Feeling the warmth of the sun roam around in the room, I opened my eyes heavily to see the ceiling of the room I was sleeping in. My head was acing a bit but I ignored it as I rolled out of bed before heading to the bathroom.
Once inside the bathroom I looked at myself to find a totally messed up girl looking back at me. Her hair was tangled together as if she had just arrived from a storm, her eyes looked swollen, her face almost had the color of a lemon, and her neck, Oh God!! Her neck had these red marks that looked like hickeys. I touched my neck and she did the same and without any prior warning pictures of what happened yesterday came rushing to me like a train.
The metro man kept kissing me more like eating me and I was fighting with all the power I've got but it was futile against his huge body. A few minutes passed before that man was thrown off me to land harshly on the cold floor. I looked at the man who pulled him off of me and I recognized him immediately. Muscled arms and brown hair, it was him, Brody, who saved me today.
The metro man was very weak against the strong punches of Brody and he was soon stationary on the ground. Brody ran to me before lifting me up in bridal style and taking me to the car where I started crying like a baby.
I paused my thoughts before getting in the tub to take a quick refreshing shower.
After taking a shower and changing into a pair of grey sweatpants and a white, beat neck shirt, I combed my hair and let it cascade down my back then I headed to the kitchen.
I knew Brody would be still asleep since I woke up slightly earlier than usual and since he was tired from what happened yesterday I decided to make the breakfast.
At first, I hesitated about actually making it since I didn't know if he would let me use his kitchen, I mean what if he doesn't like to let others use it, or what if he wasn't used to the whole other person using his kitchen idea or what if he didn't like my cooking. Oh God! There were a lot of what ifs!! But after all these what ifs I gave it a try.
I first made the kiwi smoothies and then the omelets along with a small fruit salad before making some pancakes. I noticed that all the cake ingredients were there so I decided to bake him a cake.
The moment I sat on the table was the moment Brody walked in. He was wearing a black v-neck shirt, sleeves rolled up, with grey sweatpants. His hair was as always messy in a neat full way and his face had a cute cheesy smile on it.
"Good morning," he said as he took a seat across the table.
"Morning Brody." I replied back with a small smile.
I was about to apologize before he put his hand in defense saying "postpone that for later coz right now I'm so hungry and we need to eat before the omelet goes cold," I replied with a nod and we started eating afterwards.
"Brody..." I murmured, my eyes focused on my hands that were placed on my lap.
"Yeah?" He responded without skipping a beat.
"I-uh -I am extremely sorry." I said.
I waited for him to reply but got no answer. I guessed he was giving me the silent treatment. I slowly raised my head to look at him but found him staring at me with his head tilted slightly, and his eyes studying me like I was his little unique treasure. His lips were curved into a small smile that made me rethink the meaning of smiles.
A moment passed and another and another before he placed his hand on my hair and ruffled it gently. "I forgive you," was what he said before standing to place the dishes in the dishwasher.
I stood up and helped him clean the table before he turned to me and said "thank you for the delicious food, it has been a long time since I've tasted something as good as this."
I smiled at his complement and he returned my smile.
In a moment between his smile and the picture of the oven in front of me I remembered the cake I had baked.
I walked toward the oven before opening it and pulling the cake out of it afterward. The cake smelled and looked so delicious. I put it in a plate before placing it on the table.
"CHOCOLATE CAKE!" I immediately spun around as I heard Brody exclaim like a cute, little child.
Once he caught me looking at him with one brow raised, his cheeks instantly turned to a slight pink color and he cleared his throat afterwards before he explained "chocolate cake is my favorite."
I chuckled at how small little things can make an adult go back to being a child in a few seconds. And he as an adult looked adorable as hell.
He looked more embarrassed and shy than ever before my face broke into a smile when I said "chocolate cake is my favorite too."
A grin made its way to his face before we sat again to eat some cake.
"Hello cookie," I said as I accepted the call.
"Hey there girl, how are you?" Scarlet said on the other end of the line, and before I could reply Aria was screaming next to her saying "WE MISSED YOU."
"I missed you toooo guys, and I'm so happy to hear your voices." I responded with a smile that never left my face since the moment I saw Scarlet's name on my watch.
"So how are things going on between you and your family?" Aria asked casually with a hint of worry in her words. The words fumbled in my mouth and I couldn't reply, I couldn't tell them that I left my house or that a stranger attacked me in the metro or that everything is complicated and messed up right now. I can't ruin their happiness just because mine is ruined.
Our friendship is like the strong bond between the body's organs, we will always help each other and take care of each other even if that makes us weak as well, and we have done this million times before but not this time. This time I just had to anesthetize my pain in order to keep them happy.
I'm sure the girls have noticed my silence because Scarlet questioned using the most bodacious voice she could master "so, how is your relationship with Luke?"
"We're fine, better than ever." I replied putting on my dramatic voice.
"Oh of course you're better because we can't annoy you now when you guys are sucking each other's faces." Aria teased.
"Hey! We don't suck each other's faces unlike you and Liam" I retorted back grinning.
We then spent one whole hour if not more talking and babbling about anything and everything.
"Wear your shoes, we're going out." Brody said as he walked into my room.
"Wait, what?" I asked to make sure I heard him right.
"We're going out, just wear your shoes and let's go," he repeated adding more words to the sentence.
I wore my white sneakers before taking another look at what I was wearing and realizing that I'm still in my sweatpants.
"Shouldn't I change?" I questioned looking down at my pants.
"Nope," he answered and then completed "we're equal like this." He then started walking toward the door and I immediately followed suit.
As we walked I took a look at what he was wearing and noticed that he had changed his black shirt into a white one so we were actually wearing matching outfits.