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Chester no!

They unlocked both my arms from thechains when the chains came off it made my arms drop low and my whole body fellforward.The only thing that was holding me up before was my arms I was that exhausted Chester and Aiden took ahold of each arm asthey yanked me back up.They held me upagainst the wall with my face towards the wall.I heard all three take a deep harshbreath.Chester and Aiden looked at my back glaIsabellag at it. Almost as if they cursedwhoever had done this to a little girl.Theycould see that the scars were old old enoughto have been on my body for years. I couldfeel their eyes on my back. Excuse me eyes up here. I feel a little bitexposed. A little bit shy please.A sarcasticfake girly voice said in my head.I almostlaughed at it.God please have mercy on me. I'm so funny. Suddenly Aiden took a hold of my hair. Ouch fucking dickhead I will cut your dick offand shove it down your throat. "What the fuck happened to you?"Aidengrowled lowly as his grip on my hair gottighter. I swear I will cut off Aiden's dick first. "What are you after?"He pulled my hairback and made my forehead french kiss thefucking cement wall as he banged it on thewall. Scratch that I will fucking cut off his balls too. "A young girl with these many scars old atthat.It only means that you were trained tonever give in to torture.It also means thatyou're a fucking spy."Aiden banged my headagain harder this time. "You should.-"slap".. learn to. -"slap"..never give in."slap.Father of the year.Allthis banging reminded me of him.At least hewould slap me when he spoke.Not fucking crush my head against a wall. "Aiden easy."Chester tried to make him releasethe grip he had on my hair. "Mi prenderò cura di questro. (I will takecare of this one)."Ahmir finally said aftr watching the scene in front of him unfold his voice held so much anger that I knew.I knew I had just fucked up. "Lay her down on our metal table.Chain herhands and legs to the corners and give me my utensili (tools)."His sadistic voice said. Aiden and Chester did as their boss told themtoo.My fucking head was spinning and thewhole room felt like it was about to crashover my head. They laid me down chained my hands andfeet to the corners of the table. It was icecold my whole body got goosebumps.Theworst feeling was that I felt like I was aboutto pass out.But I couldn't. The dreams would be far worse than this torture. Suddenly I heard a Isabellagtone.Ahmir grabbed his phone from his pocket anchesterswered it.He put his phone on speaker as he pulled out a couple of knives. "Parlare(Speak) "Ahmir answered thephone. "Boss I have information about both girsthat you wanted information about.Thefirst one Dionne Salvatore.She vanishedbetween the age of twelve and thirteen.I got some interesting news from formermembers of her father's mafia.He used tobeat the crap out of her and even let his menrape her.They are scared shitless becausethey know she's coming after them.Wethink she's Grace.Because Grace hasbeen running around town lately killingthe former members one by one.She has ahit list.She's on a mission."The voice on the other side of the phone said. What do they want from me?The memories ofy past slowly began to surface.IfI workwith Ahmir I can come closer to theenemies.I will have more information. "Vai avanti.(Go on.)"Ahmir barked at the man. "The other girl the one you found.She'swiped out off the system.No one knows her no one has reported a missing girl at her age.She's no one."The man said a little bit afraid this time. "Fucking useless pezzo di merda (a piece ofshit) "Ahmir yelled at the man.His eyesturned a little darker rage overtook him."Kill the former members that my sweet little fianceé is after.Make sure you makethem talk and tell you exactly what they didto her.Then you do the same to them butten times worse."He barked out orders.Icould see the rage he had. Was he this angryfor me? I wanted to talk I wanted to kill them bymyself.I wanted to see them suffer from myown two eyes.I opened my mouth to speakup but nothing came out. I want to do it! My inner voice yelled out.Butnothing came out. "Guys she's trying to tell us something "Aidensaid shocked.This was the first time everthat I actually tried to cooperate. And my voice fucking failed me. "Fucking bitch trying to throw us off guard!"Chester yelled out this time angered by me. Iturned to him his eyes held so much sorrowand anger that I almost couldn't recognize him. He slapped me hard no pity or a soft spotfor me in his heart anymore."Fuck you!Because of you I couldn't go find her!"Chester yelled at me angered by my wholeexistence. "Fuck them! I hate them!" A small Chestery cried in front of me.Chester reminded me so much of Chestery. Suddenly he turned to Ahmir yanked theknife out of Ahmir's hand and lookedback towards me."You know something andItried to play nice I tried to make you feelsafe and tell us. But you're a fucking stupid bitch working for the ones that are trying tohurt her.Aren't you?!"I would never haveimagined that Chester could be a little bit scarier than Ahmir.He hadn't shown methis side. "CHESTER NO!"Ahmir yelled out butto late. Chester lifted the knife up and with all thestrength he had in him he dug it deep intomy stomach. My whole body arched forward as thepain-filled inside of me.My mouth fell open I needed to scream to release the pain.Butmy screams wouldn't come out. As if that wasn't fucking enough.Chesterpulled out the knife and dug it deep into thed

knife out of Ahmir's hand and looked back towards me."You know something and I tried to play nice I tried to make you feel safe and tell us. But you're a fucking stupid bitch working for the ones that are trying to hurt her. Aren't you?!" I would never have imagined that Chester could be a little bit scarier than Ahmir. He hadn't shown me this side.

"CHESTER NO!" Ahmir yelled out but too late.

Chester lifted the knife up and with all the strength he had in him he dug it deep into my stomach.

My whole body arched forward as the pain-filled inside of me. My mouth fell open I needed to scream to release the pain. But my screams wouldn't come out.

As if that wasn't fucking enough.Chester pulled out the knife and dug it deep into the spot beside my now bleeding stomach.

Just my fucking luck. I smiled at my thoughts as I fought to stay awake.

Ilooked back at Chester no remorse evident as Ahmir and Aiden held him back.There was a little bit of shock in Aiden's eyes as he saw my smile.Ahmir looked back at me and furrowed his brows in confusion.

"I said we should fucking spaventarla (scare her) into thinking that we would actually do worse. We do not treat women and children like this. We fucking do not." Ahmir's yell echoed in my head as I fell into a deep slumber.

When I avenge Chestery only then am I allowed to die. Yet death right now didn't sound like such a bad idea.

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