best view.
His body was sculpted right out of a fucking photo shopped magazine but the most turn on about this guy was his tattoos that covered his whole body up to his neck.
He was the Lionel from my memory dream. Sex god has me fucked up. The three men stared at me.Chester had asmall smile while Aiden glared at me but the sex god had the coldest silver eyes I had ever seen.
I could not read any emotions at all in him. Maybe he didn't have any? I made sure to hide my face under the cap manicured nails inside of my sleeves.
"Look at me."He whispered yethis whisper was so powerful that even I feltliyke I had to submit.I couldn't even imagine how he would be if he yelled or even talked normally.
Keyword almost submit.
I didn't lookup an I could feel his anger and glare begin to radiate off of his body.It slowly began to suffocate me.
"I said."the sex god whispered again"..look at me!" his voice got higher ashe said more words.
I slowly looked up my blue eyes meeting his silver ones.I broke eye contact and glanced at Chester and Aiden quickly before I looked back at the sex god.
For a second I could see the surprise on their faces.It quickly vanished from the sex God's face but the other two kept it.
I took out my hands from my sleeves exposing my manicured long red nails. The guys looked at them confirming their thoughts. I am a girl.
The sex god took two quick long stepstowards me wiith one quick squat downand a stretch of his arms he had my hoodiedown and cap off.
When he took my cap off my midnight black blue long hair fell from under it revealingthe real me.I felt so exposed.
I swore to never cut my hair after my father died.It was a reminder that I was finally free from him. "It is a girl."The sex god turned to Aiden and Chester.
"You know that we don't hurt women and children."He glared at the guys and glanced back at me.
"How the hell were we supposed to know that it is a she.Which damn woman dresses as a man and takes a walk in an alley?"Chester asked the sex god sarcastically.
"That's what we're going to find out.Who she works with and why."the sex god answered.
"But we don't treat women like this. Put her in one of the rooms and lock her up.I need one guard at the door at all times. We don'tknow what she's capable of "The sex godtold Chester and Aiden. His accent had me dripping in seconds.
So he's the boss.Just like in my dream.That means that he's the boss of the Italianmafia.
That also means that he's Ahmir Miller.The man that my father wanted me to marry. I was confused and what had me in confusion was the words we don't treat women and children like this.
Wasn't he just like my father? Hungry for power? And what was even more strange was the fact that I had met Ahmir and Aiden as a child they could remember them clearly.Yet Chester was never there.Never at one of the mafia gatherings and he was never there when the mafia bosses children met each other.
"I got to admit though.Even ifshe's a spy she's a beauty.We could make her switch sides and use her."Chester smirked at me as Aiden nodded.
"She's a beauty indeed "Ahmir said as my heart skipped a beat he called me beautiful.
"But she's mute no?" Helooked at Aiden and Chester for confirmation.
Aiden nodded his head yes as Chester looked atme with suspicious eyes and there's where I smiled a full-blown damn smile. I was almost proud of Chester he knew that something was up. The guys all looked at me shocked while I was sitting there smiling like an idiot.Iwanted to laugh out hard.But I couldn't.
"Damn I think I just had a heart attack.Can we please keep her.I want her."Chester told his boss Ahmir while pouting with puppy eyes.
"Fuck you're such a baby."Ahmir mumbled as he glared at Chester.
Chester just shrugged while pouting.Ahmir let out a deepbreath as he pinched the bridge of his nose defeated.
"We can't just let her go right? Like I said lock her up in one of the rooms with one of the men guarding her at all times.But make sure that she has everything she needs in that room"Ahmir glanced at me again as he finally turned around and left mumbling about his idiotic second in command Chester came closer to me and studied my face.
"Just who are you? And why do I get the feeling that I know you?"He asked me.I just shrugged as an answer.Maybe he was at one of the gatherings but I just never noticed him? Aiden slapped the back of Chester's head
"Stop fooling around and make her go nighty again.And do not I repeat do not fall in love."Even if he had a serious facial expression he had a teasing undertone to his voice.
"Man I have never seen a woman with this much beauty.She's perfection but she'snot for me.I have this feeling like I need to protect her like she's going to be like a little sister to me."He mumbled confusedly. I had tuned out long ago since the word nighty got out of Aiden's mouth.I had panicwritten all over my face.
Not one of these please not again! I begged inside my head.Chester smiled at me almost knowingly as another needle went through my neck.
Ahmir Miller are you different from the monster in my dreams?
Can you make my nightmares become good dreams?
Or is this just a silly fantasy